精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: TO ALL OF MY FANS: 給所有支持我的球迷們: : I would like to announce my plans to retire from the National Basketball : Association. I always thought that when I left the game, it would be because : I couldn't help my team the way that I was accustomed to. However, that is : not the case. 我要宣布我預計將從NBA退休。我總認為當我要離開球場的時候,同時意味著我已經再也 沒辦法用我那熟悉的方式幫助球隊了。然而,現在的情況卻跟我想的不同。 : I still have tremendous love for the game, the desire to play, and a whole : lot left in my tank. I feel strongly that I can still compete at the highest : level. 我仍然熱愛著比賽,渴望著比賽,對比賽仍然懷著滿滿滿的熱情和動力。我還有能力 在最激烈的情況下進行戰鬥,我對此依然堅信不疑。 : Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife : and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I've ever achieved : on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my : greatest gift. 在離開球場之後,我將會有更多的時間陪伴我的妻子與孩子們。和家人在一起的時間, 遠比我能在球場上得到的一切東西都還要貴重。我總是祈禱能和家人同享天倫之樂的這天 的來臨,這也是對於我來說最珍貴的禮物。 : I want to thank the people of Reebok International Ltd., for always allowing : me to be me and for supporting me my whole career through all the ups and : downs. I have enjoyed 13 wonderful seasons in the NBA, and I am grateful. : I want to first acknowledge my fans everywhere, who have been with me : throughout my entire career. Without you, there would be no me. You should : all know that I appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart. Thank : you! 我想要感謝Reebok International Ltd的人們,他們總是讓我放手去做我自己,也 陪伴著我走過球場生涯的起起伏伏。我很享受我在NBA奮鬥的13個賽季,我對此滿懷 感謝。我想要讓所有在世界每一個角落陪伴著我走過我整個職業生涯的支持者知道, 沒有你們,就不會有今天的我。 我是打從心底的最深處感激你們的支持。 謝謝你們! : To Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, Charles Barkley and Larry : Bird, you guys gave me the vision to play the game that will be forever in my : heart. 給Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, Charles Barkley and Larry Bird: 是你們讓我了解到該如何在球場上奮鬥,而這將永遠存在在我心中。 : To my Mom, who encouraged and inspired me to play every day, and to all of my : family and friends who stood by me from the beginning. Thank you! 給總是鼓勵我、激勵我每天在球場上奮鬥的母親,和所有從一開始就在身邊支持我的 家人和朋友們:謝謝你們! : To my high school coach, Michael Bailey, Coach John Thompson at Georgetown : University, Coach Larry Brown and to all of my other coaches, teammates, : administrators, owners and staff who've been a part of my career, Thank you : as well! 給我高中時候的教練Michael Bailey,和Georgetown大學的教練John Thompson,和 教練Larry Brown,還有其他所有指導過我的教練和一起奮鬥的隊友和行政人員們: 謝謝你們! : I'd like to give a special thanks to the people of Memphis. I never played a : home game for your beloved Grizzlies, but I want you to know how much I : appreciate the opportunity given me by a great owner in Michael Heisley, and : the support of the city. I wish the Memphis Grizzlies' organization all of : the success that the game has to offer. 此外我想要特別感謝在Memphis的人們。雖然我未曾在主場為你們深愛的Grizzlies 出賽過,我還是想讓你們知道,我非常感激Grizzlies的老闆Michael Heisley能夠給與我 這個機會,我也非常感謝這個城市的支持。祝福Memphis Grizzlies在未來能夠一切 順利成功。 : And finally, to the city of Philadelphia: I have wonderful memories of my : days in a Sixers' uniform. To Philly fans, thank you. Your voice will always : be music to my ears. 最後的最後,我想對Philadelphia市說: 身穿Sixers球衣的時光,是我美好的回憶。 費城的支持者們,謝謝你們!你們的吶喊聲永遠是我耳裡最美麗的樂章。 : God Bless all of you, 願神祝福你們所有人, ALLEN IVERSON -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hllwolfkhan :AI 88 11/26 11:38
Amilous :嗚嗚 真難過> < 11/26 11:38
imiss0960 :幹 我哭了 11/26 11:38
swordmr20 :再見了 我的2K10下個禮拜ROSTER AI就沒了......... 11/26 11:39
ihx00 :劃下句點吧 11/26 11:39
pepeoa :推這篇!!!翻譯的真好!!看得好難過...ˊˋ 11/26 11:39
sonico :費城那段格外感人... 11/26 11:39
ThreeNG :這樣也好。不是先發,不打個四十分鐘就不是AI了 11/26 11:40
imsohappy :幹..T_T 我還不想過幾年就看AI進名人堂啊 11/26 11:40
RayBryant :我突然很感傷 你不要走你不要走你不要走啦 11/26 11:40
jacka1201 :AI...你奮戰的身影會一直留在費城~~~ 11/26 11:40
imsohappy :再多打幾年啦 11/26 11:40
ggne :推..... 戰神 11/26 11:40
lowsan :雖然他真老了...不過球隊這樣對他也太傷人了 11/26 11:40
goinwindmax :推!!! 11/26 11:41
lowsan :也太傷球迷的心....不知道現在有多少球迷鼻頭一酸 11/26 11:41
imiss0960 : http://tinyurl.com/yaovdgt 11/26 11:41