精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 IVERSON 看板 #1I5IBJMR ] 作者: Paraguay (巴拉圭) 看板: IVERSON 標題: [外電] Allen Iverson to Officially Retire 時間: Thu Aug 22 04:27:59 2013 Source : http://0rz.tw/L6LcH Allen Iverson to Officially Retire (BREAKING) 翻譯by巴拉圭 Allen Iverson is prepared to officially announce his retirement from the NBA in the coming days, a source close to the native of Virginia told SLAM. 根據一則來自維吉尼亞州的消息指出,Allen Iverson即將在未來這幾天宣布從 NBA退休。 Iverson, 38, played his last professional basketball in Turkey in 2011. Before that, he appeared in his final NBA game, as a member of the Philadelphia 76ers, in 2010. 現今38歲的Iverson,最後一次打職籃要回到2011年在土耳其聯盟了。在之前, Iverson的最後一場NBA比賽則是在2010年代表費城七六人出戰公牛。 When he last spoke publicly, at a Sixers game on March 30, Iverson answered a question about continuing his career by saying, “My No. 1 goal is trying to accomplish to be the best dad that I can. And if basketball is in my near future, then God will make that happen. But if not, I had a great ride and I’ ve done a lot of special things that a lot of guys have not been able to accomplish and people thought I couldn’t accomplish.” Iverson在採訪時則表示: "我的第一個目標就是當好一個父親角色。未來是否 還有籃球可以打則要看上帝的安排。如若我最後沒能在回到場上,我認為我有 了一段偉大的籃球生涯,我所達成的可能是一堆人做夢也都沒辦法做到的事。" Included amongst those accomplishments are: 13-year career averages of 41.1 mpg, 26.7 ppg, 6.2 apg and 2.2 spg; 71-game Playoff averages 45.1 mpg, 29.7 ppg, 6.0 apg and 2.1 spg. He also won one regular season MVP award, four scoring titles and was named an All-Star 11 times. Maybe most impressive of all, omitting the obvious impact that he had on the culture off-court, was the resilience that the 6-0 guard showed in driving into the lane, into men a foot taller than him, time and time again. Iverson的豐功偉業有: 13年籃球生涯裡,Iverson平均上場時間是41.1分鐘, 可以拿下26.7分、6.2助攻、2.2抄截。而在71場季後賽當中,Iverson平均上 場時間為45.1分鐘、29.7分、6助攻、2.1抄截。Iverson贏得1次季賽MVP,4 度拿下得分王,11次被選為明星賽先發。不過這當中最讓人不可置信的,就是 不管他在場外有惹多少爭議,他在場上抱著6尺身高卻要一次又一次在隨便就 高他一個頭的對手交鋒,僅憑此就讓人無法把他忘掉。 “He might be the greatest athlete I’ve ever seen,” Larry Brown, Iverson’s coach from 1997-2003 and the current coach at SMU, told SLAM today. “I don’ t think there’ll be another one like him. Larry Brown是這樣評論Iverson的: "他是我見過最偉大的運動員,而我認為 未來再也不會有第二個Iverson。" “I’m sure we faced a lot of obstacles, maybe even on a daily basis, but when it came time to play, to try to win a game, he tried to play as hard as he could for his coach.” "我們雖然面臨到很多的挑戰與難題,但只要到比賽的時候,但要決定勝負之時 ,Iverson可是比任何人都還要拼命,因為他想要為教練以及球隊拿下勝利。" “He had a magnificent career, and he enjoyed every minute of it,” says the source. “He enjoyed the places basketball took him, he enjoyed the camaraderie with his teammates and he especially enjoyed that his job was playing the game that he loved.” 根據消息指出,Iverson有著一個非常豐富及偉大的生涯,而他也說整個過程讓 他回味無窮,也非常享受所雍有的。對於Iverson來說,能快樂打球,打他熱愛 的籃球已經很棒了。 In a lengthy sit-down interview with SLAM this past spring, Iverson was overcome with emotion when discussing his tenure in the NBA. 在Slam雜誌短短的採防過程中,Iverson也說了打NBA對他的影響。 “It enabled me—and it has enabled me—to take care of my family,” said Iverson. “It brought me so many fans and people that love me. I met so many great people. And it made me, whether I like it or not, a role model. It built me up, it knocked me down, it taught me how to get back up. It did a lot for me.” Iverson表示: "打NBA雖然讓我可以照顧家人的時間變少了,不過卻帶給我無數 喜愛我的球迷與粉絲。這也讓我成為一個模範生,有時是高峰,有時是低潮,不 過總而言之,我學會了在一次又一次的失敗當中站起來。" With basketball behind him, Iverson, the source says, hopes to place all of his energy on his business holdings and children. 即將宣布退休的Iverson,將會把重心放在他的事業和小孩身上。 “He loves his fans more than anyone,” says the source. “He loves how they ask for his return constantly, on the streets and on the internet. But now that they know it’s not happening, he can just focus on his future endeavors. ” Iverson最愛的,就是他的球迷跟粉絲了。"Iverson很感謝球迷的支持,也感謝球迷 的不離不棄。直到今日還是一堆球迷選問他是否還會回來打球。不過現在一切即將 成為不可能了,是時候將重心放到未來了。" Iverson will be eligible for induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2015. Iverson將會在2015年有資格參於並當選奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂的一員。 “If I’m blessed with being a Hall of Famer, it will be emotional,” Iverson said to SLAM last spring. “You can’t mention ‘Allen Iverson’ and don’t mention basketball.” Iverson在採防時表示: "如若我有榮幸進名人堂,那我一定會很激動。聽到Allen Iverson這名字任何人都無法不去提籃球。" After starring at Georgetown, Iverson was selected No. 1 overall by the Philadelphia 76ers in 1996. He also spent time with the Denver Nuggets, Detroit Pistons and Memphis Grizzlies. 在喬治城大學後,Iverson在1996年以壯元之姿加入七六人。雖後曾待過金塊、 活塞和灰熊等隊。 Since appearing in his final game, at Chicago in February of 2010, Iverson occasionally mentioned the desire to return to the NBA. But for various reasons, both in and out of his control, he was never signed as a free agent. 在2010年2月,也就是Iverson的最後一場NBA比賽後,Iverson就時常表態想回NBA 打球。但這時的Iverson場內外都面臨許多凸變,也讓他之後在自由市場中沒有球 隊願意在籤他。 And now he never will be. 時至今天,他將永遠回不了場上了。 “He deserves better,” said Brown. “I wish he could’ve went out on his own terms, at his own time.” Larry Brown表示: "他應該受得更好的待遇。" -- ██◣ ═╮ ╭ ◢█◣╮ ╭═══╮ theanswer3 ◢█ ξξξ◥ ███◢ ╰═══╯ █▌█╰══╯◢█◣╰═════════╯█▌ ξξξξξ █▌ ██◣ ◢█◣ █▌█ ◢█◣ ◥◣◥ ◢◢◣◣ ◢█◣ ◢◢◣ ◢ █▌ █▌█ █◢◤ ███ █▌█ ◣◥◣ ████ █◢◤ █◤ ◥ ζξζ◢ █▌ ◥▌◤ ◥█◤ █◤█ ◥▌◤ ◥█◤ ◥◤◥◤ ◥█◤ █ █▌ ═════════════════════════════◥█ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Paraguay (, 時間: 08/22/2013 04:28:29
pig721 :永遠的戰神! 08/22 04:33
kobe1985 :為什麼是維吉尼亞週 08/22 04:37
kobe1985 :我記得那是鬼擋路的那個州 08/22 04:37
Paraguay :因為AI是那裡人阿 08/22 04:40
newone16 :淚推戰神 08/22 04:40
rex9999 :所有剛接觸NBA的菜碧芭都應該去認識Allen Iverson 08/22 04:51
rex9999 :艾佛森是96梯最偉大的球星。 08/22 04:52
ddLimin :The Answer!!Fear no one!!W.W.J.D!!Iverson!!!!! 08/22 04:54
WhyNoSmoke :The Answer!! 08/22 04:56
moon963 :推 08/22 05:01
uuuc1223 :這上場時間... 08/22 05:01
martinifaya :不知道讓多少六七年級因為他愛上籃球 推戰神 08/22 05:17
kart :推一下,算是一代球星了 08/22 05:18
Blink41 :第一本買的雜誌封面就是他! 感謝你讓我接觸到籃球! 08/22 05:21
Bogeenash :推戰神 08/22 05:31
CarpeDiem26 :推~永遠的戰神.最喜愛的球員之一 08/22 05:44
idlypanda :讓Kobe單挑吃虧的男人 08/22 05:45
tetsu2008 :The answer 08/22 05:58
haowei1003 :戰神 08/22 06:09
nbahoop :AI!!!!! 因為他才看nba阿阿阿阿 08/22 06:19
britpop1526 :AI 在我心中NBA中永遠沒人能取代他 祝福他 08/22 06:27
qq955166 :AI!!!!!!!! 08/22 06:30
gjack :96梯"最"偉大的球星?! 噗~ 08/22 06:38
iverson8094 :淚推AI..已哭 08/22 06:45
nbacp3 :AI給了我打球的動力 08/22 06:48
az0102 :謝謝你 帶給我們的不只是籃球 08/22 06:49
AnnandLeon :Thanks AI,my favorite player。 08/22 06:55
Ballmer :感謝你帶給我的拼戰精神,和精彩的cross over 08/22 06:55
LoveYUI :淚推戰神AI 08/22 06:59
LoulDeng :三十八歲@@ 他信託的退休金幾歲可以領 08/22 07:16
JimloveJill :為了看AI才接觸NBA 08/22 07:16
gloomysunday:AI! 每次想到AI的拚戰精神還是淚流滿面阿 08/22 07:27
gloomysunday:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Lm_8lAGM4 影片 08/22 07:29
danceSquar :又要戰96梯? 這種溫馨文也要戰? 有病嗎? 再見 AI 08/22 07:40
jcto04 :淚推AI 08/22 07:45
goodtim :上一代真的是人才濟濟,那時的mvp真的是不簡單... 08/22 07:50
mko0 :謝謝你 AI 08/22 08:01
chrisyanglom:推AI!!! 08/22 08:02
k1453888 :只能淚推了QQ 08/22 08:05
Sadan :Practice?! 08/22 08:08
aiiverson :只能哭了 08/22 08:12
downtoearth :我會一直記得跟湖人打總冠軍賽的AI... 08/22 08:15
hchs31705 :breaking 08/22 08:23
yusuke362 :加油!! 08/22 08:24
emoil5566 :41.1真的太扯! 08/22 08:25
DragicGoran :當初他的身高還有打法跟精神震撼了太多太多人了 08/22 08:25
CerMerlan :第幾次退休了? 08/22 08:25
LLCOOLJ : 08/22 08:30
e1205537 :永遠戰神 08/22 08:32
beastlcc12 :真的推QQ 雜誌有他封面必買 08/22 08:35
Thriller0816:我是八年級生 我也是因為他接觸籃球 看NBA 08/22 08:36
linisthebest:戰神推! 08/22 08:41
xx761024 :戰神推 08/22 08:48
kobe8112 :淚推一代戰神! 08/22 08:49
Aceyalone :戰神!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T 08/22 08:50
Aceyalone :他信託的退休金 好像要到50歲才能領的樣子!? (印象 08/22 08:51
coiico :96梯同時出了3個頂級控衛AI Nash Marbury 還蠻可怕的 08/22 08:52
coiico :AI的第1場NBA賽就拿了30分6助攻 08/22 08:54
THFAITH :A.I. 永遠的戰神!!! 08/22 08:56
auditor :以這種身高殺翻 怪物如臨的NBA 我認可L.Brown的說法 08/22 08:57
sdf019 : 08/22 08:58
JimloveJill :要不是有歐肥 AI應該有機會拿總冠軍的.... 08/22 09:01
auditor : 林 08/22 09:01
switzerlands:好想再看AI打球 08/22 09:03
jjyyy :AI !帶我進入NB 08/22 09:04
ai760721 :淚推戰神~ 08/22 09:05
iverson3219 :淚推 帶我進入nba的男人.. 08/22 09:05
DannyYeh :淚推 08/22 09:12
taylorliao :推AI! 08/22 09:12
nike5777 :哭了,淚推戰神 08/22 09:15
nhpoppin1 :戰神QAAAAAAAAAAAAQ 08/22 09:19
mcstone :強了整整十年以上 這樣的身材顛峰期卻比一般球員長 08/22 09:23
rockman73 :淚推 08/22 09:28
Zero1220 :XXXX偶像 戰神 08/22 09:30
imangu :難過...淚推 08/22 09:30
jrump :推戰神 08/22 09:30
BOSTONstyle :不可懷疑的戰神 淚推 08/22 09:42
takewind :推戰神,不知道激勵多少小個子球員 08/22 09:44
myth9610 :淚推!!!!! 08/22 09:44
dvl112029 :我難過QQ 08/22 09:45
freedom1024 :淚推AI! 08/22 09:49
shuang1201 :戰神帶我進入NBA殿堂阿QQ 淚推AI T_T 08/22 09:54
jamesccs :淚推,心目中最偉大的戰神! 08/22 09:59
iverlung :他把我帶入了nba 08/22 10:00
KOBEDIRK :The Answer BJ4 08/22 10:01
Raskolnikov :他錢到底怎麼花的 這大概也是一堆人做夢都達不到的 08/22 10:03
Thriller0816:聽說他朋友幫他花的= = 08/22 10:04
fegat :能在96梯當壯元 也夠威了 BJ4 08/22 10:09
jsefk0819 :淚推QQ 08/22 10:12
lbalo :扣掉退出金塊後 他累積的生涯數據真的超驚人..可惜 08/22 10:15
lbalo :一個堪稱偉大的球員 生涯末期竟然這麼的悲慘 08/22 10:15
william81413:QQ 08/22 10:17
Righto :推戰神 08/22 10:18
jtrsp :淚推戰神 08/22 10:19
foreverking :淚推! 08/22 10:20
ibase :戰神推! 08/22 10:22
yvmi :戰神! 08/22 10:22
ken6136 :正義與善良咧QQ 08/22 10:23
yvmi :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH5JTh3Xp3Y TOP10 08/22 10:27
a8227416 :淚推戰神QQQQQQQQ 08/22 10:28
chiu791118 :淚推 08/22 10:29
oneG :因為AI開始熱衷NBA的 08/22 10:32
EMPERORHEN :永遠的戰神 08/22 10:32
poseis :QQ 08/22 10:35
SlamKai :戰神!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/22 10:39
kiaee :推 08/22 10:39
abianbitch :推啊 沒AI我根本不可能開始打籃球 08/22 10:41
uniqueyoyo : 08/22 10:43
allen325s :戰神必推 08/22 10:45
CNSaya :當好爸爸 先不要破產再說 08/22 10:49
kyo28 :可惜 08/22 10:50
meinlvc :g捷克連這也要戰頗ㄏ,推戰神 08/22 10:51
yester :可惜了 08/22 10:52
peace1way :當初我買的W.W.J.D.手環,一條轉賣可以賣到100元以上 08/22 10:53
liushihyao :淚推戰神 08/22 10:53
sqark912 :爆 08/22 10:53
reztes :謝謝你 永遠的戰神 08/22 11:01
math14 :再偉大還是得洗洗睡 08/22 11:02
david28941 :戰神必推 08/22 11:05