精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/y9ehpvw Zach Randolph will be named an All-Star reserve for the Western Conference, according to sources with knowledge of the voting. An official announcement will come tonight during a nationally televised NBA broadcast on TNT. League coaches were required to turn in their votes for reserves Tuesday afternoon. They could not vote for their own players. Randolph, a nine-year veteran, will make his first All-Star appearance during the Feb. 14 game in Dallas. He entered Wednesday night’s game at Detroit as the only Western Conference player averaging at least 20 points and 10 rebounds. The Grizzlies’ power forward is averaging nearly 21 points and a career-high 11.5 rebounds. Randolph earned enough votes to become one of the seven reserves after not appearing on the all-star ballot. He ranks fourth in scoring, first in rebounding and second in double-doubles (28) among the 24 players selected to appear on the fan ballot. 根據知情人士指出 Randolph將被選入明星賽 Randolph本季平均21分11.5籃板 是西區唯一20/10的球員 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rickyjessy :軟豆腐!!!! 01/28 21:34
lizard95 :不意外啊 01/28 21:34
CerMerlan :不進也沒道理... 01/28 21:34
SULICon :!!!!!!!!!!!!1 01/28 21:35
gaiaesque :恭喜! 01/28 21:36
Navarro02 :灰熊繼續加油阿!! 01/28 21:36
ihx00 :應該的~~~ 01/28 21:36
CRAZYFAN :賀!唯一20/10球員 連戰績都有了 步入選煤道理 01/28 21:37
piercepaul :外卡1 in 01/28 21:38
popstarkirby:轉錄至看板 Grizzlies 01/28 21:39
ryowu :恭喜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01/28 21:39
kalfan1 :TD今天結束後也是20 10啊 01/28 21:40
Bird :藍豆腐加油吧 01/28 21:41
violing613 :Kamen:不是說會叫的小鬼有糖吃嗎(淚奔) 01/28 21:41
rocktu214 :恭喜軟兄賀喜軟兄 01/28 21:41
doodoohow :Kaman:可是樓樓上沒叫啊 01/28 21:46
derekhsu :Kaman你隔壁的把你的籃板搶光了....找他算帳去吧 01/28 21:48
jack0124 :實至名歸 01/28 21:48
liao1030 :今年他的成績的確值得阿.. 01/28 21:51
jiuan1027 :Kaman上次也有幫Randolph發聲 01/28 21:54
Maxslack :硬豆腐!!!!! 01/28 21:58
frankmaki :不意外..打這麼好的球員 01/28 22:04
aidsai :恭喜.....他是這記我覺得最大黑馬!!! 01/28 22:04
hllwolfkhan :都快把GAY擠下來變灰熊一哥了~~ 01/28 22:06
piercepaul :灰熊養他的決定果然是對的 01/28 22:07
christ0ph3r :軟豆腐:我要感謝我的小孩...... 01/28 22:09
spihc :真是個很有趣的球員 這種身高 卻是個100%的禁區球員 01/28 22:09
kevinsz7 :我要變硬豆腐 01/28 22:12
v00001 :恭喜 這是應得的 01/28 22:13
iversonlouis:請問一下現在nba.com 為啥會直接跳成tw.nba 01/28 22:14
clark66 :恭喜 努力一定會有收穫 01/28 22:15
iversonlouis:抱歉 因為今年都在當兵.每次放假回來的改變都不知道 01/28 22:16
piercepaul :爬個文你可以找到解答 01/28 22:17
asdfe88466 :軟豆腐-//////- 01/28 22:18
gaiaesque :nba.us 01/28 22:19
kingroy :Kaman也20-9吧..應該也可以進..反正他是C.. 01/28 22:19
piercepaul :C的位置比較有可能被P.Gasol拿走 01/28 22:24
gaiaesque :應該不太可能gasol是佔PF 01/28 22:27
robinkidd :Gasol也進了 01/28 22:27
semicoma :Boozer 19-10 01/28 22:29
a274775927 :PF 至少有一個是司機 01/28 22:34
Headsome :他打成這樣不入明星賽也很可惜 01/28 22:36
robinkidd :Gasol Randolph Dirk Paul Durant Roy 除了前兩個確 01/28 22:37
robinkidd :定 後面四個也幾乎會上! 01/28 22:38
jack0124 :今年西區的禁區還是很威啊 01/28 22:40
kalfan1 :Kaman Williams Boozer Billups 加樓上 10取7 01/28 22:41
JokePtt :他應該成為第一個 投票選單沒辦法投他 卻進all star 01/28 22:41
JokePtt :今年要投他票一直不能投就覺得很誇張... 01/28 22:43
jack0124 :西區的禁區感覺實在太強大了顆顆 01/28 22:45
robinkidd :其實看數據Ellis更好 可惜勇士戰績太爛..... 01/28 22:47
kalfan1 :東區 Pierce Johnson Wallace Jackson Rose O'Neal 01/28 22:48
kalfan1 :和 Bosh 01/28 22:49
NetsFan :他值得全明星 01/28 22:50
jiuan1027 :Wallace? 01/28 22:51
piercepaul :Rose不太可能 01/28 22:51
piercepaul :山貓的那個Wallace 01/28 22:51
jack0124 :rose或jackson吧bosh沒有進的話就滿誇張 01/28 22:52
piercepaul :Bosh一定會進的 想都不用想 01/28 22:58
williams1002:!!!!! 01/28 22:59
SureHappy :恭喜 這是軟豆腐應得的 01/28 22:59
qq955166 :水~ 01/28 23:00
ymsya :B Lopez 01/28 23:00
silentN :CP3表示: 01/28 23:07
wulanjiao :軟豆腐硬起來了 01/28 23:09
mea7211 :硬豆腐這成績不選進去才是沒天理… 01/28 23:12
au3rupy3 :不意外 今年超強 01/28 23:26
coolon :Duncan沒有20-10嗎? 01/28 23:29
jack0124 :今天打完好像剛好又有 01/28 23:29
newest :西區什麼時候禁區爛成這樣了??? 01/28 23:41
mea7211 :不要只光看數據 有些隊是因為禁區太強了 所以數據被 01/28 23:45
mea7211 :分散掉了 不過這也是軟豆腐的成績了不起之處 他的禁 01/28 23:46
mea7211 :區拍檔嘎獸弟也是惦惦呷三碗公的強者 只是比較低調 01/28 23:47
jack0124 :今年你去翻翻有幾隻20 10的 01/29 00:12
popstarkirby:有幾位都差一點點 01/29 00:13
Kreen :恭喜他~~ 01/29 00:42
ooxxman :有小孩人有差 01/29 02:03
awaro :他在拓荒者時早就應該是all star了 01/29 13:54