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原文:http://www.slamonline.com/online/nba/slamonline-top-50/2009/10/top-50-tony -parker-no-15/ http://0rz.tw/Cxzku 翻譯:http://bbs.hoopchina.com/916106.html ============================================================================== Top 50: Tony Parker, no. 15 The definitive ranking of the NBA’s best players. by Adam Sweeney Look up the word envy and you will see it is described as a noun originating from France that expresses a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another. Ask me to use it in a sentence and I can give you a few. For example, I envy the speed and teardrop floater that Tony Parker shows off every night he plays. You could also say I, a Houston Rockets fan, envy how many titles Tony Parker has helped lead the San Antonio Spurs to in his career. And it should go without saying that any sane individual must envy Parker for his relationship with a certain Desperate Housewife. It’s only fitting that both the word being dissected and the player in focus come from the same country. Let’s step back a few sentences and clarify a point of discussion. You might be thinking, “Tony Parker didn’t lead S.A. to multiple titles. That was Tim Duncan.” You’d be partially right. Tim has unquestionably cemented himself as the greatest power forward of all-time. Without him the Spurs don’t have a dynasty. But there is a lack of respect that the point guard position receives, none more understanding of this notion than Parker. It wasn’t Tony ’s job to take the last shot. That was Timmy’s job. Until recently, it has always been Parker’s job to defer. And while Duncan stepped into the spotlight from day one of his NBA career, there is a certain beauty to the way Parker’s game has grown over the years, so much so that it shouldn’t be surprising if Parker supplants Duncan this season as the franchise player in San Antonio. To study the timeline of Parker’s career is an exercise in maturity. He was a player that was initally dismissed by Gregg Popovich in a workout because he couldn’t handle the physical nature of the NBA game. Nothing has come easy for Parker. He had to figure out how to craft his style of play. He’s been in Pop’s doghouse plenty of times, even to the point where he was warned not to shoot 3’s. But every season that we see Parker, there is a new facet to his game. He’s not perfect but neither are we. Have any of us not been chastised by a coach for firing outside of our range? Parker is a player worth celebrating because he is the best of us. He has had to weather the same hardships every talented baller with a touch of recklessness had to endure, the difference being that he found a way to put it together. Parker’ s growth as an NBA player is what we wish we could have achieved, if only we had that speed, that elusiveness, that… sorry, here comes the enviousness again. Related StoriesSpurs/Mavs Game 1 Recap Spurs/Mavs Series Preview The Post Up: Parker Ballin Tony Parker: Le MVP Candidate? L.O.N. — The French Pastry It is only a matter of time before you see an ESPN header that reads “The French-ise” with Parker’s smiling mug underneath it. There’s no accounting for taste in headlines but it is time that we start accounting for Parker in terms of importance to the Spurs and the league in general. He’s already become the first European player to win an NBA Finals MVP, and Parker had career highs last season in points per game and assists, at 22.0 and 6.9 respectively. As Manu Ginobili and Duncan enter perhaps the twilight of their careers, which is strange to hear myself say, Parker is hitting his prime. Anyone who questions this notion can go back to the 4-1 series loss the Spurs suffered at the hands of the Dallas Mavericks. Tony dropped 28.6 a game on Dallas even though the Mavericks knew he and Duncan were the only two players worth guarding on the Spurs. Try convincing me Michael Finley was a threat. You have a better chance of arguing that Paul Blart: Mall Cop deserves an Academy Award. It takes a special player to slash through a defense that is waiting for him. Parker is that player. Ask someone to name the best point guards in the NBA and you almost assuredly will hear the names of Chris Paul, Steve Nash and Deron Williams listed first. How many rings do those guys have between them? Nada. Parker has three to his name. If he wins this year, and the Spurs have to be considered a serious contender with the acquisitions of Richard Jefferson and Antonio McDyess, maybe Parker will be generous enough to keep one ring for himself and give one a piece to the aforementioned PGs on the list. You can argue that Parker’s outside game is sorely lacking, that his jump shot can be inconsistent at times and that he has been blessed with exceptional talent around him. I’ll give you the first two contentions but you can’t blame a player for being placed on an organization that understands the importance of chemistry, balance and depth. And talent doesn’ t equal championships. I submit the Phoenix Suns for your consideration. At the end of the day it is all about winning and right now there isn’t a point guard in the league with the amount of talent and rings to match Tony Parker. In the same way that the New England Patriots don’t measure success by number of magazine front covers or jersey sales, the Spurs all understand that legacies are measured by championships. Based upon that criteria, Parker ’s legacy rises higher than Vince Carter did in the 2000 Slam Dunk Contest. Parker said it best. “When there is talk about the best point guards, sometimes they don’t talk about me. But that’s not my main motivation. They can talk about Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, Deron Williams and Chris Paul. I still have the most rings.“ Truer words have never been spoken. Notes ‧ Rankings are based solely on projected ‘09-10 performance. ‧ Contributors to this list include: Jake Appleman, Brett Ballantini, Russ Bengtson, Toney Blare, Shannon Booher, Myles Brown, Franklyn Calle, Gregory Dole, Emry DowningHall, Jonathan Evans, Adam Fleischer, Jeff Fox, Sherman Johnson, Aaron Kaplowitz, John Krolik, Holly MacKenzie, Ryne Nelson, Chris O’ Leary, Ben Osborne, Alan Paul, Susan Price, Sam Rubenstein, Khalid Salaam, Kye Stephenson, Adam Sweeney, Vincent Thomas, Tzvi Twersky, Justin Walsh, Joey Whelan, Eric Woodyard, and Nima Zarrabi. ‧ Want more of the SLAMonline Top 50? Check out the archive. ============================================================================== 查了‘envy’這個詞,你會發現它來自古法語,意在表達某種對他人所有,或品質所產生 的嫉妒,憎恨,或佔有欲。 如果需要用這個詞造句的話,例子多多。比如說,我很羨慕Tony Parker每晚都會在賽場 上展示的電光火石般的速度和拋投。你也可以說。我,作于一個休斯頓火箭隊球迷,真的 很嫉妒Tony Parker幫助馬刺隊奪得了多次總冠軍。當然更不用提的是,每一個心智正常 的人都會嫉妒(羨慕)他和他那位絕望主婦之間的卿卿我我。 只能說,同樣來自法國的 envy再適合Tony Parker不過了。 讓我們退後幾個句子,以便澄清一個你可能正在思考的問題。“是Tim Duncan帶領馬刺取 得那些冠軍頭銜的,不是Tony Parker。”是的,你只說對了一半。 毫無爭議,Tim是有史以來的最佳大前鋒。沒有他,也就沒有馬刺的王朝。但就這樣把一 切功績歸于Duncan則是對組織後衛Parker的不尊重。 最後一投應該是Timmy的活,不是Parker的。可近幾年來,Parker越來越多地承擔起來關 鍵投籃的重任。 知道麼,自打踏入NBA以來,Duncan就是球迷眼中的救世主,而在目睹了 Parker這幾年的成長後,難道大家感覺不到一絲欣慰和感動麼?這麼說吧,如果Parker本 賽季以球隊一哥的身份讓Duncan退居次席,也沒什麼可感到驚訝的。 Parker的職業生涯就是一部正太成長史。當初,球隊訓練時曾經因為無法適應NBA肢體碰 撞的他而被Gregg Poppvich趕回板凳。 一切都是如此的艱難。年少的Parker必須去學會如何改進自己的比賽方式。‘囚禁’在 Pop冷宮的日子裡,他甚至被嚴禁投射三分。 就是這樣的,在每一個新的賽季中,我們都能在Parker的比賽中找出些新的招式。誠然, Parker並不完美,可世間根本沒有完人。大家曾有哪位因為在比賽中投出了超出自己‘投 籃範圍’的球而被教練責罰的麼? Parker之所以優秀,是因為他在艱苦的條件下做到了最好。 和所有天賦異稟,但又有一 絲驕傲不遜的球員們一樣,他經歷很多很多,但不同的是,Parker並沒有失去自我。他的 成長軌蹟簡直是我們夢寐以求的典範,好吧,如果我們和古靈精怪的他一樣快,擁有同樣 難以捉摸的比賽的話。。。hmmm,sorry,那股壓抑已久的酸葡萄味道又反上來了。 你會在ESPN上看到‘The French-ise’的頭條和Parker那壞壞的笑臉的,一切都只是時間 問題。沒人在乎頭條新聞是否耐看,但現在是時候來為Parker之于馬刺和聯盟的重要性來 正名了。他已經成為了第一位拿到NBA總決賽MVP的歐洲人,而上賽季的他又創了場均得分 22.0和助攻6.9的職業新高。在Manu Ginobili和Duncan正在緩緩步入職業生涯中後 期的時候,這話從我嘴裡說出來挺奇怪的,Parker達到了職業生涯的巔峰。 表示異議的人可以重新看下馬刺1比4輸給小牛的系列賽。在整個小牛隊把防守注意力都集 中在他的Duncan身上的情況下,Tony還是場均飆下26.8分。嗯,你認為Michael Finley是 馬刺的第三角?得了吧,那你還不如告訴我百貨戰警(mall cop)應該拿奧斯卡獎呢。面 對對手氣勢洶洶的防守,我們需要一名特殊的球員來撕裂那層層防線,Parker,首當其衝 。 提起NBA的最佳組織後衛時,你肯定會聽到一下幾個名字:Chris Paul,Steve Nash和 Deron Williams。但這些家伙們手上戴著幾枚總冠軍戒指啊?Nada(西班牙語裡的‘啥都 沒有’)。而Parker已經有三枚了。如果今年再次奪冠,而得到Richard Jefferson和 Antonio McDyess的馬刺隊再次成為幾年如一日的總冠軍有力爭奪者的話,也許慷慨的 Parker會為自己留一枚戒指,而把那三枚分發給之前提到的那三位的來聊以自慰吧。 Parker的遠投很一般,跳投也時不時地打鐵,而且他身邊總是有一些強悍的隊友幫忙。好 吧,我同意前兩條觀點,但你不能把馬刺很注重球員之間良好的化學反應,平衡性和替補 深度的優點看成Parker的過錯吧? 另外說一句,天賦是帶不來總冠軍的。 不信的話,可 以參考太陽隊。成者王侯敗者寇,而如今的聯盟中,沒有任何一個組織後衛可以和Tony Parker的天賦條件和戒指數量媲美。 就如新英格蘭愛國者對上雜志的次數和球衣銷量嗤之以鼻一樣,馬刺隊衡量成功的標準就 是那閃閃的奧布萊恩杯。以同樣的標準來評判的話,Parker的成就也就自然而然地超過 2000年扣籃大賽中VC的表現。讓我們引用Parker的一句話吧。“人們談起聯盟裡的最佳 組織後衛時,有時候他們根本不會提起我。可這對我來說沒什麼。他們可以隨意地贊許 Jason Kidd, Steve Nash , Deron Williams和Chris Paul。可人們都知道,誰手上戴的 戒指更多。” 公道,自在人心。 -- │ ╲╱ │ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ mysterio ╱     ╲ ◢ ◣ ███ 619 SPRS SPRS ◤ 9 ◥ WESTψ * * / \ FRANCE FRANCE │ │ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: hllwolfkhan:轉錄至看板 Spurs 10/23 00:14
demongreg :幫卸老闆推小趴 10/23 02:41
celestial318:可以分Nash一枚嗎Q_Q 10/23 09:15
ponkd :推慾望主婦 XD 10/23 09:17
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