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http://tinyurl.com/yj59pdg SLAM 自翻 by Russ Bengtson For your perusal, a short list of Deron Williams’s accomplishments since joining the NBA as the third overall pick in 2005: 自從D. Will在2005年以第三順位選秀至今,以下是他的成就供你端詳 ‧ 2005-06 All-Rookie First Team ‧ Second in assists (to Steve Nash) in 2006-07 ‧ Led the Utah Jazz to the 2007 Western Conference Final ‧ Averaged double-doubles in 2007-08 and 2008-09 ‧ Third in assists (to Steve Nash and Chris Paul) in 2007-08 ‧ 2007-08 Skills Challenge Champion ‧ 2007-08 All-NBA Second Team ‧ 2008 Olympic Gold Medal ‧ Second in assists (to Chris Paul) in 2008-09 ‧ Beat former Tour de France champion Floyd Landis in a bicycle race (with a considerable head start) ‧ One of only two active players (Steve Nash) to have four 20-assist games 05-06菜鳥第一隊 06-07Ast第二,輸給飄髮哥 07年帶領爵士打進西區冠軍 07-08, 08-09都是雙十數據 07-08Ast第三,落後給CP3跟飄髮哥 07-08技術挑戰賽冠軍 07-08年度第二隊 08年男籃奧運金牌 08-09Ast第二,輸給CP3 擊敗前環法自行車冠軍 Floyd Landis (偷跑1分鐘,仍被Landis追上。賽後D. Will還跟Shaq嗆聲) 現任兩位球員的其中一位打出四場20Ast,另一位是Nash And here’s a few things he hasn’t done yet: 下面是幾件他還沒辦到的: ‧ Gotten a triple-double ‧ Won the Nobel Peace Prize ‧ Been named to the NBA All-Star team 摸不到三元牌 獲得諾貝爾和平獎 All-Star team The first two are somewhat understandable. Williams is young. He has time. But the third? Entirely inexplicable. It’s not that his team doesn’t win— the Jazz have won 51, 54 and 48 games the last three seasons, after making a 15-win jump to .500 his rookie year. It’s not that Williams is just along for the ride—Jerry Sloan trusts him enough to let him call a majority of plays on the floor, something John Stockton rarely did. By any measurable standard (except for maybe tattoos and haircuts), Williams is one of the top three—if not two—point guards in the game. And he can’t even make an All-Star team? What in the name of Rod Strickland is going on here? 上述三件事當中,前兩件事大家都還能理解。他還年輕,來日方長。但是第三點卻讓人完 全無法理解! 爵士隊並不是沒有贏球 - 過去三年分別為51,54以及48勝 - 至少比D. Will 的菜鳥年多贏了15場勝率也來到五成。D. Will在這幾年來不是搭搭順風車 - J. Sloan事 實上對他感覺良好,並且讓他決定絕大多數的戰術,這是John Stockton很少擁有過的。另外 ,也許除了刺青和髮型,D. Will在任何的比賽裡頭都是至少前三名的控衛。卻無法進入All-Star?Rod Strickland表示:衝殺小? It gets better. In ’07-08, Williams made the All-NBA Second Team on the strength of his 18.8 points and 10.5 assists per game. Last year he boosted both of those numbers, to career-highs of 19.4 and 10.7—and didn’t make All-NBA at all. Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Brandon Roy, Chris Paul, Chauncey Billups, Tony Parker. They all made it. Williams was the only player to receive more than 100 points in the voting and not be named to one of the three teams. Yes, he missed 14 games last season (all but one in November), but Carmelo Anthony missed 16 and still was named to the third team. The Jazz were 15-26 on the road, but so were the Miami Heat, and Wade made first team. '07-08年,D. Will以場均18.8分, 10.5助攻之姿獲選All-NBA Second Team隊。去年他的數據更是提 升到19.4和10.7 - 卻無法入選All-NBA。KB24, D Wade, 版主, CP3, 槍西, 趴車。他們都 被選進去了。D. Will卻是唯一一位球員得到超過100分以上卻仍成遺珠。 他是錯過了14場比賽沒錯(11月13場),但是甜瓜錯過了16場卻能被選進第三隊。宅爵並 非浪得虛名(客場15-26),但是熱火也很宅,Wade卻能在第一隊還拍一堆廣告。 To be fair, save the gold medal, Deron hasn’t won anything yet—at least not since he was the 116-pound Texas state wrestling champ as a 12-year-old back in 1997. But he led The Colony high school to two straight state semifinals, Illinois to the 2005 NCAA Finals (hitting a pair of huge shots against Arizona and being named MOP of the Chicago regional in the process), and the aforementioned Jazz to the aforementioned 2007 Western Conference Finals. He hasn’t won rings, but he’s won respect. 公平一點,省下那面奧運金牌來說,Deron從12歲起就沒贏過任何東西,想1997年他還是 個116磅的瘦子,拿下德州摔角冠軍。但他連續兩年帶領Colony high打進州四強賽。並在 2005年帶領伊利諾打進冠軍賽 (對上亞歷桑拿,進了兩顆關鍵球,並且被命為芝加哥區的 MOP) 以及剛才提到的,爵士在07年打進西區冠軍賽。D. Will拿不到戒指,領不到第一隊 便當,拍不到廣告,瘦不下去(誤),但他贏得了尊敬。 Is he as good as Chris Paul? Probably not. If you’re a Hollinger disciple who worships at the Church of PER, Paul ran roughshod over Williams last year. A big part of the disparity was thanks to steals—Paul led the League, while Deron wasn’t in the top 20. But Deron is big (a legit 6-3, 210), he’s durable (he’d missed four games total prior to last season), and every bit an All-Star in game, if not in name. And with Paul in his conference, not to mention Nash, Chauncey Billups and Tony Parker, next year isn’t guaranteed either. 他跟小保羅(CP3)有得比?別鬧了。如果你是John Hollinger的狂熱信徒,上教堂時,除了 聖經,你還會帶著J. Hollinger的PER(player efficiency rating),那麼上帝會告訴你CP3去 年壓著D. Will打。最大的差距就在CP3領先全聯盟的抄截,D. Will卻連20名都排不進去 。但我們都知道D. Will是個大傢伙,或者,胖子(6-3, 210)!他硬起來續戰力也很持久( 上賽季的14場以前,他只缺席四場),在比賽時,他也表現得像個全明星,即使他沒有被 選上!然而,聯盟裡面除了CP3,還有Nash,槍西和趴車,這個賽季對D. Will來說又將是個未知數。 For his sake, here’s hoping Allen Iverson doesn’t have a resurgence. 最後的最後,只希望戰神AI在灰熊搞Gay,不要東山再起。 -- 第一次翻,有錯請指正=D -- According to Urban Dictionary, jizz: the secret ingredient of a Big Mac. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sst217 :年度第一隊...目前卡了個Kobe Wade 和CP3 有難度... 10/23 06:52
※ 編輯: BMHSEA 來自: (10/23 06:55)
BMHSEA :胖子控衛就是個天大的錯Q_Q 10/23 06:55
lorsenparis :DERON推 10/23 07:17
Yeeeha :小筆誤: ‧ Been named to the NBA All-Star team 10/23 07:31
Yeeeha :是全明星隊,不是年度第一隊 10/23 07:31
謝謝=D 我改成英文好了。 ※ 編輯: BMHSEA 來自: (10/23 07:33)
oglms :推瘦不下來....@@ 10/23 09:51
kyo90637 :可是小胖每次對到CP3都把對方完爆 10/23 10:02
BlGP :借轉因為市場小所以沒愛才得不到獎隊 10/23 10:10
BlGP:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ 10/23 10:10
hahahachu :我覺得小胖很強欸 他有自己一套技巧 蠻厲害的 10/23 10:28
theKusoStar :因為在爵士隊阿....習慣了(煙) 10/23 11:17
celestial318:他真的很厲害 10/23 11:22
hok :他跟CP3根本沒差很多,只能說每個作者都有自己的看法 10/23 11:48
stonelight :哇咧 摔角冠軍耶!!! 10/23 11:57
BMHSEA :to hok:本文作者指的應該是根據Hollinger的PER 10/23 12:15
DASHOCK :小胖真的太不花俏了....所以討論度比較低 10/23 12:21
kingroy :小胖對上CP3的話,兩者表現都不錯吧,只是爵士好像贏球 10/23 12:43
kingroy :場數比較多這樣 10/23 12:44
popstarkirby:DW8運球滿花的呀 10/23 12:53
BrentRoy :推小胖 @@ 10/23 14:35
ko373328 :控衛我會選小胖 10/24 02:20