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※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板] 作者: tzar (螞蟻) 看板: Celtics 標題: [外電] Top 50 : Rajon Rondo, no. 27 (2009 SLAM) 時間: Thu Oct 8 13:26:24 2009 Top 50: Rajon Rondo, no. 27 The definitive ranking of the NBA’s best players. http://rubyurl.com/4Evy by Holly MacKenzie ※ 版主很用心地翻文章,我也貢獻一下,翻譯若有錯誤,還請指證與包涵 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On May 3rd, 2009, in the aftermath of a 107-86 blowout win in Game 3, Rajon Rondo crumbled to the floor, unable to take another step, unable to celebrate the W as camera crews scrambled to catch the action of Bill Walker carrying him into the locker room. 2009年5月3日,Rajon Rondo,這一刻,重重地摔在球場上。 季後賽第三場大勝公牛的歡欣氣氛瞬間凝結,色彩消失了,鏡頭捕捉到最後的黑白畫面: 軟豆,被天行者攙扶著,像慢動作播放般走進休息室。 Remember that visual? 還記得那一幕嗎? Remember the concern of fans, media and Celtics officials alike, breathing easy only after they heard Rondo’s explanation for the strange drop to the ground? 球迷,媒體,高層在那瞬間彷彿窒息,直到他們聽到了後續軟豆的說明: “It’s not my ankle, the bottom of my feet were just hurting, that’s all.” 「天天吃阿鈣,我有健康的膝蓋!」軟豆說,「只是腳ㄚ子痛痛的,就醬啦~」 註:原文Rondo提到的是腳踝沒事,翻譯趣味以膝蓋代替 Oh, just his feet. Silly Rondo. The quirky little brother. 腳?只是腳?你這天殺的死沒良心的!(哭捶~) Of course those feet were tired. Blistered. Cramping. Damn near broken. Remember that adidas spot with Kevin Garnett, where he has the world on his shoulders before the end of the commercial? That was Rondo this past offseason. While the weight became too heavy for KG’s frame in Minny he came to Boston where he could distribute some of the responsibility. When he went down with the knee injury, while Jesus was praying to find his shot again and Pierce was relegated to being the fourth quarter assassin, 當然,長時間征戰讓腳疲累! 還記得KG把世界扛在肩上的廣告嗎?在天寒地凍的明尼蘇達的KG因此累壞了,直到來到 風光明媚的波士頓才把印度跟中國從肩膀上卸下來。 但必須從KG肩上把重擔接過去的,不是還在找準頭的雷神,也不是開始喜歡角色扮演 Robert Horry的的包皮,而是軟豆。 it was little brother who was there. 沒錯,正是這位可愛又迷人的小沒良心! Unable to shrug off pressures or breathe easy because his rangy shoulders became the support beams for the Celtics seemingly overnight, Rondo somehow managed to add mind-blowing playoff-performances to his curriculum vitae by the day. it’s a miracle Rondo’s (exaggerated) 171-pound frame was able to carry the weight of a franchise as long as he did before crumbling to the ground in what turned out to be a precursor of the Celtics crumbling as a whole only a few weeks later. 整個夜晚,他寬闊的肩膀成了超賽的支柱,精瘦的身體近乎奇蹟似地展現了令人血脈噴 張的好表現,面對季後賽強大而沉重的壓力,軟豆撐過來了! 但他的這一摔,卻讓超賽的季後賽蒙上了厚厚的陰影,幾個禮拜後,魔術師擊敗了超賽 。 Rookie Bill Walker, beyond being a good teammate, recognized the importance of Rondo to the team’s end goal. With Garnett out, he became their pitbull (just ask Kirk Hinrich), point guard and leader. He had the heart, the grit and the stats as well. Averaging a near triple-double, Rajon Rondo became the pulse of his team without warning, emerging as a leader without explanation or expectation. 初心者天行,等級一,除了是個好隊(ㄅㄢˇ)友(ㄉㄥˋ),還很懂軟豆只是包了巧克力 外膜的仙豆。當KG不在時,軟豆是控球後衛,是隊上領導,也是殺紅了眼的鬥牛!他, 勇猛無雙,一身是膽,靠著近乎三雙的變態表現,軟豆無預警地殺出重圍,亂軍中突進 突出,萬夫莫敵! 軟豆:「阿斗勒?」 A third-year player known more for his ugly shooting percentages outside of the lane, Rondo moved into the fast lane with the blink of an eye. When people were questioning whether he’d be anything without the luxury of playing along -side the big three of Ray, Pierce and Kevin, in the playoffs he flipped the script and they were the ones thankful that they had him running not just the offense but their squad. 這位三年級生,除了外圍投射能力跟歐尼爾差不多準以外,最著名的還是靜如山,疾如 風的豆豆切入。當人們都在質疑軟豆含著金湯匙出生,有KG雲長、PP翼德、RA漢升的光 芒護體同時,豆子龍翻轉了世人對他的印象。 河。流玄德贊:「子龍一身是膽也!」 While he’s got the support of his teammates and the proof in the box scores, still Rondo has his doubters. The fact remains that the guy doesn’t want to be found on the perimeter with the ball in his hands and the shot clock winding down. Does this matter? For one of the quickest guys in the league, how often does he get stuck outside of the lane? Not often. And when he does, looking to his left is Ray Allen, his right, Paul Pierce. Not bad options to have. 但關鍵時刻不喜歡在外圍持球的質疑還在,但對軟豆來說有什麼關係?左雷槍,右PP,軟 豆又快得要命(豆嫂:冏)。這個質疑我就當作沒聽到吧。 Asking whether his game benefits from the players around him is like asking whether Phil Jackson has helped Kobe Bryant’s career. The question isn’t open for debate. It also doesn’t really matter, because to quote any and every NBA player, it is what it is. And, it is what each has made out of it. Rondo has taken the teasing and chiding of being the little brother. He’s taken the doubts and the challenges Doc Rivers has given him and he’s made it work. He has made it work for his own game, but most importantly he has made it work for this team. 眾人:說來說去,軟豆還是靠隊友嘛~ 作者:你說就像KB受到禪師的幫助一樣嗎?(戰!) 眾人:對啊對啊~  (明知有坑還硬跳,繼續戰) 作者:職業運動不就是這樣了嗎?就像燒菜,不也是他做佛跳牆,你也做佛跳牆?軟豆    好不容易拋棄軟弱和孩子氣,從河流寺十八銅人陣中闖出,他正在享受職業運動    ,完成屬於他自己的比賽! He has made it work for a ring. 是的,邁向王者之路! In a seven game first-round series with the Bulls that became a battle of the ages, it was the mano a mano battle between Derrick Rose and Rondo that stole that spotlight from the other stars. While Rose drew first blood, Rondo laughed last. He also posted averages of 19.4 points, 11.6 assists and 9.3 rebounds per game, including turning in a turnover-less 19-assist performance in Game 6, tying an NBA postseason record. The last Celtic to record more than one triple- double in a playoff series was Larry Bird in 1986. 在與公牛的七場血戰中,脫下糖衣的仙豆與公牛後衛上演了一場「豆與玫瑰」的金屬暴 力美學,搶走了所有粉絲的目光。最後仙豆以平均19分,11個籃板,9次助攻的成績笑著 活到最後,身後留下躺著血泊之中的玫瑰,四肢呈現不協調的彎折。 這輪比賽中,仙豆不僅追平了聯盟季後賽的助攻次數(失誤還較少)。還送出了不止一次 的大三元,上一位能在季後賽送出一次以上大三元的賽隊球員已經要追溯到1986年的傳 奇,「大鳥」柏德了。 1986 was the year that Rondo was born. 1986年大鳥在賽爾提克締造的傳奇,在同樣是這年生下的豆豆身上延續了! Two large “R”s are inked across his back, spanning his frame as if to remind the world who he is as he streaks past on a basketball court. Perhaps he needed an intro and a re-introduction in years past, but not anymore. Anyone who knows the NBA, knows Rajon Rondo. Standing alongside the other superstars suiting up for the Celtics, there isn’t a star that shines brighter (or that has the long -evity), than the one illuminating Rondo’s game. 不需要介紹再介紹,引薦又引薦。 RR,從此與KG、PP、RA一樣,成為夠格以簡寫出現的球員。任何了解NBA的人,都知道 軟豆,這位與三位超級球星共舞,成為賽爾提克千囍年來的第四巨頭的球員! Think about that Celtics team minus Kevin Garnett. We saw how that worked out this past postseason. Now, picture that team also without Rajon Rondo. Or, substitute Garnett’s absence for Rondo’s. Is it so ludicrous to think that the impact would be just as large? Who would have stepped in to save them and fill Rondo’s shoes? Eddie House? There’s that consistency issue and he’s not nearly enough of a passer to keep Paul and Ray happy. Steph? Yeah, he wasn’t going to be anyone’s savior. 想想沒有KG的超賽吧,看看去年季後賽的艱辛。現在,想想沒有軟豆的超賽吧,或是把 受傷的成員從KG變成軟豆,你覺得會有多大的影響? 你真的在想嗎?別傻了,這個影響是無法估計的,沒有人可以取代軟豆的地位!房子? 他連傳球都傳不好。馬大少?對不起,先救救電腦前的自己吧! Rondo’s presence is as integral to this team’s success as Garnett, Allen, Pierce, Rivers and ubuntu itself. In the past season and postseason he has emerged not only as the final cornerstone of the Celtics “foursome”, but as an All-Star and elite point guard in the NBA. 軟豆、三巨頭及河流,是Ubuntu最重要的組成!沒錯,除了成為隊上的第四位明星以 外,軟豆已經邁向超強後衛,甚至是全明星的行列。 Slick glides to the basket, the ability to knife through double-teams and defenders and smooth passes that surprise everyone but his coach who knew he had it inside of him defines Rondo’s game. Everything he’s not on a basketbal -l court -read: a proficient shooter- has only aided in making him who he is: a savvy, headstrong point guard who will get into the lane at all costs. 像刀一般鋒利的劃破對手的聯防跟守備,神乎其技的傳球,是讓觀賞軟豆表現的每個 人驚艷的原因:除了河。流玄德以外!這位出身後衛的教練,在心中盤算規劃著軟豆 的每一步。因為不足的外線能力,河流成功訓練軟豆成為無視禁區的無雙猛將。 Taking a beating nightly, his bruised body bounces up, ready for more. Wanting another ring, needing to silence his critics and yearning to be named among the top point guards in the league without hesitation. 儘管戰火無情地摧殘,軟豆仍然屹立不搖,越戰越勇。他,必須要成為王者,才能平 息眾人對他的質疑,並且引導他成為毫無疑問的頂級控球後衛! Rajon Rondo isn’t just ready, he is proven and has arrived. Most importantly, he is here to stay. 他,Rajon Rondo,不僅準備好了,他也證明了自己的能力! 最重要的是,他將永遠在此奮戰! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 這好像是我第一次翻譯,翻得不好請多指教,不懂的話就參照原文囉 -- 你們聽見嗎 山與海的聲音在呼喚 那靜寂深沉的吶喊   撼動你底心歸復平靜的湖面 在蓊鬱森林裡燃燒蔓延 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tzar 來自: (10/08 13:30)
dodomax :T大翻的好有趣 推推 10/08 13:38
shiouluo2005:河。流玄德XDD 超好笑的! 10/08 15:28
kevinGODnett:另類翻譯! 10/08 15:29
bzeronj :幹 翻的真屌 10/08 16:01
ben7692 :RAY漢昇= =""" 這翻的好經典 ㄎㄎ 10/08 17:56
JerroLi :超好笑的翻譯 = = 10/08 18:31
hslzh :推 10/08 19:30
maxlike :好翻譯!不推不行! 10/08 20:32
SexyCassell :軟豆你這可愛又迷人的小沒良心! 10/08 20:40
gaiaesque :XDDDDDD 10/08 21:00
Naomm :12月要去看"豆與玫瑰"了~~~好high!!!! 10/08 22:14
LeslieCJC :XDDD 翻譯好屌 10/09 02:43
naruto406 :推"豆與玫瑰" 這梗把我戳好久 XD 10/09 19:27
devintjlee :XDDDDDD 10/11 10:50
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nbcb :誰的血... 10/23 10:08
jonestem :u的超好笑~!! 10/23 10:12
Donic :那溪蛙當馬超了~~這樣就齊啦~ 10/23 10:36
dayjay :建議把禪師換成Gasol或灰熊也可以 10/23 10:39
hamburgerger:大推翻譯!!! 10/23 10:48
tzar :謝樓上,不過原文這樣講,改加索應該會引戰引很大XD 10/23 10:48
celestial318:應該是關鍵時刻不喜歡在外圍持球 黏球倒是還好 10/23 11:15
謝謝,已更正! ※ 編輯: tzar 來自: (10/23 11:31)
ndk23581 :河。流玄德XDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/23 11:33
aa22456222 :那對方可以中離嗎?((誤 10/23 12:40
KobeisMVP :推~ 10/23 13:17
porno :翻得很有風格,好棒呀! 10/23 14:08
sukademo :推翻譯~不過還是覺得照原文就好:) 10/23 16:30
ggne :xddddd 10/23 16:34
dinn :翻得不錯~ 10/24 00:02
parkerlived :推一下啊 10/26 11:41