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※ [本文轉錄自 Nets 看板] 作者: jupee (你們覺得好就好) 看板: Nets 標題: Re: kidd生涯part 6 時間: Tue Jun 17 13:55:09 2003 ※ 引述《lovebp (Brad&Jen4ever)》之銘言: Kidd says he's sure Phoenix traded him not because of his arrest or because the Suns were tired of first-round playoff exits, but because the Phoenix coach "was intimidated by me. The team, in an overall sense, didn't respect him. They respected a player more than they respected a coach, and so there was a threat of, 'If you don't get Jason to believe in it,then the team won't believe in it.' I think he felt threatened." Kidd認為他之所以被太陽隊交易不是因為他被逮捕或是太陽不想總是在第一輪打包回家 ,而是太陽的教練"對我感到害怕。總的來看,在某種意義上這支球隊並不尊重他。他們 給予一名球員的尊重比給教練的尊重要多。所以會出現'如果你無法說服Jason相信它, 則整支球隊都不會相信它'的情況.我想他可能感到自己的地位岌岌可危。 "I have no idea what that means," Skiles says.Both he and Bryan Colangelo say that in the four years Skiles and Kidd overlapped in Phoenix,they never heard a word of this from Kidd. "It's disappointing," Skiles continues. "I felt we had a good relationship. I was really fond of coaching him, and people in the organization bent over backward to embrace Jason." No, Skiles and Colangelo say, what persuaded them to unload Kidd for Marbury was Marbury's youth (he's four years younger than Kidd) and the fact that the Suns weren't much fun to watch anymore. "我完全不了這番話意義何在,"Skiles說.他跟Bryan Colangelo都說在Skiles跟Kidd共事 的這四年中,他們從來沒有聽過Kidd說過類似的話。"這真的令人十分失望,"Skile繼續 說下去,"我以為我們之間的關係很不錯。我真的很喜歡當他的教練,而組織裡的人都願 意為Jason赴湯蹈火,"Skiles跟Colangelo說讓他們決定用Kidd去交換Marbury的原因是因 為Marbury比較年輕(小Kidd四歲),而且太陽的球風也不再那麼好看了。 Whatever the reason, the ugly spousal-abuse publicity made Kidd easier to cut loose. After Joumana stopped hiding in the bathroom that night, she dialed 911, thought better of it and hung up. The dispatcher called back, and Jason answered. Joumana expected him to lie and say the call had been a mistake,but he handed her the phone and sat down. For a second she thought he was daring her to turn him in; for a second she hesitated. His face showed no defiance. Maybe if T.J. hadn't seen him hit her ... but T.J. copies everything Jason does. He wants to sit how Jason sits.He cries only when someone takes him away from Jason. 不管這齣交易背後原因為何,這件醜陋且公開的家庭暴力事件使得Kidd更加容易割捨。 那晚Joumana從之前躲藏的浴室出來後,她撥了911,但稍後覺得不妥又把電話掛掉。調 度員打了回來,Jason接起電話。Joumana希望他撒謊說是不小心撥錯電話,但Jason卻將 電話交了給她然後坐下。在那一瞬間她以為Jason是在挑戰她,但下一瞬間她猶豫了。他 的神情沒有絲毫的反抗。如果T.J.沒有看到他打她的話...but T.J. copies everything Jason does.他連坐姿都想跟Jason一樣,他也只有在有人將他抱離Jason的時候會嚎啕大 哭。 Joumana told the 911 operator,in a tape that was quickly made public,"There's just a bad history here. I told him this would be the last time,and he popped me right in the mouth." Asked later if she needed medical attention, Joumana said, "Don't worry about me. This is minor compared to what I usually go through."Jason and Joumana insist that the assault was an isolated event. He says he's never asked her why she said what she did in the 911 call, but both claim it was her way of upping the ante in their showdown --"her call card to see if I would play or walk," Jason says. Joumana告訴911總機的話被錄了下來,而且很快就公諸於世。"There's just a bad history here.我告訴他這將是最後一次,接著他一拳打在我的嘴上。"接著她被問說是 否需要治療,Joumana這樣回答,"不用太擔心我,這次跟我經常忍受的一切的可說是小巫 見大巫。"Jason跟Joumana堅持這次的施暴是單一事件,無前例可循。他指出他從未過問 她為何要在打給911的電話中如此說,但雙方都宣稱這是她為了在這次攤牌中取得有利地 位的方法--"她這次的叫牌是要看我跟或不跟,"Jason說。 Joumana prides herself on her frankness, and only when asked about the 911 call is she less than convincing. "That was not intended as in, 'This is nothing compared to fights we've been in in the past,'" she says. "That was not intended at all. This was a sole incident.Yes, right. Yes."Kathy Redmond, who since 1997 has headed the Colorado-based Coalition Against Violent Athletes, says, "Many times the wife backs down, but the things that come out the first time usually are the truth. The 911 tape perks up my ears because it says there might be a problem. But maybe this is what it took. That could be why he decided to take these steps to get all this help -- the reason for his extraordinary response." Joumana十分自豪她的率直,但在被問到那通911電話時她就沒那麼有說服力了。"那並不 是代表說'這次跟我倆之前常有的打鬧可說是小巫見大巫,'"我完全沒有這種意思。這次 只是單一事件而已。Yes, right, Yes."[自言自語ing?]."科羅拉多州的組織-Coalition Against Violent Athletes的負責人Kathy Redmond說道,"妻子常常會有所退讓,但是第 一時間說出來的事往往才是實情。那通911的錄音帶讓我豎起了耳朵因為他們之間可能大 有問題。但這一切也許是有代價的。這可能是他決定要採取行動尋求幫助的原因,也說 明了他為何會有那讓人驚奇的回答。 The moment Joumana made the 911 call, Jason says, "I knew she did the right thing. I saw this as a way of getting help and saving my family. Of understanding that I have a great wife and a beautiful son and that they were next to the bottom of my priorities." Riding in the back of the police car, he says, "as soon as I started thinking about it, and us, my mind was a lot clearer. It was weird. I could see. I felt free. I felt better as a person. I know I did something wrong, and it doesn't sound right, but after everything was done, I knew what was important in life and what came first." 當Joumana撥911的時候,Jason說,"我知道她所做的是對的。我將其視為一種得到幫助並 且拯救這個家庭的方法。我發現到我有很好的妻子以及可愛的兒子,但他們在我心中的 地位順序卻始終排在後面。"坐在警車後座時,他說,"當我開始思考這件事以及關於我們 的未來,我的神智就清晰許多。我知道這很奇怪。我很自在而且感覺要好多了。我知道 我鑄成了大錯。這也許聽起來不太正確,但當我犯下這些錯誤後,我才發現生命中什麼 才是最重要的,什麼才應該是我的第一優先。" Joumana heard him talking like this on the phone from the police station, and she didn't buy it. It sounded almost too good, and in the days after,she kept expecting him to change back to his "Jekyll-and-Hyde thing," she says. "But he didn't change. That night he remained the same, the next day he remained the same -- I had a restraining order, but he couldn't care less, he wanted to see me. His attorney was begging him to stay in his hotel room, so he had his attorney call me to make sure I didn't leave. I thought, He's for real." Joumana在那通從警局打來的電話中就聽過了相似的言論,但是她並不買帳。這聽起來太 過美好了。在之後的日子,Joumana一直在猜Jason何時會恢復成為具有善惡雙重人格的 先生,"但是他沒有改變。那晚他一直保持在好的一面,接下來的一晚也是--他有禁制令 在身不能太靠近我,但是他完全不在乎,他只想要見我。他的律師拜託他待在旅館,所 以他只好叫他律師打通電話給我確定我不會離開。我心想,這次他是來真的了。" Jason took four games off to devote himself to his family. Suns owner Jerry Colangelo publicly said Jason should take as much time as he needed, although privately, Jason and Joumana say, Bryan Colangelo pressured him to come back. (Bryan responds, "If I was guilty of doing my job, which is monitoring a situation, attempting to determine an outcome while maintaining a competitive product, then I am guilty.But never was there the intent to apply pressure.") Jason calls the Suns' position "two-faced,"and Joumana calls the organization "hypocrites."Still,Jason sent a letter of apology to every Suns season-ticket holder. Jason讓自己休息四場比賽好重建家庭關係。太陽老闆Jerry Colangelo公開表示Jason可 以想休息多久就休息多久,但是Jason和Joumana卻表示私底下Bryan Colangelo逼迫他盡 快上場。(Bryan的回應是,"我的工作是觀察情況,然後試圖在保有競爭力的前提下做出 結論,難道我要因為我的善盡職責而有罪惡感嗎?而這一切從來不是要給予Jason壓力," )Jason認為太陽在玩的是雙面策略,而Joumana則以「偽善」來稱呼這個組織。不過, Jason還是寄給所有太陽季票持有者一封道歉函。 -- 籃網就這樣輸了真失落...留下來吧Kidd 畢竟這是為你打造的一支球隊啊! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
Price:借轉 NBA 版囉~ 推 06/17
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