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※ [本文轉錄自 Nets 看板] 作者: chinlingts (運動家的風度) 看板: Nets 標題: Re: [外電] Kidd transforms into shot man for Nets 時間: Fri Mar 2 22:45:42 2007 ※ 引述《NetsFan (隨時做好準備)》之銘言: 再一篇關於 Kidd的投籃,不過我覺得這篇寫的更好些, 也加上 Kidd 自己的一些看法。 Kidd transforms into shot man for Nets Friday, March 02, 2007 by Dave D'Alessandro Star-Ledger Staff Jason Kidd tells his friends that he'll play four more seasons -- two in New Jersey, and two wherever they'll have him -- and when he reaches the end of this Hall of Fame journey, he'll undoubtedly be a different player than the one he is today. Jason Kidd告訴他的朋友們,他至少最再打四個球季,其中兩個在紐澤西 ,另外兩個球季在哪都無所謂。當他完成他的名人堂之旅後,毫無疑問地 將會完全地脫胎換骨。 But the Nets have been witness to the start of the transformation this season, and at times, it can be startling. 但籃網隊已經開始見證他的轉變了,這是多麼令人驚奇的事。 Think about it: How many players can hit five 3-pointers and score 15 points in 189 seconds, as he did against Washington on Tuesday night? 試想全聯盟中有多少球員可以在 189 秒內投進 5 個三分球得到 15 分, 就像他在禮拜二對上巫師的比賽中做到的一樣呢? Vince Carter and Kobe Bryant immediately come to mind, and then you have to start scratching your temple. Vince Carter 跟 Kobe Bryant 這兩個名字可能會瞬間出現在你的腦海裡 ,但接下來可能就得搔搔腦袋仔細想想了。 "Probably Gilbert," Carter added, referring to Gilbert Arenas. "Ray (Allen). That's about it, really. Oh, and T-Mac." Carter說道:「可能是 Gilbert Anenas 吧,還有 Ray Allen,嗯,大概 就是這樣了吧。喔對了,還有 T-Mac。」 But a going-on-34 point guard with a bad back, who isn't exactly known for lighting it up? As his coach sees it, this is a hint of what Kidd might become in two or three years. 但對一個一直有背傷問題,即將年滿 34 歲的控球後衛來說,豈不是更難 能可貴呢?當他的教練看到這些現象時,這很有可能就暗示 Kidd 接下來 兩三年即將轉變成這樣的球員。 "As you get older, you understand that some of your strengths (diminish)," Lawrence Frank said. "Jason understands, and he wants to continue playing beyond his contract. He's still very fast with the ball, but he knows that as you get older there are certain things you may not be able to do at the same speed, so his ability to improve his shot makes him even a better player." Frank 說:「當你越來越老,你會開始意識到自己有多少斤兩(以及衰退 了多少),Jason 他很清楚,他也希望能在合約結束後繼續在球場上奔馳 。當然他的速度還是非常快,但他知道漸漸老了以後,有些事情已經不能 再倚賴他的速度了,投射能力的提升將使他成為一個更棒的球員。」 So Kidd decided to become a shooting impresario. He just wishes he started working on it a little sooner. 所以 Kidd 決定繼續以一個射手的姿態來演出,他多麼希望以前就開始這 麼做了。 "You know, when you're young and naive ... you always feel you have time to work on whatever you need to work on," Kidd said yesterday. "And before you know it, it's 12 or 13 years in the league. Yeah, I wish I would have started it sooner, but I'm happy with where I'm at. I've always relied on passing, but now its fun being on the other end." Kidd 昨天說:「你知道的,當你還年輕、天真時...你總是感覺有很多時 間去加強那些該加強的東西,而當你意識到這些問題時,十二或十三年的 光陰就已經過去了。是啊,我多麼希望能早一點開始,但對於現在的表現 我也感到很開心,我總是依賴我的傳球能力,但現在覺得當個(進攻)終 結者也是件相當有趣的事情。」 The change began on the eve of the Indiana playoff series last spring, when shooting coach Bob Thate suggested that they break down his mechanics. It was too late to do anything dramatic, and as this season began, Kidd was still too busy to fully commit the time to it. 這個改變從上個球季在季後在對上溜馬開始,投籃教練 Bob Thate建議他 們....(後面看不懂是啥意思)。但當時為時已晚,很難有什麼戲劇性的 轉變,而當這個球季開始時,Kidd 又太忙了,沒有時間做這些事情。 Then two things happened: Thate, an enormously dedicated teacher, spent time working with T.J. Kidd ("Lock it up," could be heard throughout the gym) after practices, and the boy's father noticed his son's improvement. Then Thate lost his prize pupil, Nenad Krstic, to a torn ACL, and a few days later pulled Kidd aside and said, "Will you please work with me now? I'm running out of guys to work with." 然後發生了兩件事情。Thate 這位認真的教練,在練習後抽空指導 T.J. Kidd (Jason 的小朋友),"Lock it up" 的聲音響徹整個體育館,而這個 小朋友的老爸也注意到他兒子的進步。由於傷勢的關係,Thate 失去了他 的資優生 Nenad Krstic ,幾天後他把 Kidd 拉到一邊去,對他說:「你 想來跟我練練嗎?現在已經沒有人可以跟我練了耶。」 So they got to work, and Thate broke it down -- elbow positioning, release point, follow-through, everything. The rest was repetition -- 300 shots a day, sometimes more. And then Kidd found a partner who actually loves shooting more than he did, in teammate Eddie House, with whom he has shooting games every morning. 所以他們就這樣開始了,Thate 開始協助 Kidd 調整手肘的位置、出手點 、隨球的動作,以及所有關於投籃的一切,剩下的就是不斷地重複,每天 練習投三百顆球,有時甚至更多。然後 Kidd 找到一個比他更愛投籃的夥 伴,就是他的隊友 Eddie House,他們每天早上都進行投籃比賽。 "There were a lot of shooters on the team, and I wanted to join in, and have some fun with those guys," Kidd said. "So I tried to pair myself with Eddie -- he's one of the best shooters in the league. We started the game, put a dollar on it, and it became something that caught my attention. I just wanted to be a part of it." 「我們隊上曾經有很多射手,而我總想加入他們,享受和他們一樣的樂趣 。」Kidd 說:「所以我試著將自己和 Eddie 湊成一對,他是聯盟中最棒 的射手之一。我們以一塊美金為賭注開始比賽(是這個意思嗎?),那成 功地吸引了我的注意,我就是想要融入其中。」 Said House, "He was up $20 on me at one point." House 說:「在我身上,他把賭注加到每一分 20 元。」 (徵求高手勘誤) Kidd had perhaps the best shooting month of his career in January, with an incredible 47 percent clip from downtown. Immediately thereafter, he experienced back and rib problems, and his jumper touch suffered. Over the first seven games of February, he slumped (5-for-36) from the arc. 今年一月可能是他生涯中投籃表現最好的月份,三分球命中率是驚人的 0.47。接著他受到背部和肋骨的傷勢影響,投籃遭到了一點挫折,在二月 的前七場比賽,他的三分球出手 36 次僅命中 5 球。 Now he's white-hot again, connecting on 23 of 44 shots in the last three games (.523), including 11-for-19 (.579) from deep. And very few players have experienced the dream flow he had in the third quarter against the Wiz. 而現在他的手感又開始白熱化了,過去三場比賽中投 44 中 23 (命中率 0.523),包括 19 投 11 中的三分球 (命中率 0.579) 。而像他在對上巫 師那場比賽的第三節中那樣的表現,全聯盟沒幾個人能辦到。 "Every play, he'd knock it in, and I'd be like, 'Damn, run it again,'" Carter said. "It was incredible. You don't get to see that kind of thing too often." 「每一波進攻,他都能把球弄進籃框裡,我的感覺就像是『靠,又來了! 』」 Carter 說:「實在是太難以置信了,你絕對不可能太常看到這樣的 情況。」 "I kind of felt like Vince there for a minute," Kidd said. "I feel like all of 'em are going in now. The thing with being a shooter, I've found out, make or miss you have to keep shooting. That's the biggest thing I've learned this season." 「在那一刻我感覺自己好像變成 Vince 了,」Kidd 說:「我感覺每一球 好像都會投進。當一個射手,我理解到無論進球與否,都必須勇於出手。 我想這是本季我所學到最重要的一件事。」 Notes: Carter didn't have any substantive thoughts about Bruce Ratner's remarks Wednesday, when the owner said he wanted Carter re-signed this summer. "It's great to hear," Carter said. "Believe me, if you have the support of the owner who wants you back, and believes you're an important part of this team, it's a great feeling." ... The Nets list Antoine Wright (sprained right elbow) as day-to-day, and both Mikki Moore (sent home) and Josh Boone (he practiced) had the stomach flu yesterday. 對於老闆 Bruce Ratner 週三說他希望能和 Carter 續約的言論,Carter 並沒有太多的想法,他說:「聽起來相當不錯,相信我,當你的老闆希望 你留下來,並認為你是球隊中非常重要的一部分,那種感覺真的很棒。」 籃網將 Antoine Wright 列入逐日觀察名單,而 Mikki Moore 和 Josh Boone 則是在昨天出現了感冒的症狀。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NetsFan 來自: (03/02 19:41) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chinlingts 來自: (03/02 22:51)
NetsFan:push 03/02 22:52
NetsFan:幫young23捕推 03/02 22:52
caesarliu:推 03/02 22:53
※ 編輯: chinlingts 來自: (03/02 22:53)
chinlingts:被我修掉的抱歉 @@ 03/02 22:53
hotcom:推~ 03/02 22:58
baof:推 Thate的建議我猜是溜馬看穿了Kidd的進攻(投籃)方面的窘境 03/02 23:02
baof:畢竟那個系列Kidd的命中率..... 不知有沒有搞錯意思 XD 03/02 23:02
x06m4vmp:辛苦你了!! 03/02 23:04
mlcdkb:推 靠!又來了 我每次看也有這種感覺說 03/02 23:32
KidNo5: 「在那一刻我感覺自己好像變成 Vince 了,」Kidd 說 03/02 23:37
NetsFan:Kidd 有時候都會讓人靠一下 三分準起來 03/02 23:38
HODALA:推 03/02 23:46
star741001:靠,又來了!--> 這句話翻得好生動又貼切...我喜歡。 03/03 00:08
young23:自己也要補推回來 03/03 00:28
dadaHOPE:bump 03/03 00:28
tkrover:推 03/03 00:34
HODALA:應該轉到nba版上啊 03/03 00:39
KillerMalko:推推推~~ 生動又完整的好譯文 03/03 00:54
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chinlingts 來自: (03/03 01:12)