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Getting Deep Into Brandon Roy's Knees http://tinyurl.com/4vrjgup I spoke this week with an orthopedic surgeon who is among the growing number of experts around the country who have consulted on the Roy knee situation. Good for the Blazers (and Roy's agent) for doing the legwork here. Consulting surgeon said that the Blazers had already operated twice before on Roy's knee, and the surgeon said, "Either the original doctor who did those procedures wasn't forthcoming with the Blazers... or the team was in complete denial about what was going on with his knees." The "consulting surgeon" whispers that he believes the best-case strategy for handling Roy is this: A) Limit Roy's practice reps to almost nothing; B) Play him off the bench in 65-75 or so games a season, choosing rest in key spots; C) pray. Surgeon suspects the Blazers might get 1-2 years out of Roy employing this strategy. Right now, I think they'd take that, and hope for the best. Roy is a fierce competitor and I won't count him out. Roy says he's thinking of making a Feb. 16 return. I don't know if you'll find a soul pulling against the guy. hoopChina翻譯: http://news.hoopchina.com/201102/56445.html 《The Oregonian》的John Canzano咨詢了一位曾經參與羅伊膝蓋咨詢的骨外科醫生,這 位醫生表示他很擔心羅伊目前的膝蓋問題,甚至懷疑開拓者即使採取針對羅伊康復的最佳 手段,羅伊也只剩下1到2年的職業生涯。 這位醫生的姓名並沒有被透露出來,關於為什麼開拓者會給羅伊一份大合同,他表示開拓 者之前已經對羅伊的膝蓋進行過兩次手術:「當初做過手術的那些醫生並沒有為開拓者提 供建議…………或者說開拓者完全否認羅伊膝蓋接下來會發生什麼。」 關於羅伊康復的最佳手段,這位醫生給出的建議是:A,限制羅伊的訓練;B,讓羅伊打替 補,一個賽季打65至75場,選擇一些關鍵時間點進行休息;C,祈禱。 --  ❶ LeBron﹒James  ❷ Kevin﹒Durant 你認為誰最有機會成為「第三屆籃球之神」  ❸ Blake﹒Griffin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
willy14 :頭哀 02/16 15:07
hllwolfkhan :一分錢 02/16 15:07
royalsage :加油 02/16 15:07