精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
kobebryant08:喬丹才是自幹王吧 05/04 17:27
kobebryant08:沒進哨音就來了 當然命中率高 05/04 17:30
Career FTA/FGA Michael Jordan 0.3575 Kobe Bryant 0.3957
kobebryant08:JORDAN那有如嬰兒般的三分球命中率 05/04 17:52
Playoffs 3P% Michael Jordan 0.332 Kobe Bryant 0.332
bleedingsoul:可見古早的防守強度 沒外線威脅還可以容易切入 05/04 18:40
kizuki0315 :MJ時代不能聯防 當然可以切爽爽 05/04 19:07
kizuki0315 :MJ放到現在 得分先扣個五分吧 05/04 19:07
kizuki0315 :這就是為什麼很多人覺得Kobe在MJ之上 外線夠準05/04 19:07
kobebryant08:Kobe到以前得分應該跟喝水一樣吧 哪裡都能05/04 19:09
看一下下面這部影片吧 喔,如果你們看得懂的話 Michael Jordan vs Zone Defenses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tXwAhMVb1Y
New York Times November 4, 1987 "Last season, Jordan had to overcome the harassment of zone traps and double and triple-teaming to win the scoring title by averaging 37.1 points a game." "You can't even touch a guy now," says Charlotte coach Larry Brown. "The college game is much more physical than our game. I always tease Michael [Jordan], if he played today, he'd average 50." During a 2007 L.A. Lakers pre-season broadcast, Phil Jackson was asked how he thought Michael Jordan would perform today, Phil said: "Michael would average 45 with these rules." Under an interpretation of the rules adopted by the NBA, if Dumars were playing today he would not be allowed to guard Jordan so physically, or perhaps even guard him at all. Asked if he could defend Jordan under todays interpretation of the rules, Dumars first laughed, "It would have been virtually impossible to defend Michael Jordan based on the way the games being called right now." Dumars said. 90's defenses were the best defenses at containing perimeter basketball players. 90's defenses took the best aspects of 80's defenses and added to them. 00's defenses were stripped of their rights to actually physically contain the ball handler. LeBron James, Tony Parker and Dwyane Wade can get to the rim at will, so you know Michael Jordan would in today's NBA if he was in his prime, in fact, Jordan would DESTROY this league. DESTROY!!! The NBA itself (Rod Thorn) admits that the new rules (no handchecking, defensive 3 seconds) were put in place to "open up the game" Question for Clyde Drexler: In the current league where there is no hand checking and no ruff play how much better would your numbers be? Clyde Drexler: "Oh, tremendously better, from shooting percentage to points per game everything would be up, and our old teams would score a lot more points, and that is saying something because we could score a lot back then. I do think there should be an asterisk next to some of these scoring leaders, because it is much different trying to score with a forearm in your face. It is harder to score with that resistance. You had to turn your back on guys defending you back in the day with all the hand checking that was going on. For guys who penetrate these days, it's hunting season. Yes, now you can (legally)play (floating)zone, but teams rarely do." "It's pretty hard to play defense against these quicker guards without touching them a little bit," Tex Winter said. I think the officials are going to have to make an adjustment too. They cant call all those touch fouls. You cant be as aggressive as youd like to be with your hands. You cant be into the guy as much. Tex Winter "As a result, defense now becomes a matter of waiting for the offensive player to make a mistake, rather than forcing a turnover." Tex Winter said. "Players today can get to the basket individually much easier." "I think that Jordan Rules defense, as much as anything else, played a part in the making of Michael Jordan," said Tex Winter, who was an assistant coach for that Chicago team. "The 1990 loss forced Jordan and the Bulls to find an answer to Detroits muscle. Those Jordan Rules were murder," Winter explained. "The fact that we could win the next year even though they were playing that defense says everything about Jordan as a competitor. Any lesser player would have folded his tent. Jordan had to dig deeper to respond to the Pistons, and his effort pushed his Bulls to six championships over the next eight seasons." Tex Winter, now 84 and the veteran of more than a half century of coaching, has serious misgivings about what the league has done. Winter acknowledges the outgrowth of the new rules interpretation is the rise of the super dominant offensive player, led by Wades performance in the NBA Finals and Bryants string of 40-, 50, even 60-point games during the regular season. "It's brought all these 40-point scorers," Winter said. "They cant score 40 points unless they get 15-20 free throws. And thats exactly what they were getting on their big nights." Case in point: during Kobe Bryant's 62 point game in 3 quarters, most forget that he was given 25 free throws in 3 quarters and multiple Dallas Mavs players were given technicals for complaining due to their disbelief over the fouls being called. "The defensive rules, the hand checking, the ability to make contact on a guy in certain areas .... [have] all been taken away from the game. If Kobe could get 81, I think Michael could get 100 in today's game." - Scottie Pippen January 2006 Craig Hodges is the Lakers shooting coach, get a look at what he said: Q: If you could take one player in their prime, would you take Michael Jordan or Kobe? A: M.J., all day. There's no comparison. M.J. could score 100 points in this era. You can't hand-check now. Imagine that trying to guard M.J. It would be crazy. Hall of Famer Rick Barry, a keen observer of the game, said he would love to see players of the past getting to attack the basket under the new officiating. Theyd score a lot more, he said. Even youth basketball coaches can tell you that "a good zone looks like a man-to-man, and a good man-to-man looks like a zone." 防守三秒規則下的現今防守 vs 喬丹時代的防守 http://0rz.tw/ZebBM 1.在防守三秒的規則下,即便使用區域防守 那也是被閹割過的版本,更遑論防守不好或是不用區防的隊伍 那就更好切了 2.在防守三秒的規則下,可以等禁區的球員退出來再切進去 3.喬丹時代的禁區,無論何時總是站滿了一堆死釘在裡面的大個子 另外附送 Michael Jordan vs. Piston's Defense (aka: "Jordan Rules") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLv2F33snCE&feature=player_embedded
Michael Jordan vs. Knick's Defense - An Analysis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K-qGWkiKvQ&feature=player_embedded
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KobeIchiro :請考慮科迷的感受XDD 05/05 02:16
libobobo :好HIGH的回文 更期待"印象派大師"要怎麼回了 05/05 02:16
TaksNo7 :優質科迷一定直接end 繼續跳針 05/05 02:18
iamokk :我幫科迷想好說法了.."這些人都是說場面話" 05/05 02:19
henrie :好文推 不知道球隊得分因為這個規則上升了多少? 05/05 02:20
iamokk :"反正if的事永遠不能得證,科仙還是最棒的,啾咪" 05/05 02:20
rich780501 :你這樣他們看不懂 他們一看到KOBE就升天了XD 05/05 02:21
cyber417 :回的太棒了...XD 05/05 02:21
tturttle :真是一針見血XD 05/05 02:22
iamokk :Jordan would DESTROY this league. DESTROY!!! 05/05 02:23
iamokk :我喜歡這句,簡單明瞭 05/05 02:23
delete4067 :這篇不M說不過去,算是最近這陣子整理最完整的好文 05/05 02:23
aa22456222 :這篇真是壓倒性的重拳阿= = 05/05 02:25
Rain0224 :XD 05/05 02:25
DeonBon :好文! 05/05 02:28
stootz :請考慮科迷心中的感受好嗎XDD 05/05 02:29
cyber417 :在推 真的太用心了~~ 05/05 02:29
graymeyer :哇嗚 趕盡殺絕哩~ 05/05 02:30
tony77998 :嬰兒般的三分球命中率 XDDDD 結果2個都嬰兒? 05/05 02:30
hihi29 :推 05/05 02:30
p1ayouro1e :太多英文 看不懂 我只知道我們科比老大拿過81分 05/05 02:32
sdx0805 :太晚發文了啦 這樣高中生都在睡覺了 05/05 02:33
minoru04 :當大多數人都認為MJ超越前人的時候 就不需要證實了 05/05 02:33
RayGun34 :XD 05/05 02:33
minoru04 :KOBE還要用各種方法試圖證實超越MJ的可能 只是代表 05/05 02:33
minoru04 :大多數人不認同他有超越 05/05 02:34
agassi001 :有沒有科迷不先研究好數據就想戰老喬的八卦@@? 05/05 02:34
stootz :科迷要崩潰了 05/05 02:36
l119thunder :2.0終究比不上1.0 05/05 02:37
benjason :來個反串的科迷幹嘛那麼認真對付他們? 05/05 02:37
minisex5566 :=================不要害科科迷等等又高潮 05/05 02:37
vannistl :KOBE還要用各種方法試圖證實超越MJ的可能? 嗯~ 05/05 02:37
Rain0224 :原PO使出重擊 請____選擇:1.防禦 2.閃躲 3.逃離戰場 05/05 02:38
jiuan1027 :0315是印象派大師 不意外 05/05 02:38
vannistl :很好玩的一件事 球員自己沒問題 球迷自己倒戰得很爽 05/05 02:38
vannistl :還開始把球迷間的觀點套在球員身上了 05/05 02:39
NorthernStar:又是hand-check又是區域,以前要得分還真辛苦。 05/05 02:39
sdx0805 :Rain大 選項應該改為 1.跳針 2.繼續跳針 3.還是跳針 05/05 02:39
StupidLake :每次MJ的影片都會影響我看現在比賽的慾望,還是少看好 05/05 02:41
iamokk :比較好奇Dumars,Pip來現在的比賽防守,多久會犯滿 05/05 02:42
ShineShineJu:長江,請問你重點是什麼阿? 05/05 02:43
jackloutter :GJ 05/05 02:44
PTTers :科迷世代就是一些沒有看過前人經典的新世代~ 05/05 02:48
PTTers :現今防守 vs 喬丹時代的防守, 是幫了kobe壓制O'neal 05/05 02:49
PTTers :NBA 每一世代的規則都是在幫助後衛,打壓中峰 05/05 02:50
alphabeat :感覺你是被反串釣到 05/05 02:50
yisdl :kobebryant08 (科比仙人跳) 05/05 02:51
yisdl :不過回得這麼多 還是辛苦了XD 05/05 02:52
pf775101 :Kobe這種等級的到以前得分還是可以跟喝水一樣 05/05 02:52
PTTers :如果回到張伯倫的年代一個O'neal得分可以超過5個狗鼻 05/05 02:54
tony77998 : 他那可能常常嗆到ㄟ 05/05 02:54
yisdl :George Mikan 6'10 白人,現在可以打那裡?:p 05/05 02:57
chun77129 :kobe的成就是不能量化的 你們懂嗎 精神與質才重要 05/05 02:58
chun77129 :kobe 05-06年多強 你們知道嗎? 明年絕對是生涯年 05/05 02:59
Expressotea :這篇瞬間酸民就啞口無言 05/05 03:00
chun77129 :看球看久了就是會貴古賤今 kobe是新一代統治者 05/05 03:00
kobebryant08:辛苦你了 05/05 03:00
yisdl :Kobe是新一代的酸民統治者 看到Kobe就起乩:p 05/05 03:01
PTTers :一拿數據出來就"kobe的成就是不能量化的" = = 05/05 03:02
a34567 :Jordan Rule就表示是jordan才有的待遇 05/05 03:03
HollyCross :來囉來囉!!!!!! 05/05 03:03
PTTers :不如直接說 Kobe 的超高命中率是不能用數據看透的 05/05 03:03
a34567 :當年的防守有其強硬之處 但是不能否認的區域聯防開放 05/05 03:03
a34567 :之後 整個聯盟的三分球比例皆因此上升了 05/05 03:04
F100 :哈,顧慮一下他們的感受好嗎? 05/05 03:05
kobebryant08:為什麼這些這麼晚睡嗎 怎不早點睡 05/05 03:05
yisdl :PTTers和chun77129在說相聲嗎?XD 05/05 03:06
kobebryant08:要不然怎看湖人狂電爵士? 05/05 03:06
kobebryant08:各位晚安啦 原PO早點睡喔 05/05 03:06
SHITinHeaven:kobebryant08 顧左右而言他中 05/05 03:07
cyber417 :開始嘍~~數據出來就說數據不代表一切嘍~~ 05/05 03:07
F100 :XDDDDDD,顧左右而言他是個好招啊! 05/05 03:08
kobebryant08:酸一下蠻開心的阿 誰管這麼多~掰 05/05 03:09
F100 :阿是要掰幾次? 05/05 03:09
libobobo :遜掉了 kb08 哈哈 看來你才是嬰兒囉 05/05 03:10
chun77129 :kobe 的鬥志是逆境激發的 前幾場惡戰已經讓他覺醒 05/05 03:12
chun77129 :kobe即將恐怖統治NBA 抓穩了 要起飛囉 05/05 03:13
iamokk :77129應該是反串 05/05 03:14
TaksNo7 :chun大模仿胡迷微妙微俏 XDDD 05/05 03:16
yisdl :T大模仿太陽迷也維妙維肖啊XD 05/05 03:19
kevinaa :看科比如何面對超弱的90年代爵士防守 05/05 03:20
maxliao :原PO這樣太不厚道了 想想以前跟現在的差異吧 想想 05/05 03:21
Rain0224 :可以伸Kobe那場的數據嗎 XD 05/05 03:21
a2364983 :那連結好酷... 05/05 03:22
yisdl :Russel 不意外XD 05/05 03:23
yisdl :不過Eddie Jones等球等到快哭了:p 05/05 03:24
kevinaa :一堆人都看科仙10幾年了 科迷的想怎麼膨風 唉 05/05 03:26
pf775101 :那場應該是97季後賽,Kobe 4-14。 05/05 03:39
airphone :kobebryant08 沒料就閉嘴 05/05 03:44
airphone :08想幫自己偶像護航,結果婊到自己偶像 有好笑到 05/05 03:47
airphone :拿來當簽名檔滿適合的XDDD 05/05 03:49
yisdl :kobebryant08的偶像是誰?XD 05/05 03:52
recky04 :好文值得一推再推 05/05 03:57
linschng :中肯好文! 05/05 03:59
lis3065 :看到ID裡面有kobe就知道不用跟他認真了 原PO被釣了 05/05 04:01
conanhide :I will destroy everyone in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/05 04:07
lonelycoffee:以古賤今 05/05 04:09
conanhide :現在其實一堆人貴今賤古說 05/05 04:09
gunking333 :以古釣今 XDDD 05/05 04:39
※ 編輯: Ye11owRiver 來自: (05/05 04:44)
Mingke :這篇穩爆的 搶位置來坐 05/05 04:51
Sadan :現在的"飛人"們感覺起來真不扎實,一到國際賽就只能 05/05 04:52
Sadan :折返跑消磨別隊的體力了 05/05 04:53
rothschild99:推!!! 05/05 04:59
banditer :科迷會高潮喔 05/05 05:15
Jerry3732 :會嗎? 反迷看到反串比較高潮 XD 05/05 05:22
bobokoko :推 05/05 05:26
Jerry3732 :好文還是要推一下 以前犯規真的較狠 05/05 05:28
PaulErdos :嗚 我是科迷 我要裝死不回這篇 05/05 05:28
ooplus :這篇一點都不意外 有些人沒料就只會講些543 無腦挺 05/05 05:49
pgpayton :有資料幫推 05/05 06:04
CarlosBoozer:以前的防守球員也不能周圍沒有進攻球員,所以死釘在 05/05 06:11
CarlosBoozer:禁區應該是不成立的,這點和現今的規則類似。 05/05 06:13
qwerd :這篇該m 05/05 06:15
CarlosBoozer:周圍有進攻球員,就能合法地待在禁區多久都沒問題 05/05 06:15
MVPartest :有深度的一篇 05/05 06:31
DKGodman :拜託 LBJ比喬丹強 很奇怪嗎? 05/05 06:32
casey72017 :XD 那幾隻可以開個自婊大會了 05/05 06:35
wwrcjk :天理難容 請考慮科迷感受好嗎~~ 05/05 06:37
MakeAWash :請考慮科迷感受 05/05 06:41
pet8969 :人X:科迷也有人權~~給他們一條改過自新的路好嗎 05/05 07:00
JerryChanel :棒! 05/05 07:17
Amgine :笑死我了XDDDDDDDDDDD 05/05 07:21
jaysuzuki :那些人到底是不是反串啊,活在自己世界的OO 05/05 07:28
power989 :印象派大師用他嬰兒般的腦袋思考...別跟他計較啦... 05/05 07:30
Gerrard1004 :那個人是反串的看不出來嗎? 05/05 07:30
Gerrard1004 :就是很多反迷很愛去申請KOBE的帳號來反串 唉 大概人 05/05 07:31
Gerrard1004 :生太無趣 05/05 07:31
Wil :KB在以前的話,喝水應該會常嗆到 05/05 07:35
cronohyde :科迷會自動略過 05/05 07:41
sinker :如果是以前那種防守強度 AI應該就不是AI了吧 05/05 07:41
jaysuzuki :那我噓反串的,等等補推 05/05 07:42
jaysuzuki :AI沒在怕的 05/05 07:46
Gerrard1004 :反串何其多...XD看到某些反迷看到反串還會高潮才好笑 05/05 08:01
Gerrard1004 :然後就全部推給湖迷~ 05/05 08:01
xufunny :KB08不是反串吧 湖板還有一篇他的文 05/05 08:01
bbob :原PO上色上的很用心喔~ 重點都點出來了 05/05 08:02
ntusimmon :嘴砲被電死剛好 05/05 08:02
Gerrard1004 :好吧 也有可能我記錯 我記得之前在NBA版看到一個KOBE 05/05 08:03
Gerrard1004 :完整ID的反串XD 05/05 08:04
Gerrard1004 :而且在湖版有PO文很難知道是不是反串喔 也有很多人 05/05 08:04
ASDF0714 :糟糕 被電爆了 05/05 08:04
Gerrard1004 :反很大 喜歡跑來鬧~結果被桶又跑到這說司法不公 05/05 08:04
Gerrard1004 :查一下他的ID 我肯定他是反串!!! 05/05 08:06
noocar :我還以為有人要被桶了 05/05 08:13
ppbigass :kobe迷多半都國中生 英文文章應該看不懂 05/05 08:14
kerry0496x :不論科迷、皇黨,就是有這種不自量力的人... 05/05 08:15
kerry0496x :MJ真的是難以撼動啊,硬是要嗆 = = 05/05 08:16
kerry0496x : 自不 @@ 05/05 08:19
jaysuzuki :說不自量力也通啦 05/05 08:26
bassoonboy :好文 05/05 08:38
pennix :勸世好文 05/05 08:38
bassoonboy :防守的手部動作.... 05/05 08:42
allenJr :以前NBA的防守真的很機歪…得分比較難!防守太硬 05/05 08:43
maxisam :好文 05/05 08:45
dhand :湖迷都國中生 請考慮他們的程度和感受好嗎? 05/05 08:45
chancewen :樓上你該被捅了 05/05 08:47
Slowbone :我大笑~~有你的 05/05 08:48
kof34011043 :那個"Jordan Rules"好威阿... 05/05 08:50
peter331 :有沒有翻譯@_@" 05/05 08:51
kobesuck :科迷被巴假的就開始切割了 說他是反串 還有沒有別招? 05/05 08:53
bassoonboy :重點是老喬面對這種防守得命中率.... 05/05 08:53
BeanBryant :我只能說不能跟老喬這種怪物比啊XDDDD 05/05 08:54
lsmking7219 :================請顧慮科迷感受=================== 05/05 08:55
qq955166 :================請顧慮科迷感受=================== 05/05 09:01
bassoonboy :這主題玩完啦.... 05/05 09:02
gary801523 :科迷:1.有沒有新的2.老哽3..... 05/05 09:02