精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是#1H2auwUL#1H2eNlSy 原文的最後一部分... 是緊接著(2)開始翻譯的 http://tinyurl.com/bcd58bf (同一個連結) There are times when White seems like a brilliant ninth-grader who just wrote a research paper on mental illness and can't stop talking about it. He's arrogant, and perhaps not as wise as he believes himself to be. But sometimes he offers genuine insight into the mediated discomfort of modernity, such as when we discuss Twitter.7 White is the type of celebrity who likes to retweet messages that are sent to him directly. This makes (a little) sense when the content of the tweet is positive and uplifting. But it comes across as unlikable when he retweets messages that are negative and crazy (because it makes it seem like the attention is its own reward). I ask him why he does this. He gives two reasons. The first is banal and abstract (something about "neutralizing negativity with positivity"). But his second reason is worth considering: He views social media as "the greatest census of our era." And the census data he's collecting is really, really dark. 有時候White看起來像是一個剛發表了一篇關於精神病論文的聰明高三生, 並喋喋不休的想跟你分享內容...他有點驕傲自大,而且大概不像他自以為的那麼聰明. 不過有時候他會對現代生活為人類所帶來的不適提供一些精闢的見解... 例如Twitter吧. White是那種喜歡把發給他的訊息轉貼出去的名人. 當這個訊息本身是正面或鼓舞人心時,這樣做似乎很正常... 但是負面甚至有些瘋狂的訊息他也要轉貼就不怎麼讓人喜歡...(彷彿譁眾取寵才是目的) 我問他為什麼要這樣(轉貼負面訊息)做. 他的第一個理由聽起來很普通而且有點抽象 (大概是什麼"用正面力量中和負面力量之類的") 不過第二個或許值得一看: 他認為社群媒體正是現代最適合作為抽樣調查的資料庫... 而且他正在收集的資料數據非常非常黑暗...(?) "As much as we want to think that these are just people behind computer screens, those people are living next door to you," he says. "They are people behind computer screens in schools. In hospitals. Working in Washington, D.C. These are real people. How many times does this stuff have to happen before we admit something really disturbing is going on here? I think one person tweeting 'Fuck you, go kill yourself' is disturbing. But when you get into the hundreds of those tweets? The thousands of those tweets? I see a lot of people out there with really volatile mental disorders that are not getting help. Because I go to their own Twitter pages, and I can see they're not just sending those messages to me. They're sending them to a bunch of people. I mean, if you tweet at me five times in seven minutes because I'm not playing for a team you have no real connection to? That is not good. That suggests mental illness. And even if you say, 'But I love this team to death,' it means you've put too much investment into entertainment. It's probably not good for you." White: "僅管你可能試圖把那些人當作"只不過是電腦螢幕後面的人" 但那些人其實根本就等於是你的鄰居... 他們是在電腦螢幕後沒錯,但是他們在上學.在醫院.在Washington, D.C.工作. 他們都是活生生的人啊. 類似這種事情要發生幾次你才會承認這真的讓人覺得很煩? 我覺得一個人對你tweet"幹,你這人去死一死吧" 就已經很煩了. 那如果幾百人對你發出這種訊息呢? 幾千人呢??? 我看到這堆人其實都是狀況不穩定的精神病患者...而且沒有獲得任何協助. 因為當我上他們的個人Twitter首頁時,我發現他們並不只是傳送這個訊息給我.. 事實上他們還轉發給其他很多人 我的意思是說,如果你在七分鐘之內連續發五次訊息給我的原因是 我不肯為了一個根本跟你八竿子打不著的球隊打球????? 這一點也不正常,這代表你有精神病. 即便你說"那是因為我非常熱愛這個球隊,愛到要瘋掉了" 那也代表你過度入戲了.對你不是什麼好事" Because White sees mental illness everywhere, his goal as an activist is the creation of free mental health clinics in every major urban area, modeled after the system currently used by Planned Parenthood. It's a valid idea, particularly if you accept White's insistence that pretty much everyone needs help. We talk about his cultural heroes, and he detects shades of mental illness in all of them: John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jordan. "[Jordan] definitely had a mental illness," he argues. "He was obsessed. He was obsessed with being great. Now, is that bad? It would be, if everybody else wasn't already telling him that he was." His dedication to this cause is sincere; he tells me he's "literally willing to die" for human welfare. I don't doubt that he would jeopardize his career over this principle, and when he casually notes that basketball does not "define" who he is, it doesn't sound like clichéd posturing. This is a man who wants his cultural footprint to be deep. I ask how he felt when the Real Sports reporter (Bernie Goldberg, who is also a correspondent for Fox's The O'Reilly Factor) referred to him as either courageous or "insufferable." White's initial response was confusion. His real response was unflinching. 因為White似乎在每個地方都看到其他人有精神病的跡象, 他作為一個社會運動家的速球就是應該在主要的市區都要設立免費的 "精神健康診所"...大概就類似Planned Parenthood(計畫生育委員會?) 那樣的系統吧. 這主意聽起來似乎有道理,尤其如果你能接受他對於每個人多少都需要一些這方面的幫助 的想法.. 接著我們談了有關於他心目中的文化英雄...不過他在他崇拜的英雄身上也可以 看到精神病的跡象: John Lennon(Beatles成員), Frank Sinatra(美國男歌手), 和......Micheal Jordan. "Jordan肯定有精神病." White表示,"他被自己是如此偉大的的念頭糾纏住了. 那,這是件壞事嗎?假如其他人沒事先點醒他的話,那就是了." White是很誠摯的想對於這方面作出貢獻---他說"理論上我願意為人權而死". 我不懷疑在這原則之下他也可以犧牲他的籃球生涯. 當他無意間提到"籃球不能'定義'他自己是誰"的時候,這也不像是做作的陳腔濫調.. 他是想要在在文化上做出許多貢獻. 我問他當Bernie Goldberg,一個Real Sports的記者形容他 "要嘛是大膽,要嘛是令人難以忍受的"的時候他的感覺是? 他一開始為這個問題感到困惑.不過他正式回答這問題時是很堅定的: "I think it's a very true statement. At the end of the day, we all stand on one side of a line, and it's always going to be opposed by somebody else," he says. And then he really goes to the rack. "I don't like to compare myself to other great people.8 But I'm sure Gandhi was insufferable to some people. Martin Luther King was insufferable. JFK was certainly insufferable. Galileo was insufferable. It's always tough to tolerate people who say the things that other people don't want to say." White:" 我認為這個描述很正確,在每天結束的時候,我們都站在一條線的某一邊--- 一定會有人在另外一邊反對你." 接著似乎講到讓他有點痛苦的部份了: "我實在不想把我和以下那些偉人相提並論,但... (註1) 我很確定Gandhi(甘地)對於某些人來說是難以忍受的... Martin Luther King (金恩牧師)也是... JFK(甘迺迪)也絕對是... Galileo(伽利略)也是.... 對於某些說出其他人不敢說的話的人,你總是無法輕易的忍受他們啊. " First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. In the coming weeks, we shall all see where Royce White fits into that continuum, or if he fits there at all. 記者結語: 起先他們無視你,然後他們嘲笑你,然後他們開始攻擊你,然後你就贏了--- 在接下來幾周中,讓我們拭目以待White到底可以和大家相處的多好... 或是他根本無法做到? 註1: I realize people who read this article will exclusively dwell on the segment of the quote that follows this particular sentence. But I want to remind people that he did start with, "I don't like to compare myself to other great people." Granted, phrases that start in that manner rarely reflect positively on the speaker. But he was talking to a reporter who was asking him about his own self-perception, and — though I did not ask him to compare himself to anyone — I certainly did not dissuade him from doing so. 我相信讀到這一段的人一定會對以下這段(提到偉人相比)話耿耿於懷. 不過在提醒各位一次: 他畢竟是先說了"我實在不想把我跟這些偉人相提並論" ...雖然說這種起手式實在很難讓你對說這段話的人有什麼良好印象, 但他畢竟是在回答一個正在試圖了解他的觀念的記者問題... 而且雖然我沒有意圖請他和任何人做比較---我當然也沒有阻止他這麼做. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
joumay :依照本人經驗 起手式爛 論文通常都很遜 跳過吧..... 02/01 13:10
spurs2120 :感謝翻譯,對他越來越感興趣了。 02/01 13:10
stand1234 :感謝翻譯,老實說看火箭及NBA怎麼處理他的案例將會很 02/01 13:12
stand1234 :有趣,不知道其他運動有沒有類似的情況 02/01 13:12
RAYBO :他關注的事情太多 也太投注 以至於忽略了眼前最該關 02/01 13:16
RAYBO :心的事~~ 02/01 13:17
mywu :謝謝翻譯 02/01 13:17
doomster562 :看起來很像碎碎念 02/01 13:31
OOpttcc :有點像來到了生涯規劃版..... 02/01 14:15
yeiloud :感覺就是個頭痛人物... 02/01 14:22
kimimskimi :我覺得他精神病的定義範圍太廣了 把正常的壓力也算進 02/01 14:31
kaichuan :感謝翻譯! 02/01 14:47
mywu :我覺得他認為人應該要沒有壓力的活著,但這不太可能, 02/01 14:50
mywu :太理想化了..就像是說希望世界大同之類的 02/01 14:50
BLABLA007 :提問人很會挖洞阿 引導對方走向... 02/01 15:28
duncan6502 :感覺像是個理論派大師 書看很多 但也僅此而已 02/01 16:06
duncan6502 :他自己也搞不懂 自己想幹嘛吧 02/01 16:07
duncan6502 :感覺像是個共產主義者 他想活在烏托邦裡頭 02/01 16:17
duncan6502 :不過還是希望他能上場打球 想看台媒會怎麼報XD 02/01 16:19
wusalt :Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooody Allen!!!!! 02/01 16:21
DASHOCK :很像跳針......... 02/01 16:26
jojobigoldtw: 02/01 16:48
KeySabre :在他眼裡只有機器人沒精神病吧 02/01 16:49
iswearxxx :借轉 感謝:) 02/01 17:42
iswearxxx:轉錄至看板 Rockets 02/01 17:42
ymcg :美國謝和弦 02/01 18:59
blaukatze :就說他自定義精神病啊 然後什麼都可以是精神病 02/01 20:19
goury :推!我們都站在一條線的某一邊 一定有人在另外一邊 02/02 00:15
goury :完全不懂精神狀態這種東西,還能噓的那麼有力 XDDDDD 02/02 00:16