精華區beta NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WWW網站介紹 之 NBA模擬經理 4 by SeanYang *Scoring ㄣ...重點來了,你所買的球員所穫得的點數到底是如何計算的呢? 當然是跟據他們在現實的NBA當中的表現囉... Statistic Small World Points --------------------------------------------------------- Point Scored 得分 +1 Field Goal Missed 投籃不中 -.5 Free Throw Missed 罰球不中 -1 Rebound 籃板 +1.5 Assist 助攻 +2 Steal 抄截 +2.5 Blocks 火鍋 +2.5 Turnover 失誤 -1 現在舉個例: Gary Payton racks up the following in a Sonics win over the Blazers: 20 points, 10 field goals missed, 2 free throws missed, 1 rebound, 11 assists, 2 steals, 1 block and a turnover. SW POINTS 20 Points 20 SWPs (20 * 1) 10 Field goals missed -5 SWPs (10 * -.5) 2 Free throws missed -2 SWPs (2 * -1) 1 Rebound 1.5 SWPS (1 * 1.5) 11 Assists 22 SWPs (11 * 2) 2 Steals 5 SWPs (2 * 2.5) 1 Block 2.5 SWPs (1 * 2.5) 1 Turnover -1 SWPs (1 * -1) TOTAL 20 - 5 - 2 + 1.5 + 22 + 5 + 2.5 - 1 = 43 SW Points To Be Continued ... -- Loyalty Obedience Virtue Eternity My E-mail address : [email protected] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: ccsun44.cc.ntu.