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The 10 best point guards of the last decade Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:00 am EDT 前言太多就不打了,直接進入正文...... 10. Sam Cassell Any list that would have ended after the 2005-06 season would see Cassell closer to the top, but he didn't play last season, wasn't much of a factor the season before that, and struggled through injury-plagued campaigns in 2004-05 and 2006-07. When the man was on, though, he was on. His stats from this particular season won't blow you out of the water (though 19.8 points on 49 percent shooting, 7.3 assists and a 22.8 PER is nothing to sneeze at), but Cassell's turn as Minnesota Timberwolves point man in 2003-04 was about as good as I've ever seen a point guard play. Ever, ever, ever. 10. 八秒微笑外星人 - Sam Cassell 如果這份名單是在05-06年截止的,那麼外星人將會排在榜單的前頭。可惜的是他上賽季 完全沒出賽紀錄,且在05年和07年都因為傷病而困擾著他。 03-04年,當時在明尼蘇達灰狼的外星人正值巔峰期,場均19.8分7.3助攻,投籃命中率 49%,per達到22.8。那時他是我所見過最棒的控衛了。 9. Baron Davis Baron could have been an all-timer, but he's battled injuries, weight problems and an unhealthy obsession with the 3-point line. He's averaged 5.3 per game, on his career, in fact. In spite of shooting just 32.3 percent over the course of 10 seasons. The worst came in 2003-04, when Baron chucked a nonsensical 8.7 3-pointers a game, making just 32.1 percent of them. That kills a team. When Davis has it going, however, and the weight is under control? When his attitude is in the right place? When he's ignoring the 3-point line? Um, these are a lot of qualifiers. He's still great, when things are going great, by his own design. He averaged 17 points, 7.3 assists, four rebounds and about two steals per game on his career (one that started the year this list did) in 35 minutes a contest. 9. 大鬍子小鋼炮 - Baron Davis 小鋼炮本應該是明星賽常客,但傷病史、體重問題以及執著於三分線外出手的心態卻壞了 人們對他的印象。他生涯場均三分線出手數5.3次。事實上,小鋼炮職業生涯的三分命中 率也才32.3%,即使03-04賽季三分命中率只有32.1%,他還是勇敢嘗試場均出手8.7次。 但不可否認他是名很棒的球員,生涯場均上場35分鐘,貢獻17分4籃板7.3助攻,外加將近 2抄截。 8. Deron Williams As it stands now, Williams is the second-best point guard we have in this league. But because of an injury-plagued 2008-09 (even as he posted career highs of 19.4 points and 10.7 assists), and the weight issues that dogged his rookie season in 2005-06, he just doesn't have the resume to stand on at this point. Here's what he does have to step up and be proud of: 16.2 points, career 47 percent shooting, 8.7 assists in 35 minutes a night. He's 25 years old. Give this cat a clean bill of health and a pick, and look out. 8. 蝶龍魔斯拉 - Deron Williams 依目前聯盟情勢來看,蝶龍幾乎穩坐最佳PG的第二把交椅。如果不是上賽季的傷病以及體 重問題,他的排名還會更高。即使上賽季曾因傷缺陣,但是還是繳出了生涯新高的19.4分 10.7助攻。 職業生涯場均出賽35分鐘,貢獻16.2分8.7助攻,47%的投籃命中率。在他25歲的年紀,他 應該為此感到驕傲。 7. Andre Miller Miller does have a resume to stand on. We don't care much about total stats in basketball, but Dre has dished 6,020 assists in his career, good for 28th all time. There's also something about him. I don't want to call the man indifferent, but he often seems it, usually in a cool way. Sometimes, if we're honest, in a way that tells you that he doesn't want to be there. There's a definite confidence to his game, as if he doesn't have time for your nonsense, and I can't help but dig that. 7. 低調A米 - Andre Miller 在這份榜單裡,A米確實有理由佔一席之地。雖然他很低調是大家都知道的事,但生涯總 助攻6020次,排在聯盟第28位,卻是怎麼也無法掩蓋的事實。雖然A米並不起眼,但卻很 實用,常常在需要時給你適當的幫助。 6. Tony Parker In May of 2001, the Spurs were coming off a 58-win season, a tough playoff loss to a steamrolling Lakers team and looking forward to next year with Avery Johnson as starting point man. He'd have to re-sign with the Spurs, of course, but there was no reason to believe Avery, David Robinson and Derek Anderson wouldn't want to come back to play around Tim Duncan. By October of 2001, Johnson was in Denver. Anderson was in Portland, Robinson had returned to San Antonio after a contentious (for David) negotiation period, Spurs fans were ticked and a 19-year-old rookie out of France that nobody had heard of back in May was the starter at point guard. The Spurs didn't even sign a replacement. Things worked out. Three rings later, Parker is a three-time All-Star who is coming off career-high averages of 22 points per game and 6.9 assists per contest. 6. 法國跑車 - Tony Parker 01年5月,馬刺最終拿下58勝卻無緣總決賽。他們只能寄望當時球隊的先發控衛--小將軍 Johnson並放眼明年。後來小將軍離開球隊,馬刺壓寶在一個19歲沒沒無聞的新秀,名叫 Parker的法國人,他們甚至連替補都沒給Parker準備,但事情就這麼發生了。 在幫助馬刺拿下3座冠軍後,Parker也已經是三屆全明星了。且上賽季取得場均生涯新高 的22分和6.9助攻。 5. Chris Paul Rings aside, Chris Paul has had the best first 300 games of any point guard in NBA history. He's that good, that soon. The slow pace the Hornets have always played at makes it so his stats won't knock you out, but 47 percent shooting, 19.4 points, 9.9 assists, 2.4 steals (high) and 2.6 turnovers (real, real low), with four rebounds a contest are killer. Absolutely killer. 5. 蜂王 - Chris Paul 除了冠軍戒之外,蜂王在生涯前300場比賽可算是歷史最佳。 可惜黃蜂緩慢的步伐缺阻礙了蜂王前進的道路,但蜂王生涯場均還是能繳出19.4分4籃板 9.9助攻2.4抄截,47%投籃命中率,而且只有2.6次失誤。他簡直就是個殺手。 4. Gilbert Arenas Listen, the Wizards start Arenas at point guard. I don't know if he is a point guard, but he dominates the ball and acts the part of a point guard, even if he isn't passing much. And he plays damn, damn well when healthy, as the Wizards' point guard. This isn't a case of something like Tim Duncan masquerading at power forward. I'm not here to argue as to whether or not this is a good thing for the Wizards to have Arenas handling the rock as much as he's done, for as long as he's done it. But for as long as he's done it, he's done it. He's averaged 22.8 points and 5.8 assists on his career, and despite the injuries, he's only 27. 4. 0號大將軍 - Gilbert Arenas 其實我不清楚0號究竟是不是控衛,但是他打得像控衛---一個喜歡得分的控衛。這跟石佛 偽裝成大前鋒的案例是不一樣的。只有當他健康的時候,他的球賽才會有威脅性。 職業生涯場均貢獻22.8分5.8助攻。雖然受傷,但別忘記他才27歲。 3. Chauncey Billups Here's a resume. Six teams, one of them twice, one he never played for. So ... six teams? One ring, four All-Star teams, and the man didn't even start more than 60 games for the second time until his sixth season. This is a long way of telling you that, six years ago, any thought of any impending inclusion of Chauncey Billups on a list of the decade's best point men would be met with confusion and/or derision. And yet, here he is. And some will argue for his presence at the top spot, and I'd have a tough time shouting them down. Sturdy D, standout offensive efficiency on slow-down teams, lots and lots of wins. He leads, he executes, and sorry for resorting to a cliché, but Chauncey Billups is proof that persistence often pays off. 3. Mr. Big Shot - Chauncey Billups 槍西前後共效力過六支球隊,生涯獲得一枚冠軍戒、4次全明星賽。但生涯前六年沒人 預測到槍西能擠身頂尖控衛的行列。如今槍西讓那些質疑者閉上了嘴巴。 堅強的防守,有效的進攻,加上不斷的贏球在在證明了他的價值。槍西證明了「等久了 就是你的。」 2. Steve Nash Ask me, ask anyone else you know who read this list, ask yourself who, exactly, you'd like to play alongside the most on this list, and the answer will invariably be "Steve Nash." We'd be wrong in that regard, of course. We'd be destroyed on defense, and we may have a little issue with turnovers. But we'd still want to play with him, in spite of a nagging suspicion that the second pick in this particular draft might be a bit better. We play to win, I guess, but we're also playing because it's fun. Nobody says, "I'm going to go down to the Y later this afternoon to try and contribute to a winning cause." We say, "I'm going to go play basketball," a game, a game that's fun. You've seen this dance before. So, he'll get burned on D. And at the end of the day, other players will have more points, rebounds, steals and assists, even. But man, isn't his game something to behold? 2. 飄髮哥 - Steve Nash 如果你問我或問別人在這份名單上最想和誰搭檔,答案會是Steve Nash。 儘管防守及失誤為人詬病,但是很多人還是願意和Nash一起打球。 相信很多人打籃球是為了樂趣,和Nash在一起很容易就能輕鬆得分。 他奔跑過的地方都會颳起一陣炫風。 1. Jason Kidd Put it all together - the stifling defense, the pinpoint passing, the burgeoning shooting acumen, the scoring touch in transition, in the paint, or his staunch rebounding abilities - and you nearly have the perfect point guard. And the best point man of our era. The off-court stuff, you might not like. The trade demands, the contract issues or the way he was probably pretty overrated during his last few years in New Jersey. Overall, it doesn't matter much. Kidd averaged 13.8 points, 9.2 assists, 6.7 rebounds, two steals, three turnovers and absolutely killer defense for the better part of this decade. 1. 大三元製造機 - Jason Kidd 結合以下特質:有力的防守、精準的傳球、攻守轉換間的得分能力、不俗的籃板球,Kidd 簡直就是控衛的完美典範。 職業生涯場均貢獻13.8分9.2助攻6.7籃板外加2抄截,且只有3失誤。過去十年間,Kidd的 強力防守是所有控衛的惡夢。 來源:http://ppt.cc/LQ3X -- 後面累了有點隨意翻......= =a -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eric00611 :感謝翻譯,推! 09/25 18:58
gaiaesque :翻譯推 09/25 18:59
gaiaesque :0已經27歲了... 09/25 19:00
benzis :小AB: 我在哪? 09/25 19:01
davy50707 :Mike Bibby表示:我不是前十也有第十一的可能 09/25 19:03
ISnathan :借轉 感恩! 09/25 19:10
ISnathan:轉錄至看板 Mavericks 09/25 19:10
bee12 :B拉普斯真的很強 09/25 19:14
freekidd :喔耶!!!!感謝翻譯!!! 09/25 19:17