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※ [本文轉錄自 Spurs 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Spurs 標題: [外電] 年度最佳防守球員候選人一號 -- 包叔 時間: Wed Apr 19 21:27:05 2006 原文出處: http://www.nba.com/awards2006/thecase_defense_bowen.html -- 2005-06: Part of a Spurs team that is holding opponents to 88.8 points per contest ( second in the NBA) and .433 shooting (third in the NBA), and the Spurs have been in the top five in each of these categories in each of Bowen's five years with the team ... named to the All-Defensive Team the last five seasons (First Team nods the past two) ... elected as one of 23 players to participate as a member of the 2006-08 USA Men’s Senior National Team Program ... recorded his 250th career block on a potential game tying shot by Dirk Nowitzki that preserved a win for the Spurs on 12/1 at Dallas ... With 352 consecutive games played under his belt, he is now the Spurs all-time leader for most consecutive games played. '05-'06年球季表現: 是馬刺能把對手單場平均得分壓低至88.8分(聯盟第二)且投籃命中率只有43.3%(聯盟 第三)的關鍵人物,而包叔在馬刺這五年期間,球隊在上述兩項指標性的防守數據皆能排在 聯盟前五名,包叔的重要性可見一斑...過去五個球季都入選年度最佳防守球隊(過去兩季 都入選防守第一隊)...成為23名'06-'08年美國夢幻隊的培訓成員之一...12/造訪達拉斯 時送出生涯第250個火鍋,搧掉了司機可能追平比數的一球,為球隊保住了勝利...已經連 續出賽352場,同時也是馬刺隊史上連續出賽最多場次的球員。 -- Our take: You could determine the Defensive Player of the Year by the amount of shots a player blocks. You could determine it by the amount of steals they swipe. You could even factor rebounds in. You could go with the best defender on the team that gives up the fewest points. The most telling number for how good a defender really is though, is the number of the league's leading scorers that he has enraged. Advantage Bruce Bowen. -- John Schuhmann 我們的看法: 你可以用一個球員整季所送出的火鍋或抄截的總數或甚至再加上他們所搶到的籃板數 來決定要把年度最佳防守球員的獎項頒給誰,你也可以把這個獎頒給聯盟中平均失分最少 的球隊裡防守最出色的球員。但其實最重要的一個數據是當防守球員遭遇聯盟中平均得分 前幾名的球員時,他能把他們壓制到什麼程度,就這點來說,包叔的表現可說是可圈可點 ,也為自己在角逐年度最佳防守球員的過程中加了許多分數。 --J.Schuhmann -- From the media: Bruce Bowen was named to the United States national team at age 34 because he is known as an on-the-ball defender. Ben Wallace's dominating presence makes him the conventional choice. Andrei Kirilenko leads the league in blocks, Dwight Howard leads in total rebounds and Shawn Marion could win a statistical defensive decathlon. But Bowen gets more players complaining about his aggressive defense, which means he gets into their heads. -- Liz Robbins - New York Times (reg. req'd.) 媒體的看法: 包叔因為針對持球者的防守能力出色而以34歲的高齡入選了美國夢幻培訓隊。班蛙主 宰禁區的能力出眾使他成為獲得這個獎項的常客。AK47送出的麻辣鍋總數、上一季的狀元 郎D.Howard抓下的籃板總數分居聯盟之冠,而Matrix更堪稱所有防守數據的全包兄。但包 叔因為在防守時常常給予對手迎頭痛擊,而獲得最多球員的抱怨(抱怨他防守過於積極)。 -- A fan's take: Bruce Bowen is many times overlooked for the award because his defense usually goes unnoticed. He doesn't have these monster blocks that fly into the stands or steals that lead to a throw down. He just plays tight, right-up-in-your-face defense and shuts down his opponent. If you haven't noticed, the stars complain about Bowen all the time. They hate playing against him because he's just so dang good on defense. Wihout Bowen the Spurs most likely would not be where they are today because Bowen is a key aspect to the Spur's team. Although there are many players who can be chosen for the award, Bruce Bowen deserves the Defensive Player of the Year Award for this year. This is his year. -- Alake - Spring Branch, Texas 球迷的看法: 包叔已經有好幾次和年度最佳防守球員的獎項擦身而過,因為他的防守數據通常不特 別引人注意。他沒有野獸般的體能可以一躍而起送給對手一記麻辣鍋,也很少用抄截斷掉 對方的球。他只會像和對手跳黏巴達一樣,以幾乎快要貼到對手的臉的貼身防守方式造成 對手的困擾。如果你不覺得包叔的防守有什麼了不起,那請你以後稍微注意一下,聽聽為 什麼很多明星球員總是在抱怨他的防守有多煩人。他們痛恨面對包叔,因為他的防守功夫 實在很棒。如果馬刺沒有包叔,那球隊幾乎不可能有今天這樣的成就,因為他的防守是馬 刺屢戰屢勝的關鍵因素。雖然還有很多球員有資格獲得這個獎項,但包叔今年真的應該獲 獎,因為今年可說是他表現最為傑出的一年。 --來自德州常春區的球迷Alake -- The Numbers:(本季個人攻守數據) G MPG PPG RPG APG SPG BPG FG% 3P% FT% 2005-06 81 33.9 7.6 3.9 1.6 0.98 0.37 .434 .426 .607 -- Defensive Player of the Year - The Candidates: 本季年度最佳防守球員候選人: Bruce Bowen - San Antonio Spurs Marcus Camby - Denver Nuggets Andrei Kirilenko - Utah Jazz Shawn Marion - Phoenix Suns Ben Wallace - Detroit Pistons Gerald Wallace - Charlotte Bobcats -- Others worth consideration: 本季其他防守表現出色的球員還有: Ron Artest, Elton Brand, Tim Duncan, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Brevin Knight -- 順道附上包叔的個人攻守數據網頁: http://www.nba.com/playerfile/bruce_bowen/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dspic:TD都退出了年度第一隊的角逐 讓包大叔拿最佳防守也不為過뤠 04/19 21:53
WWWchen:3P% 4成多 有射手比包叔高嗎@@ 馬次幕後英雄 包叔!! 04/19 22:03
iris0108:nba.com首頁有年度防守球員投票喔 記得去投票嘿 04/19 22:08
iris0108:目前第一高票還是大班 記得去支持包叔唷 04/19 22:12
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (04/19 22:35)
BruceBowen12:加油加油 該是給無名英雄肯定的時侯了^^ 04/19 23:22
magicchen:班哇領先真多 看來我要灌票了...XD 04/20 01:14
GAPB:竟然沒有腎鬥士 :( 04/20 08:09
christon:就帳面數字來說 大班是漂亮多了 最佳防守該不會只看數據? 04/20 13:03
maxnaruto:推包叔呀 除了防守 三分球命中率超過四成!! 04/20 19:06
motoman:大班不只數據好 他的阻嚇力也是一流的 要求他贏包叔也不 04/21 12:27
motoman:意外阿...雖然我也希望包叔得獎 04/21 12:29
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CORYCHAN:這麼會射三分的人罰球怎麼這麼... 04/21 21:20
kreen:推包溫~ 超黏! 04/21 21:22
Michaelpipen:不推包溫 04/21 21:58
mark30204:推 包叔加油@@ 04/21 22:09
nervouschang:不推 04/21 22:52
Invincibleme:Push Bowen 04/21 22:59
pheather:包叔的三分球命中多數都是兩側底線,其他位置沒那麼好 04/21 23:07
raysilence:三分fg快超過總fg了 XD 04/21 23:25
bbisme:包叔粉絲還不少嘛 XD 04/21 23:30
Rotorua:不是包叔粉絲的人應該會痛很包叔吧 我猜 04/21 23:33
kai321:雖然防守很髒,但不該否認他在場上的功力!給他個獎吧! 04/21 23:43
MaxLJ:最猛的是這種拚命的防守 竟然不會受傷???? 佩服 04/22 09:43
joker6:它會讓別人受傷自己不會受傷 04/23 13:02