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Marbury放話說他想要跟KG同隊 不過是在紐約而不是在明尼蘇達 Knicks: Marbury wants KG in NY THE NEWS Knicks guard Stephon Marbury said he would love to be reunited on the same team with Kevin Garnett, but that he would prefer that a reunion take place in the Big Apple. Marbury forced a trade out of Minnesota after playing less than three seasons with Garnett. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mrkey:他什麼都想..但是時會讓他得逞嗎...? 03/28 01:03
tommyen:我想跟我同學阿毛同一隊, 不過不是在小學校隊, 是在湖人隊 03/28 01:47
newest:說真的 搞不好小馬跟小法都會被尼克送出去~~ 03/28 01:47
DAING:送是一定會送的 只是不太好送.. 03/28 01:52
JoshBoone:還是選我實在些 03/28 04:15