精華區beta NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Helene (Animal Crossing)》之銘言: ※ 引述《ccris (DESPERADO)》之銘言:
ccris:我覺得Bruin熊長的滿可愛的,每次看到那些under在拖都很想跟 12/04 23:35
ccris:他們說你不要的話給我... 12/04 23:36
ccris:http://tinyurl.com/yepnru 某年的廣告 12/04 23:38
ccris:youtube上打usc ucla會出現好多ucla的慶祝畫面... 12/04 23:51
ccris:不知道U Mitch和OSU之間的對立有那麼誇張嗎 12/04 23:52
嗯.. UM跟OSU之間的rivalry有多強,以下這些是從比賽前我們學校寄給"全部師生"的信 裡節錄出來的提醒,你自己來判斷吧~ ---Try carpooling to the game; if possible, drive a car with non- Michigan license plates. ---Keep your Michigan gear to a minimum, or wait until you are inside the stadium to display it. ---Stay with a group. ---Stay low-key; don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. ---If verbally harrassed by opposing fans, don't take the bait. ---Avoid High Street in Columbus. If at any time you feel unsafe, you should call 9-1-1 for assistance. U-M campus police also will be available in Columbus to support our fans. You may call them with non-emergency concerns at (734) 216-9159. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Luxti: 既然有人寫了... 我就添油加醋 你想一下這是兩州之間的對立 12/05 02:43
Luxti: 連職業運動都可能辦不到 有沒有給他恐怖... 12/05 02:44
Luxti: BTW freesoul 兄與 ccris 兄你們讓我感受到 identity 好像 12/05 02:45
Luxti: 曝光的狀況... 有點呆掉 :p 12/05 02:46
freesoul:大人拜託不要再兄來兄去了 我真的承受不起啊~~~ 12/05 09:02