精華區beta NTUBST98 關於我們 聯絡資訊
國際學生之夜 現在在台灣唸書的國際學生越來越多,我們國際領袖服務社(Global Leadership Village)這次很榮幸邀請到來自不同國家的學生,與我們介紹他們國家的文化,還有分 享他們在台灣求學的點點滴滴。這是一個溫馨的小型分享會,台外籍學生可互相分享、溝 通。現場備有美味茶點,歡迎參加! 講者: Hatoumata Magassa 法國人,巴黎高等政治學院學生,交換至台大一年。偶像是王力宏。 備瀨 日本沖繩人,台日混血就讀師大東亞系二年級,熱愛東亞文化。 伍瑋琛 來自加州大學Davis分校的華人女孩,台大的交換學生,喜愛中國歷史與文化。 巴特 蒙古人,台大法律系三年級,長得像蠟筆小新,台大蒙古服務隊副團長。 Greg 加拿大人,台大歷史系三年級,想聽聽他學中文的故事嗎? 另有兩位神秘嘉賓德國青年加入! 5/12(三) 晚上 6h30 303 二活交誼廳 A Cultural Exchange Night with International Students There are more and more international students study in Taiwan. We are glad to invite them to come to GLV and share with us their culture and their story in Taiwan. This is a small and casual cultural exchange activity for enhancing the cross-cultural understanding of local and international students. We prepare some snack and drink, welcome to join us! Speakers: Hatoumata Magassa She comes from France, a student in Science Po, Paris, exchange to NTU for a year, also a fan of Leehom Wang. Bise She is from Okinawa, origin from Taiwan and Japan, major in Eastern Asian studies, and enthusiastic about Eastern Asian Culture. Christie A Chinese girl from UC Davis, coming to NTU for one year, passionate about Chinese history and culture. Greg Canadian, a junior major in history, do you want to hear his story of learning Chinese? We will have other two special guests from Germany! 5.12 18h30 303 Student "Lounge, 2nd Student Center -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: