精華區beta NTUDormG3 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好,我是新網管 如果各位同學有需要我幫忙的地方,麻煩您: (1) 寄E-mail給我 [email protected] (preferred) (2) 上批踢踢寄信給我 telnet://ptt.cc ID: G3internet (preferred) (3) 到一樓電梯旁,填網路維修單 (4) 打我的寢室電話 (02)3366-8887 (PM7:00~PM12:00) (5) 打我的手機 0939-311486 (週一至週五) 請告知如何稱呼您、您的房間號碼、電話、以及您遇到的狀況。 請注意網管的服務範圍是:從您寢室的網路孔,到出宿舍的外部網路。一些個人電腦的問 題,如防火牆、電腦病毒、電腦重灌、瀏覽器更改編碼、各種軟體的使用方法與問題、讓 2台電腦互傳檔案、讓多台電腦使用同1個IP上網等疑難雜症,並不在我的服務範圍之內。 請先詢問您的室友,或利用Google、批踢踢的AntiVirus版、批踢踢的Trace版、Yahoo!奇 摩知識、以及各種網路論壇找尋解答。 假日會回家不在學校,但回來時會儘速幫您處理,為免造成彼此的誤會,有任何意見請來 信指教,我會儘快為您服務。謝謝! ============================================================= New Internet Guy (1) Send me an e-mail: [email protected] (preferred) (2) Log in Ptt (telnet://ptt.cc) and send a mail to “G3internet” (preferred) (3) Fill in the table besides the elevator at the first floor. (4) Call my phone in my room: (02)3366-8887 (PM7:00~PM12:00) (5) Call my cell phone: 0939-311486 (Mon.~Fri.) Please tell me your name, room #, phone #, available time, and problems encountered. Please note that the Internet Guy’s service range is from the network hole in your room to the Internet outside this building. Most PC problems are not inc luded in my service range, such as the firewall, computer viruses, reinstallin AntiVirus and the Trace boards in Ptt, and all kinds of online forums. If I am not in the school for holidays, I will solve your problems as soon as possible when I back school! In order to prevent misunderstanding, if you have any opinion, please send me a mail and I will respond as soon as possible. Thank you! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: G3internet 來自: (08/06 20:43)