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※ [本文轉錄自 medstudent 看板] 作者: a67916 (小虎) 看板: medstudent 標題: [賣書] 醫學/藥學系 二手用書 全面300元起! 時間: Mon Feb 23 19:16:08 2009 ※ [本文轉錄自 pharmacist 看板] 作者: a67916 (小虎) 看板: pharmacist 標題: [賣書] 醫學/藥學系 二手用書 全面300元起! 時間: Mon Feb 23 19:02:25 2009 [三百元區]: 1. BENSON & PERNOLL'S handbook of OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 10th ed 2. 圖解 人體解剖學手冊 Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy - 原著by Heinz Feneis [四百元區]: 1. 哈伯氏生物化學 Harper's Biochemistry (上冊) 22th ed. -Murray, Granner, May... 2. GROSS ANATOMY 4th ed. - by Kyung Won Chung 3. 醫用寄生學 Medical Parasitology - 原著by Markell Voge John 翻譯 杜文圓 4. 最新圖解藥理學 Pharmacology 2nd ed. - by Mary J. Mycek, Richard A. Harvey,... 5. CURRAN'S 組織病理學圖譜 4 Revised ed. - 原著by R.C. CURRAN, J. CROCKER 6. BLOOM & FAWCETT: CONCISE HISTOLOGY - by Don W. Fawcett 7. Robbins_PATHOLOGIC BASIS of DISEASE 6th ed. (上下冊) 8. Neuroanatomy_An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems-by Duane E. Haines [五百元區]: 1. The Human Nervous System 7th ed. - by John A. Kiernan 2. Harper's Biochemistry 24th ed. - by Robert K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner, ... 3. Ganong 醫學生理學_Review of Medical Physiology 1+2冊-原著by William F.Ganong 4. Color Textbook of Histology 2nd ed. - by LESLIE P. GARTNER, JAMES L. HIATT 5. BSCP 最新神經系統解剖學(精裝) - by 陽明大學醫學系 馬大元 6. Ross 組織學_Histology:A Text and Atlas 3rd ed.(精裝) -by ROSS, ROMRELL, KAYE 7. IMMUNO BIOLOGY_the immune system in health and disease 3rd ed. - Janeway,... 8. clinically oriented ANATOMY 4th ed. - by KEITH L. MOORE, ARTHUR F. DALLEY 9. ACLS Provider Manual - by American Heart Association updated 2004 10. WHEATER'S HISTOPATHOLOGY_a colour atlas and text - ALAN STEVENS, JAMES.... -- 以上若有錯字, 敬請見諒! -- 台北, 新竹 面交, 其餘地點請自付包裹費用, 0921-194731 李同學 若無人接聽, 請傳簡訊 or 站內信, 感謝! ~節能減碳 請愛用二手書~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: a67916 來自: (02/23 19:03) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: a67916:轉錄至看板 LicenseShop 02/23 19:26 ※ 編輯: a67916 來自: (02/23 19:27) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: