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※ [本文轉錄自 NTULabor 看板] 發信人: [email protected] (穆斯林兄弟與菲律賓姊妹, 看板: NTULabor 標 題: [轉貼]團結一致,抵抗剝削 發信站: 台灣文化資訊站 (Sat Sep 8 19:05:07 2001) 轉信站: Ptt!TWserv 團結一致,抵抗剝削 台灣天主教外籍勞工權益促進聯盟 聯 合 聲 明 儘管在外籍勞工、台灣地方工會、暨各非政府組織的強烈抗爭之下, 台灣行政院勞工委員會依然決議施行新制:自二00一年九月一日起, 按月將外籍工廠工、建築工之膳宿費含算於基本薪資之內。新制施行 初期,將按月自外勞薪資扣繳新台幣二千五百元,此後扣款將逐步提 高,直至新台幣五千元(亦即外勞基本薪資之31.7﹪)為止。我等天 主教外籍勞工權益促進聯盟成員,迄今仍對勞委會此項新制強烈反對。 今後我們仍將自地方、國際二層面雙管齊下,持續推動此項訴求,同 心協力,共抗資本主義之宰制。 至於勞委會新制是否真能造福台灣經濟,對此我們甚表懷疑。實則外 籍勞工薪資愈為廉價,則本籍勞工更形失業,尤令廣大本勞之家庭生 計倍加困頓艱辛。 在此,我們無意對新制之合法性多作辯駁。事實上勞基法自一九八四 年施行迄今,該條文向來備而未用。然而,如今膳宿費既已由勞方自 行支付,據此,我們也要求勞委會賦予外勞自擇膳宿方式之自由,聽 其自行決定棲身何處、食用何種食物。 台灣政府屢次慨言境內外勞薪資較諸香港為高。針對台灣政府此番合 理化說詞,我們亦表質疑。實則香港家庭幫傭、監護工所領薪資均較 台灣外籍勞工為高。再者,我們堅持勞委會提供外勞更為完善之法律 保護,進而比照星加坡、香港標準,給予台灣外勞對等之社會福利。 我們要求勞委會同各勞工輸出國通力合作,採行具體措施,以防杜仲 介業者任索高額仲介費、任行非法扣款。而對於違反勞基法、勞動契 約條文、或自外勞汲取非法利益之雇主,我們要求勞委會施以鐵腕, 加強嚴厲懲處。 越南、印尼、泰國三外勞輸出國政府,因應勞委會新制提議立場軟弱, 對此我們至表悲哀。此三國之勞工不應被視為廉價商品,任人競投低 標、賤價販售。相反的,他們應被視為一群以自身血汗貢獻母國經濟 之公民。而正因如此,此批勞工之人權、工權必須獲致應得之保障。 台灣迄今尚未非二項主要國際勞工組織(International Labor Organization, 或ILO)大會條文之簽署國。該二大會條文分別為:一九四九年就業移民 大會(修訂版)第九十七號 (Migration for Employment Convention, (Revised)1949,(no. 97))、一九七五年外籍勞工大會(增修條文) 第一四三號 (Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975,(no. 143))。在此,我們衷心企盼台灣開始施行上述二會之部 分條款,以於此全球化之際向舉世明確揭示:外籍勞工之人權業已受 到台灣政府高度重視。 最後,我們再次呼籲本勞、外勞捐棄成見,人人心手相連、團結一致, 於勞工的世界中同一陣線,共對剝削與不公宣戰! 台灣天主教外籍勞工權益促進聯盟: 天主教希望職工中心 HOPE WORKERS' CENTER 天主教新事社會服務中心 RERUM NOVARUM CENTER 天主教台北市聖多福天主堂 ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHURCH 天主教外勞關懷小組 MIGRANT WORKERS' CONCERN DESK 天主教新竹教區外勞工牧靈中心 HSIN CHU MIGRANTS' CONCERNS DESK 天主教國際海星海員中心 STELLA MARIS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CENTER 天主教聖高隆會正義和平辦公室 MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. COLUMBAN JPIC OFFICE 中華民國九十年九月一日 September 1, 2001 Solidarity Against Exploitation In spite of the strong opposition from migrant workers, local unions and local Catholic NGO's, the Taiwan Council of Labor Affairs (CLA), starting from September 1, 2001, has decided to include food and accommodation cost in the minimum wage of both factory and construction migrant workers(Since Oct. 1998, the minimum wage had been set at 15,840 NT$ - US$ 466). Initially this fee costs 2,5000 NT$ per month, but will be increased till it reaches 5,000 NT$(31.7﹪of the minimum wage). We, the Catholic migrant advocates in Taiwan, stand strongly against this new CLA regulation, and we will continue our advocacy on both local and international levels, to strengthen our solidarity against this capitalistic domination. We doubt that this new regulation will ultimately benefit the Taiwan economy. As a matter of fact, by making the foreign labor force cheaper, the unemployment rate for local workers will simply be further exacerbated. This only renders worse suffering to more local families. Here, we do not attempt to argue against the legality of the new regulation that has laid dormant in the Labor Standards Law since its promulgation in 1984. However, since the migrant workers are now paying for their food and accommodation, we request the CLA to provide them with the freedom of choice on where they will live and what they will eat. We also question the justification given by the government that Taiwan's salary for migrant workers is much higher than that which is paid in Hong Kong. In fact, domestic workers in Hong Kong receive a higher salary than migrant workers in Taiwan. Moreover, we insist that the CLA offers the migrant workers better protection under the law and the same social welfare enjoyed by migrant workers in Hong Kong and Singapore. We request the CLA to cooperate with the labor sending countries, taking concrete steps to curb the collection of high placement fees and illegal deductions by the broker agencies. We ask for more severe penalties for employers who either violate the provisions stipulated in both the Labor Standards Law and the migrant workers' contract or take unfair advantage of the migrant workers in any form. We deplore the three labor-sending countries, namely Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, for their weak opposition to this proposal. Workers from these countries should not be considered as cheap commodities meant to be "sold out" at the lowest bid,but should be respected as citizens that contribute to the economy of their mother countries with their own sweat and sacrifices. Both the human and labor rights of these workers must thus be duly protected. Up until now, Taiwan is not one of the signatories of the two main International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions on migration {Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949, (no. 97) and Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975, (no. 143)}. We hope that Taiwan will commence implementing some of the provisions of both Conventions, so that the world can see that migrant rights are put on the top priority by the Taiwan government. We appeal once again to both migrant and local workers alike to put aside the differences, joining hand in hand, united in solidarity in our common battle against exploitation and abuses in the world of labor. 天 主 教 外 勞 權 益 促 進 聯 盟 Catholic Migrant Advocates in Taiwan: 天主教希望職工中心 HOPE WORKERS' CENTER 天主教新事社會服務中心 RERUM NOVARUM CENTER 天主教台北市聖多福天主堂 ST. CHRISTOPHER'S CHURCH 天主教外勞關懷小組 MIGRANT WORKERS' CONCERN DESK 天主教新竹教區外勞工牧靈中心 HSIN CHU MIGRANTS' CONCERNS DESK 天主教國際海星海員中心 STELLA MARIS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE CENTER 天主教聖高隆會正義和平辦公室 MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. COLUMBAN JPIC OFFICE -- 與全世界被奴役被欺凌人民站在一起 -- ※ Origin: 台灣文化資訊站 ◆ From: swtp133-20.adsl.seed.net.tw -- 剝曾剃頭皮、飲曾剃頭血 以祭百萬天國將士 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: