精華區beta NY-Mets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
簡單翻一下 太長了所以講重點 NEW YORK – Hand on his heart, Jose Reyes takes the pledge of all good leadoff men, committing his soul (or at least his at-bats) to a higher on-base percentage. Reyes 想做所有開路先鋒想做的事情 - 提升上壘率 "I have to do it," the Mets' shortstop says. "I have to get on so [Carlos] Beltran and [Mike] Piazza can get the RBIs." 「不然 Beltran 和 Piazza 就不知道要去哪裡生打點了」 The Mets are waiting for Reyes to live up to his word, but manager Willie Randolph's patience isn't limitless, either. The Mets need to score more runs and privately concede they won't do it with Reyes in the dugout 70 percent of the time. 大都會正在期待他說到做到, 可是 Reyes 每次上場有 70% 的機會不會上壘, 這實在不是得分的好方法 The problem is that Reyes hardly ever walks, and his .275 batting average is only a notch above respectable. Asking a 22-year-old for a fully developed sense of the strike zone is unreasonable, but in the meantime, Reyes' .300 OBP (77th in the NL) is keeping the Mets from taking advantage of the surprising parity in the NL East 問題在於 Reyes 不會走路, 不對, 不會等保送 而且他的打擊率也只是勉強算 "不錯" 的 .275 要一個 22 歲球員有完整的選球觀念不太實際 但 Reyes 的表現讓大都會在今年國聯東的亂集團沒辦法脫穎而出 They're eighth in the NL in runs and 10th in on-base percentage. One major league executive said, "that lineup should be scoring more runs, period." Somehow, though, the Mets are close enough to first place to fantasize about a late-September hot streak that would propel them into the playoffs. 大都會在國聯的得分是第八名, 上壘率第十 「這個打線不應該只得這樣一點點分數吧,大爺們」 不過大都會目前還很有希望角逐一個分區冠軍的席位 Count AVG OBP 0-2 .167 .194 這是 Reyes 在不同球數下的打擊表現 After 0-2 .216 .259 2-2 .276 .276 After 2-2 .243 .282 3-2 .125 .333 But ask around, and you'll hear that general manager Omar Minaya is actually gearing up for a projected golden era, which will begin in 2006. Reyes, Beltran and David Wright will be the centerpieces of the next generation at Shea. 但大都會的 GM, Omar Minaya, 正在計畫的是從 06 年開始的黃金期 Reyes + Beltran + Wight 哇~ That's smart, sensible planning. No one believes Minaya will trade away his young assets at the July 31 deadline, no matter how close he feels to October. But in the meantime, the Mets have forgotten the adrenaline rush an accomplished leadoff man delivers: the early rallies, the stolen bases and the puncture wounds an opposing starter suffers before he's even made it to the dugout. 很合邏輯的計畫, 也沒人會認為 Minaya 會把這些人交易走 (靠, 啊 Kazmir 呢) 即使他的球隊很有機會很有機會前進十月也應該不會亂補人 不過大都會目前似乎忽略一個開路先鋒能帶來的影響 在球賽中前段的反攻、盜壘、對敵方先發投手的心理打擊 Nothing, for example, deflated the Yankees more than the two first-inning runs the Brewers scored on Randy Johnson Monday. Convinced that pitching on four days' rest would return him to a state of dominance, the Big Unit instead started the game by losing a five-pitch at-bat to leadoff hitter Brady Clark. 舉例而言, 酒桶人週一對北方佬時在一局上得的兩分就很巨大 巨怪雖然說自己在投一休四的狀態會比較強 但是他一上來就被第一棒 Brady Clark 耗了五球, 然後安打 Clark's single to center was followed by Jeff Cirillo's RBI double, and Johnson never quite recovered. The Yankees went down in a 4-3 loss. 接著 Jeff Cirillo 打了一支 RBI double, 然後巨怪就炸了 最後北方佬輸球, 3-4. Clark's triumph came as no shock to the Brewers, who've seen their center fielder lay the foundation to an impressive summer, already batting .335. But Clark's more relevant stats include a .391 on-base percentage and a .393 average in the first inning. Johnny Damon and his .387 OBP give the Red Sox a similar aura of first-inning danger. Clark 今年的 AVG 有 .335 但重點是他的 OBP 高達 .391, 在第一局的上壘率更高達 .393 Johnny Damon 有 .387, 而紅襪子也有類似的第一局模式 Batting leadoff, getting on base, is all "a state of mind," Damon recently told Peter Gammons. Reyes is too young to grasp that. He's got his own issues, including chasing pitches out of the strike zone. 原始人大門:「打第一棒要有心理建設,Reyes 太幼齒。他會打壞球,醬不行喔。」 The Mets admit they have no real interest in turning Reyes into a latter day Wade Boggs, who in his prime would draw more than 100 walks a year. That total would turn Reyes into a run-scoring monster, but hitting instructor Rick Down reminds you Boggs often walked because pitchers had no problem pitching around him, even in the first inning. 大都會沒興趣把 Reyes 弄成保送機器 他們覺得投手不會閃躲 Reyes "They knew Boggs wasn't going to steal on them, so why not," Down said. 「狀況不一樣啊,他們會怕 Reyes 盜壘」 Conversely, no one wants to give Reyes (who's third in the NL in steals with 16) a freebie, which means the shortstop sees plenty of strikes when he's ahead in the count. 沒人會想送 Reyes 上一壘, 所以他應該會在球數領先時看到一大堆好球 At 2-0 and 3-1, the Mets prefer that Reyes think of himself as an aggressive hitter instead of a pitch-taking leadoff specialist. Down flatly says, "I don't care about how many walks he has, I care about what he's swinging at." 所以大都會希望 Reyes 在球數領先時積極進攻 「我不在意他的保送數,我只在意他去打了哪些球。」 Reyes has taken that mandate to heart, which accounts for the mere eight walks he's drawn this season. The problem is that Reyes still isn't finding enough strikes – or if they're in the zone, they aren't hittable enough, particularly in his initial trip to the plate. The shortstop is hitting .218 in the first inning, which explains why Randolph isn't making any long-term commitment to Reyes. 結果就是 Reyes 今年只有八個保送, 超多的 Reyes 太常追打不在好球帶裡, 也不好打的球 他在第一局的打擊率是 .218, 狀況特別嚴重 "If I see him up there swinging away with no idea what he's doing, I'll make a change," the manager said. "I have to see progress to keep Jose batting leadoff." 「如果他繼續這樣胡搞下去,那我只好換人了。沒進步,沒第一棒。」 Randolph has already addressed top-of-the-order issues, dropping Kaz Matsui to No. 8 and putting Mike Cameron in the two hole. The next move, of course, would be to make Cameron the leadoff hitter. That would hardly be a radical choice, given his .339 average, .446 on-base percentage and willingness to at least acquiesce to the switch. 懶豆腐已經把 MaBOOi 丟到第八棒, 下一步應該是把 Cameron 往前推到第一棒 AVG .339 OBP .446 嗯, 不錯的選擇 "I don't really want to do it, but I will if they asked me," Cameron said. "Tell you what, though: If I'm batting leadoff, I'm not changing my approach, 2-1 or 3-1. I'll be up there swinging." 「我個人是不太想打第一棒啦,不過老大說了算。不過我可不會改變我的打擊 策略,人家要揮棒啦 >////< 」 The Mets have assured Cameron no such switch is coming. First, they say, demoting Reyes would diminish their base-stealing potential. And they also point out that, despite his anemic OBP, Reyes has still scored 113 runs in 178 games in his career – proof of his ability to create havoc. 大都會也保證 Cameron 不會要他這樣幹 首先,把 Reyes 往後調代表削弱他的盜壘能力 Reyes 生涯 178 場裡得了 113 分, 這證明他在壘間的能力 Most significantly, though, the Mets don't want Reyes losing 50-100 at-bats a year at the bottom of the order, not while they're in the process of growing his talent. 更重要的是, 如果打後段棒次 Reyes 會少幾十個打數, 對他的成長速度不利 The real dividend might be a year or two away, but there are hints of progress. On May 29 against the Marlins, he twice drew walks after falling behind 0-2, once against Josh Beckett and later in the game against Guillermo Mota. 嗯,是有一點點成長啦。他在 3/29 兩次在 0-2 之後保送 Mets officials say Reyes would've never survived those at-bats a year ago. 大都會認為如果是去年的 Reyes, 早就出局了 "I'm learning what a strike is," he said. "I started out slow, swinging at everything. But I'm getting better." 「我正在學,我的起步很慢,但我變強了,也會繼續變強。」 -- "版太乾了給我滾下站去啊!!" / | ○ | >─○ >__<" ╭批╯*kick* | \\ / ̄ | <---ptt 在線分格線 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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