精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From YES site http://0rz.net/8b1FF Since he arrived in pinstripes 10 years ago, Joe Torre's mantra has been that you win championships with pitching, a concept that is neither revolutionary nor original. It is widely believed that the first to espouse this tenet publicly was the legendary sage, Connie Mack, who, almost a century ago, reportedly stated: "Pitching is 80 percent of the game." 自從Torre十年前到洋基時,他的座右銘就是"靠投手拿冠軍",如此平凡的信條,既非革命 性的思想,也非獨創性的概念。此一信條一般都認為是Connie Mack,這位幾乎是一個世紀 前的聖賢所流傳下來的,他說:"棒球比賽投手的重要性佔了百分之八十。" Accordingly, when the Yankees shook off the ravages of having their vaunted offense practically depleted by injury and made their run to the top of the American League East, they did it with pitching — specifically with the outstanding work of their top three starters, Randy Johnson, Mike Mussina and Chien-Ming Wang. 於是,當洋基引以為傲的豪華打線一個個因傷所困時,他們靠投手撐起一片天,特別是 靠RJ、Mussina以及小王這三個王牌先發投手。 As they began the final eight weeks of the season, the Big Three had combined for 37 of the Yankees' 66 wins and with each of them figuring to get 11 or 12 more starts, there was a chance — slim and remote, but at least mathematical — that the 2006 Yankees could boast three 20-game winners. 在他們開始本季最後的八週之前,這三大王牌在洋基66場的總勝場中就佔了37場,而他們 三個每一個人都還有差不多11、12場先發的機會-----這代表,2006年的洋基有可能締造 三位投手皆20勝的光榮紀錄,雖然很渺茫,但至少就數字上來推估是可行的。 To be sure, 20-game winners are becoming a rarity in baseball due mainly to pitch counts, five-man rotations and the increased importance of relief specialists. As the number of 50-home run hitters has increased, the number of 20-game winners has declined. Where once pitchers regularly made from 38 to 40 starts a season, in today's game they are limited to from 30 to 34 starts. 由於近代棒球愈形重視投手投球數、五人先發輪值,以及救援投手等分工精細之情事, 所以可以確定的是,一個球隊同時擁有3位20勝級的投手將變的會愈來愈不可能。當達到 50轟以上的打者增加了,達到20勝的投手卻減少了。過去一個投手每季動輒先發38到40 場,而在現代的棒球則被限制在30到34場。 In the decade of the sixties, there were three 50-home run hitters and 72 20-game winners. In the seventies, only one hitter blasted 50 homers in a season, but 93 pitchers won at least 20 games. In the eighties, no batter hit 50 home runs in a season and only 36 pitchers won 20 games. 在60年代,有3位打者達到50轟,有72位投手達到20勝;在70年代,只有一位打者在一個球 季達到50轟,但有93位投手達到至少20勝;到了80年代,則沒有打者在一個球季內達到50 轟,而20勝級的投手也僅36位。 But came the nineties and the numbers changed dramatically. From 1990 through 1999, the 50-home run plateau was reached 12 times and the 20-win plateau only 34 times. And in the first six years of the decade of the 2000s, 50 home runs have already been reached eight times and 20-game seasons only 28 times. 但到了90年代出現了戲劇化的轉變,從1990年到1999年期間,50轟的紀錄達到12次,而 20勝的紀錄則僅有34次;在2000年到2006期間,一季50轟的紀錄目前已經來到了28次,而 20勝的紀錄只有出現28次。 Despite their recent run of championships, the Yankees haven't had a 20-game winner since Andy Pettitte won 21 in 2003, and in the Joe Torre era, they have had only four 20-game winners — Pettitte 21 in 1996 and '03, David Cone 20 in '98, Roger Clemens 20 in '01. 撇開他們連霸的紀錄不談,洋基從2003年Andy Pettite贏得21勝至今還未有投手出現20勝 的成績。即便在Torre掌兵的這十年,也才出現過4次的20勝紀錄,分別是Pettitte(21勝, 1996以及2003年)、David Cone(20勝,1998年)、R.Clemens(20勝,2001年)。 The odds against a team having two 20-game winners are prohibitive. It hasn't happened since 2002 when, coincidentally, it happened in each league — Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson with the Diamondbacks, Pedro Martinez and Derek Lowe with the Red Sox. 一個隊同時擁有2個20勝級投手的可能性幾近0,除了2002那年。巧合的是,那年兩聯盟各 出現一隊,分別是響尾蛇的Schilling和RJ,紅襪的Pedro以及D.Lowe。 The Yankees haven't had two 20-game winners since Ron Guidry (25) and Ed Figueroa (20) did it in 1978, and in their 100-year history, the Yankees/Highlanders have had two pitchers win at least 20 games in the same season just nine times: 洋基從1978年Ron Guidry(25勝)、E.Figueroa(20勝)之後就沒有過同時兩位投手達到 20勝的成績;而在隊史這100年期間,一季同時有兩位投手達到至少20勝的紀錄總共 也只有九次,如下表: YEAR PITCHERS 1904 Jack Chesbro (41); Jack Powell (23) 1906 Albert Orth (27); Jack Chesbro (24) 1920 Carl Mays (26); Bob Shawkey (20) 1922 "Bullet" Joe Bush (26); Bob Shawkey (20) 1928 George Pipgras (24); Waite Hoyt (23) 1937 Lefty Gomez (21); Red Ruffing (20) 1951 Eddie Lopat (21); Vic Raschi (21) 1963 Whitey Ford (24); Jim Bouton (21) 1978 Ron Guidry (25); Ed Figueroa (20) Three 20-game winners on the same team? The odds against that are astronomical. It hasn't happened since the 1973 Oakland Athletics of Catfish Hunter (21), Ken Holtzman (21) and Vida Blue (20). 至於一個隊上同時擁有三個20勝級投手的可能性呢?攤開全大聯盟歷史,可以說是天方 夜譚了,除了1973年那次,奧克蘭運動家有三位達到20勝級的投手,分別是Catfish Hunter(21勝)、Ken Holtzman(21勝)以及Vida Blue(20勝)。 The Yankees never have had three 20-game winners on the same team, but now they have a chance with Mussina, Wang and Johnson. Not much of a chance, mind you, but a chance nonetheless. 洋基隊史上從未有過同時3位投手達到20勝的紀錄,但現在小王、穆帥以及RJ有這個機會。 雖然可能性不高,但仍然有機會可以一搏。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Aegisth:RJ絕對要回穩吧 08/08 11:54
larusa:72~74奧克蘭三連霸 還真機車 Ace差不多都是投1 4 7場 08/08 11:53
asdfzx:恩 3位20勝 近乎豪洨 08/08 13:11
HIPOP4EVER:我覺得這篇還蠻有意思的,放上來給大家看看 08/08 13:22