精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A single Yankees loss to the team with baseball's worst record will happen fro m time to time. Two such losses, well, that's rare. But three? 洋基偶而會被戰績最差的球隊剃光頭.以前有過兩次.那是相當罕見的.那麼第三次呢? The Yankees last dropped a trio of games to baseball's worst team five years a go, when the Tigers swept them in Detroit. The only other time before that wa s 1937, when the A's swept the Yanks in three games in Philadelphia, accordin g to the Elias Sports Bureau. 洋基上一次在一個系列賽中對戰績最濫的球隊完全處於下風是五年前的事了.當時是老虎 隊在主場橫掃了他們.另一次則是被A's<應該是運動家吧>在費城橫掃 That was, at least, until Thursday night, when the Yankees dropped a 5-2 decis ion to the Royals, a team that has been mired for two years at the bottom of t he American League's Central Division and had won just 13 of 50 games this sea son before the Yankees rolled into Kauffman Stadium. How do you explain that? 至少到星期四晚上洋基以2比5敗給皇家以前一直是如此.皇家已經連續兩年在美聯中區墊底es this ses rolled into Kauffman Stadium. How do you explain that? 在洋基來訪Kauffman Stadium以前.今年球季的前50場球也才贏了13場.你要如何解釋洋基 輸球 "Every team we play is going to get up for us," Derek Jeter said. "Everyone wa nts to show us they can play. We've got to come ready." Jeter說和我們打的球隊都準備好在我們面前好好表現一番.大家都想要表現出他們很能打 我們得要好好準備 The Yankees, though, didn't come ready. They scored just two runs during the s eries finale and collected seven hits. Their starting pitcher, Carl Pavano, st ruggled through 5 1/3 innings and picked up his second straight loss. When the y actually managed a threat during the ninth inning they wound up leaving the bases loaded, the go-ahead run standing on first. 不過洋基並沒有準備好.他們在系列賽最後一戰只打了7支安打並得了2分.先發投手 Carl Pavano撐了五又三分之一局並吞下了個人的二連敗.在第九局真正造成威脅時.他們攻佔 滿壘.而且追平分在一壘. The evening didn't always look so dismal. The Yankees actually grabbed an earl y 1-0 lead in the first inning when Tony Womack, back in the lineup, walked, a dvanced to third on Gary Sheffield's double and came around to score when Hide ki Matsui drove a sacrifice fly to center field. Pavano, meanwhile, retired th e first eight Royals on all of 24 pitches. That was when the trouble began. 這個晚上並不是一直看起來如此沮喪.一局上時靠著重回先發的Womack的保送.接著靠著 Sheffield的二壘安打來到三壘.接著松井以高飛犧牲打讓洋基先馳得點.同時Pavano讓皇 家的打者八上八下.此時麻煩開始了 Pavano gave up a two-out single, then a run-scoring double. Like that, the lea d was gone. So, too, were Pavano's most effective innings. Pavano在兩出局後先被打了一支安打.隨後又被打了一支帶有打點的二壘安打.領先馬上消 失.所以前三局算是Pavano投的比較好的. During the fourth, the right-hander gave up a single, a double and another sin gle, and trailed, all of a sudden, 3-1. The next inning, the Yankees drew to w ithin one run after Jorge Posada singled, advanced to second on a fielding err or and scored on Jeter's single. 第四局時一支安打加上二壘安打和另一支安打及接下來的攻勢.一下就變成了3比1.下一局 洋基靠著Posad和Jeter的安打和內野的失誤.要回了一分 They could have scored more runs, though, had Bernie Williams not been tagged out at second after he tried to tag up on a Robinson Cano flyout to center fie ld. Williams sprinted in to the bag, but wound up as the second out of an 8-4 double play. 假如Williams沒有在二壘因為Cano的中外野飛球提前離壘被觸殺出局而造成雙殺的話.他 們事實上能得更多分. I was just taking a gamble," Williams said. "It's a great play if you make it , it's a terrible play if you don't. Williams說我只是作一個賭注.假如你成功了那是一個很漂亮的play.但要是失敗就會很慘 It was terrible and, according to manager Joe Torre, bad baserunning. 根據Torres那是一個很糟的跑壘 這是我的處女作...請多多包含 太多嚕..翻不完.. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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