精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Past glory escaping current Yankees New approach has club falling short of last dynasty's success http://suo.cc/6BM Baseball Perspectives:Mike Bauman First of all, the world is not divided into Yankee fans and Yankee-haters. There is a third group: those of us who believe that the New York Yankees are the greatest franchise in the history of North American pro sports, but also believe that the Yanks are currently a bit off their game. 首先 世界並不是只有 愛洋基和恨洋基兩種球迷構成 還有第三種球迷 就像我們這樣相信洋基隊是北美地區史上最偉大的職業運動團體 但也相信現在的洋基有點偏離那樣的偉大 You can offer up the Boston Celtics, the Los Angeles Lakers, the Dallas Cowboys, the Green Bay Packers, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Montreal Canadiens ... all of the alleged "dynasties." None of them holds a candle to the Yankees and their 26 World Series titles, not to mention what is now an eight-decade run of success. 你可以稱Boston Celtics/Los Angeles Lakers/Dallas Cowboys/Green Bay Packers /Pittsburgh Steelers "王朝" 但他們沒有像洋基隊一樣 擁有26屆世界大賽冠軍 更別提 最近十年內連續八年挺進季後賽 But those of us in the third group also believe that the way the Yankees are operating now is not likely to produce ultimate success. That is, not likely to produce ultimate success on their terms, which is winning the World Series. 但是 像我們這樣的第三種球迷相信 現在洋基隊的運作模式已經偏離當初的成功 不像當初是靠自己的方式贏得世界大賽冠軍 The Yankees of 2006 will not be like the Yankees of the last great Yankee period, 1996 through 2000, when the club won four World Series in five seasons, including three in a row. 2006的洋基並不像1996-2000年在五年內贏得四次世界大賽冠軍的洋基 (其中三年是連勝) It is possible that this team will have even more overall talent than those teams, but it will not have more pitching. And it will not be like the great Yankees teams, in the largest sense of the word "team." 即便他們擁有更多好手 但沒有更多投手 不像偉大的洋基 甚或稱不上一個"球隊" The current Yankees are incredibly talented and extremely well-funded. They have won eight division titles in a row, and they may well make it nine. Their numerous detractors say: "Well, you ought to get something for a payroll in excess of $200 million." 現在的洋基隊充滿極昂貴的好手 讓他們連續八年贏得分區冠軍 很有可能延續第九年 惡意的批評者會說"花費超過兩億元 這是應該得到的" And this is something. It makes the Yankees the Atlanta Braves of the American League. But that's not their idea of a good time. 這也許會讓洋基成為美聯的勇士隊 但這不是恢復洋基王朝的好主意 What separates these Yankees, the division winners, from the previous Yankees, the World Series winners? Two things. The first is depth of pitching. 怎麼區分兩代洋基? 是分區冠軍洋基? 還是世界大賽冠軍洋基?? 最重要就是 投手的深度 What has happened to the Yankees in the postseason, particularly the last two postseasons, is simple. They have not had as much pitching as the opposition, and in the postseason, that is typically the determining factor. 這兩年的季後賽洋基怎麼了??很簡單 他們不像對手那樣有夠多的投手可用 而在季後賽 這通常是重要關鍵 The Yankees can successfully slug their way through the regular season, as they did last season, when the AL East was characterized by a lack of pitching. But in the postseason, you inevitably run into clubs that got to that point on the strength of their pitching, or can at least produce enough quality starts to make an October difference. 例行賽中在美聯東區普遍缺投手的情況下 洋基可以像去年那樣依賴豪華打線 但在十月的季後賽 不可避免要依賴投手的強度 或至少要有足夠的優質先發 The 2005 Yankees spent more on their starting rotation -- $75 million -- than many clubs spent on their whole roster. But much of that money was spent on injury-prone pitchers such as Jaret Wright and Carl Pavano. If not for the contributions of some much less expensive pitchers -- Aaron Small, Shawn Chacon, Chien-Ming Wang -- the Yankees would not have even reached the postseason. 2005年洋基在先發投手上花了七千五百萬--甚至比某些球隊全隊薪水還高 但大部分的錢花在一些傷兵上 例如Jaret Wright和 Carl Pavano 要不是一些便宜的投手--Aaron Small Shawn Chacon和王建民 洋基應該打不到季後賽 The 2006 Yankees have essentially the same cast of starters. Perhaps this will be a season of much fuller health and effectiveness. But Spring Training did not lend particular optimism to that possibility. 2006投手卡司和去年差不多 也許會比較健康有效率 但春訓看下來並沒辦法那樣樂觀 The other issue is that the great Yankee clubs of the late 1990s had a core of tremendous in-house talent from the farm system, including Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams, Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada and Andy Pettitte. The Yankees are not getting that sort of quality, or quantity, from their farm system now. 另一個問題就是 1990洋基隊核心是由一批自家農場培養的好手所組成 包括Derek Jeter,Bernie Williams, Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada和Andy Pettitte 但現在洋基隊並沒辦法從農場中取得像那樣的"質"跟"量" In the late '90s, the Yankees plugged in players who were not mega-stars, but were admirable performers on several levels. That list would include Paul O'Neill, Tino Martinez, Joe Girardi, Jeff Nelson and you can add your own favorites. These Yankees formed a truly cohesive unit -- one that in 1998, for instance, won, including the postseason, 125 games. They were unbreakable. 而90年代末期的洋基 也穿插了一些不是超級巨星但在不同層級有令人稱羨表現的好手 例如Paul O'Neill Tino Martinez Joe Girardi Jeff Nelson --名單可隨喜好增加 這樣的洋基真正凝聚成一體 可以...例如說在1998年贏個125比賽(包含季後賽) 他們堅不可摧 Today, it's different. The Yankees have been shopping at the superstar store for some time, and they have unquestionably amassed a splendid collection of talent. 現在不一樣 洋基隊在超級巨星專賣店大肆採購 毫無疑問充滿星光閃閃的好手 But some of the superstars involved are known not only for their overwhelming ability, but for being self-absorbed. This is not a despicable tendency when it comes to putting up wondrous numbers. But it does not foster the sense of unity that is necessary to confront and overcome the difficult times. 但某些超級巨星不只以超強能力著稱 也容易以自我為中心 尤其在許多人都是如此的情況下 這也就沒什麼卑劣 但這樣也無法培養出必要的團隊精神 當逆境發生時 努力克服 Look at the 2004 American League Championship Series. This was a story, on one hand, of the Boston Red Sox's indomitable ability to stage a history-making rally from a 3-0 deficit. On the other hand, it could just as easily be seen as evidence that there was no team, no core, no real unit on the other side of the argument to rise up and halt what was also an epic four-game collapse. No one disputes the level of the Yankees' talent. But when the going got tough in the last two postseasons, where was that typical unified Yankee will? 回顧2004美聯冠軍系列賽 一邊是不屈不撓創造3-0後大逆轉的紅襪隊 另一邊是顯然輕易可以看出沒有團隊精神 沒有核心 沒有一體感 四連敗的洋基 沒人會懷疑洋基隊的能力 但在前兩年遇到逆境時 那個團結的洋基隊在哪裡 These may be subjective judgments, open to debate and interpretation. But you can only add so many players who are out of the team mainstream before a toll is taken on the team concept. 這也許是主觀的認定 造成其他的辯論或不同解讀 但你就是可以從球隊主流名單拉出很多屬於非主流的名字 Even with a five-season championship drought, the Yankees have not stopped being the Yankees. Neither the traditions nor the expectations have been diminished. I remember vividly being on the field of what was then Bank One Ballpark after Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. The Arizona Diamondbacks were celebrating, and, as some of them said, it was not only great to win the Series, but it was also great to beat the Yankees to win the Series. 即使已經五年跟冠軍絕緣 不管在傳統上還是大家的期望上 洋基還是洋基 我很清楚記得2001年在世界大賽Game 7響尾蛇擊敗洋基拿到世界大賽冠軍 在慶祝時 聽到有些人說 偉大的不僅僅是因為贏得冠軍 而且是打敗洋基贏得冠軍 If the money sets the Yankees apart, so does the talent and the history. Love them or view them as the Evil Empire, they are a basic part of what makes baseball unique. 假如是金錢區隔了洋基隊 那麼同樣的好手和歷史也是 愛他們或視之為邪惡帝國 基本上 都讓棒球如此獨一無二 This is where the Yankees are now: terrific talent on the field every day, pitching questions and a mix of personalities that may or may not blend to help them get back to what they see as their rightful place -- atop the game of baseball. It is possible that the combination of talent and resources will bring the ultimate championship back to Yankee Stadium in 2006. But the Yankees are not using anything like the established formula for making that happen. 這是洋基隊現在的狀況 結合眾多好手和資源 每天都有恐怖的好手在場上 卻也有著投手問題和個性問題(或許會或許不會矇蔽他們) 有可能讓終極冠軍在2006年回到洋基 但不是靠著過去的勝利方程式 Mike Bauman is a national columnist for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eigawa:推.....T______T 04/02 16:10
kevev:有看有推 04/02 16:50
adamyen:多謝翻譯~~~ 04/02 17:36
RTY1026:推! 04/02 20:22
kevinsyc:謝謝 其實我也很懷念那段時期的洋基 投手陣容堅強的洋基 04/02 21:02