精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CMWang 看板] 作者: richertkk (黃家大少) 看板: CMWang 標題: [翻譯] Yankees return to full strength at just the right time 時間: Sun Oct 1 23:13:57 2006 主要就翻譯關於美聯比賽和洋基的的部份囉.. As baseball's regular season comes to an end, we've seen a lot. 當大聯盟的賽季即將結束的時候,我們看到了很多的事情 We've seen the Tigers go from 119 losses just three years ago to a playoff berth. We'll see a player who began the season as a part-timer - the Pirates' Freddy Garcia - win the NL batting crown. 我們看到老虎隊終於打進了季後賽而他們在三年前季賽中輸了119場比賽.我們將會看到 一位只是在球季開始時只是上來打工的選手-海盜隊 Freddy Garcia-即將贏的國聯打擊 王的頭銜 The Braves' string of dominance ended. Frank Thomas showed he's anything but done. The Twins showed that they're just getting started. 而勇士隊的連霸被終止了. Frank Thomas展現出他還是一位有力的打者.雙城隊要告訴大家 他們才剛開始勒. The injury bug bit the Red Sox's season. Joe Girardi will likely be the top NL manager but lose his job after just one year. And the Royals and Devil Rays just plain lost. 紅襪被名為"受傷"的小蟲給打垮了. Joe Girardi將會是國聯最佳的總教練但是確在下一年 丟掉他總教練的工作.而皇家和魔鬼魚在這季真的完全的輸了. And then there are the Yankees, who appear primed for another lengthy run into October. 還有洋基隊,他們將要在10月份展開另外一場冗長的戰役. While New York faced a rash of midseason injuries, others had to emerge. 雖然洋基對在球季中時遇到非常非常非常嚴重的傷兵問題,而其他的球員需要在這個更努 力,去擺脫這個困境. It was no surprise that Derek Jeter was one of those players. Jeter had an MVP-caliber year, all while sluggers Gary Sheffield, Hideki Matsui and Robinson Cano sat injured. The best closer in the game, Mariano Rivera, missed most of September with a bad shoulder. Derek Jeter成為這些球員的其中一位並不讓我們感到意外. 今年是Jeter成為MVP候選人 的一年,因為當 Gary Sheffield, Hideki Matsui和Robinson Cano在傷兵名單待了夭壽長 的一段時間.而他們陣中最重要的守護神,Mariano Rivera,因為肩膀的問題錯失了9月份 大部分的比賽,Jeter扛起了隊中重要的腳色. Another was Chien-Ming Wang, who assumed the role of ace in a rotation that included Randy Johnson and Mike Mussina. Wang finished his regular season and his first full-big league season Thursday with a 19-6 record. Wang, who quickly earned the reputation of having one of the best sinkers in the majors, will be the Yankees' Game 1 starter in the division series. Given Johnson's sore back and Mussina's inconsistency, he might have to carry the Yankees through October. 另外一位球員.就是王建民,他成為先發投手的ACE,而在隊上還有 Randy Johnson和 Mike Mussina. 王建民完成他整季規律的出賽和他第一次全季都在大聯盟的完整出賽,而他本季 的成績19勝6負.小王很快贏得很好的名聲因為他是全聯盟最好的伸卡球投手之一,而他將會 成為洋基隊在季後賽第一場先發的投手.而由於Johnson疼痛的背和Mussina在下半季不太穩 定的表現.小王的表現將要決定著洋基隊在整個10月份的表現. And now manager Joe Torre faces the enviable task of choosing a lineup full of stars. Sheffield is back, pitching in at first base. So is Matsui. Rivera pitched his third straight scoreless outing Thursday. 而現在洋基的總教練Joe Torre將要有讓其他對手羨慕的明星選手選擇他的先發名單. Sheffield回來了,擔任一壘手.所以 Matsui的上場.而 Rivera在禮拜4投出他第三次無失 分的出賽. To give a glimpse at the kind of talent Torre has, Cano - the league's second- leading hitter - batted ninth on Thursday. 然後又給Torre又讓人看到另外一種天份-讓Cano,這位在美國聯盟打擊排行榜排第2位的選 手-在禮拜4的比賽打第9棒. "It's pretty darn good right now," Torre told reporters. "We have a guy named Bernie Williams sitting on the bench. We have Melky Cabrera, who's not in the lineup. We have some pleasant problems to solve before next Tuesday." "現在是整季最好的時間"Torre這要說到."我們有一個叫Bernie Williams的傢伙在板凳 上預備.我們有Melky Cabrera,他甚至沒有在先發名單上.我們只有一些而的問題在禮拜 2前需要去解決." CLOSING LIKE NO OTHER: One of the reasons the Padres are heading into the postseason with the second-best record in the NL is their bullpen strength. That's a tribute to Trevor Hoffman, who passed Lee Smith a week ago today with his 479th career save. Hoffman's record-breaking save was his league-leading 43rd of the season, and he has added one since. In only one other season, the Padres' 1998 World Series campaign, has Hoffman compiled more saves and a lower ERA. In the process, Hoffman has made a claim for the NL Cy Young Award just two weeks short of his 39th birthday. "The last two or three years, he hasn't had the velocity he once had and he's as good as he's ever been," Padres GM Kevin Towers said. "He's got tremendous location, tremendous work ethic, tremendous intestinal fortitude. He beats a lot of people because of who he is. A lot of teams are beaten before he comes out of that (bullpen) gate." DIFFERENT WORLDS: One of the hot names being mentioned as a top managerial candidate is Trey Hillman, manager of the playoff-bound Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters of the Japanese Pacific League. Hillman, 43, has been rumored as a strong candidate to replace Dusty Baker in Chicago and Girardi in Florida. He previously worked in the Yankees and Rangers organizations. In last Sunday's game, Hillman lifted the Ham Fighters' starting pitcher, Satoru Kanemura, with two outs in the top of the fifth inning. He had a three- run lead and was one out away from earning his 10th victory. Kanemura, a double-digit winner the previous four seasons, was incensed that Hillman pulled him before he qualified for a win. After the game, he said he would never forgive his manager and added, "I don't even want to see his face." The club responded by fining Kanemura 2-million yen and suspending him through the playoffs. "As someone who should know better as a member of society, I have done a shameful thing," Kanemura said. "They could have easily fired me." It's obviously a much different philosophy in Japan. Here in the States, the manager would have undoubtedly taken the fall for such a decision. PLAYOFF TIDBITS: Minnesota's Torii Hunter has 15 homers and 35 RBIs since Aug. 17, showing he's fully recovered from an ankle injury. ... St. Petersburg native and Twins pitcher Boof Bonser is 4-0 with a 2.20 ERA in September. He h as pitched well enough that he's the favorite to start Game 2 of the division series. Former Jesuit High standout Brad Radke, who pitched well in his grand comeback Thursday, could start Game 3. ... The Reds were 24-34 in August and September heading into the weekend, going from wild-card frontrunner to playoff afterthought. ... Since his first start on June 22, Astros pitcher Roger Clemens owns a 2.35 ERA, best in the majors in that span. ... The Cardinals ended a seven-game losing streak Wednesday. Had they lost, it would have been their third eight-game losing streak of the season, something that hasn't happened to a St. Louis NL team since 1907. ... The return of Oakland pitcher Rich Harden is a good sign for the A's as they head into the postseason. Oakland is 8-0 in games Harden has started. MISCELLANY: Speaking of Girardi, not since Davey Johnson parted company with the Orioles after 1997 has a newly named manager of the year failed to return the following year. It has happened only one other time since the award was instituted 23 years ago: After winning the award with the Blue Jays in 1985, Bobby Cox resigned to become Braves general manager. ... Cubs pitcher Kerry Wood knows Chicago is going to exercise its $3-million buyout for 2007, but he hopes he and the Cubs can work out a new deal. He told a Chicago radio station he feels an obligation to return and that "there is something to prove." ... Mariners manager Mike Hargrove's job was seemingly saved by a 20-14 record since mid August. ... Since manager Buddy Bell took leave to have a lump on his left tonsil removed, the Royals are 1-7 under interim manager Billy Doran. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
snowgod:國聯打擊王不是Freddy Sanchez嗎??? 10/01 23:16
richertkk:可以幫轉洋基板ㄇ?? 10/01 23:35
jiunde:洋基版有 但沒翻譯 10/01 23:44
chien533:應該是Sanchez 10/01 23:45
sandowZ:推 10/01 23:47
richertkk:不夠資深..不然就直接在洋基板翻ㄌ... 10/01 23:50
Corycat:推 10/01 23:58
hylkevin:"所以Matsui的上場"應該翻成"Matsui也回來了" 10/02 00:08
pykoir:翻的不太通順 很多語意怪怪的 10/02 00:17
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Quasars:Sanchez吧? 10/02 00:22
heacoun:是原文錯的樣子,看到Garcia我都笑了XD 10/02 00:28
DesertEagleX:Freddy Garcia是美聯投手 不需要打擊低... 10/02 01:15
asdfzx:這時候就要請Pedro出來講一下名言了XD 10/02 05:28
joke1:Pedro:So what !! Who are you Garcia ? 10/02 14:09