精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CMWang 看板] 作者: richertkk (黃家大少) 看板: CMWang 標題: [翻譯] Game 1 starters take center stage 時間: Tue Oct 3 09:37:03 2006 NEW YORK -- Historically, the postseason is about pitching. If form holds, the opener of this 2006 American League Division series would then be about Nate Robertson and Chien-Ming Wang. 就歷史紀錄來講,季後賽事由投手所主導的.這就要從2006年ALDS開幕戰的對戰投手 Nate Robertson和王建民來決定這一切的開始. If the Detroit Tigers are to win this AL Division Series, they would have to do so with what was the strength of their team when their team was performing at its best -- pitching. The New York Yankees have one of the most imposing lineups in recent history, but still, the record says that even they cannot get by in October with mediocre pitching. 如果老虎隊想要贏的這個系列賽的話,他們就要把他們這一季能夠勝過其他隊的最主要因素 同時讓這個因素表現出最好的一面-投手. 因為洋基現在有著近幾年最完美和最聚氣勢的先 發打線,但是由紀錄顯示他們也不能完全主宰著整個10月如果他們只有幾位2流的投手. Robertson and Wang are not the biggest names on either staff, but they make perfect sense as Game 1 starters. Robertson had a 2.76 ERA in September and pitched well against the Yankees and he's a left-hander. Wang was the Yankees' biggest winner this season, with a record of 19-6 and 3.63 earned run average. Robertson和小王都不是全隊最有名的球星,但是他們能然能在一戰有著最好的表現. Robertson在整個9月份只有2.96的自責分率同時在他對上洋基隊時都投的很好並且 Robertson也是位左投手. 小王是洋基對本季最大的贏家,在今年他有著19勝6負和平均自責 分率3.63的好成績. Robertson appeared composed, focused and resolute when he met the inquiring media Monday at Yankee Stadium. The Tigers are well aware of the task at hand and Robertson was neither understating nor overstating the case. Robertson表現的非常沉著,在面對的媒體質疑他禮拜一在洋基主場的表現時他展現堅決和 專注於要面對的比賽. 老虎隊將要全神專注於於對手和 Robertson是否都不能理解或過分 的誇張. (這句不太會翻..怪怪的) "It's real tough choices over there in that lineup when you are replacing guys that can hit the ball out of the park with guys that already do," Robertson said. "I have faced all of them at one point, so it's having an idea of what I want to do, and going out there with a game plan. Ultimately, it's the execution, what I am trying to do. It's respecting the guys that you've got to play against, but going in there with an attitude of 'I can get this job done.' "當面對對方已經都準備的打線,而陣中的每一個傢伙都能一棒把球給轟出場外,我想這真的 是一個非常困難的挑戰," Robertson說到."我會再這一刻面對他們每一個人,而我已經有計 劃我將要怎麼做了,然後在比賽中照著我的計畫走(對每一個都用觸身球ㄇ??XD).最終我所 要做的都將會實現.而關於這些傢伙,他們都是我所必需去較量的,但我會用所需要的態度去 讓這份工作完成." "Baseball, it's as simple as throwing the ball, catching the ball, hitting the ball. Then it's as tough as throwing the ball, catching the ball and hitting the ball. ... I prepare with what I've got. And go have fun with it. It's going out there with your head held high and coming off that field you're your head held high." "棒球,也只不過簡單到只是丟球,接球,和打球. 而丟球,接球,和打球都是一樣難的... 我準備表現出我有的能力,然後在場上找到樂趣.我會讓我的手臂表現出最好的狀態同時也 帶著最好的狀態下場." Tigers manager Jim Leyland said that Robertson was "the best fit for this particular case. ... Nate Robertson is a good pitcher, he deserves to be out there [Tuesday] night and he will be out there." 老虎隊的總教頭 Jim Leyland說到Robertson適遇到這個特殊情況最好的選擇.因為 Robertson是一位好投手,他應該在禮拜2投球同時他也會在禮拜2出現 Robertson was 13-13 this season with a 3.84 ERA. It was his best year in the Majors and gave evidence of further success to come. The central question is whether this start will be part of that success. Robertson今年有著13勝-13負並帶著3.84的自責分率.這是他在大聯盟生崖最好表現的一年 同時也是未來的成功的預兆. 而最重要的是這次的先發會是納成功的一部份. On the Yankees side, when you think of this team in the postseason, you think of Jeter and Posada and Rivera -- players who have populated October after October for this team. And yet, they will be giving the ball to a pitcher with one prior postseason start. 而再洋基這一邊.當你想這個球隊在季後賽時,你會馬上想到Jeter和 Posada和 Rivera- 這些選手已經為球隊打了一年又一年10月份的比賽了.同時他們會為了最重要的季後賽先發 表現出最好的一面.딊 But Wang's work this year merits this high-profile start. He has been dependable and durable. He throws a hard, heavy sinker and when his command is on, he capable of producing ground-ball outs seemingly at will. 但是在本季表現出高水準的表現.他已經展現出他是可信任的和可以在場上稱的很久的. 小王丟出又快又重的伸卡球同時當他裝上他的控制器時,他能製造出一狗票滾地球出局也是 對球隊非常好的. "He can get double-play balls any time he wants," fellow starter Mike Mussina said on Monday. "He can give up a lot of hits, but at the end, he's only given up two runs. "他能在他想要的時候就讓對手擊出雙殺打,"第2場的先發 Mike Mussina再禮拜一時說到. "雖然他能讓對少擊出不少安打,但是最後他會讓對手最多只能夠得到2分而已" "He doesn't strike out a lot of people, but he doesn't have to. He's got the ability to pitch. He's got an idea of how to pitch. And he throws a 95-mph sinker." "他沒有去去三振一堆人,但他不需要這樣做.他有這個能力去投球.他有自己的想法去投球. 同時它能丟出95英里的伸卡球(這個才是重點八...哈哈哈哈)" Wang, who is Taiwanese and does not speak a much English, still met the media without an interpreter. This was to his credit. 雖然小王是一位台灣人同時聘沒有說太多英文,但是當他面對媒體時他還是不需要任何的翻] 譯人員.這是他自己堅持的. When he was asked how he felt about getting the honor of starting Game 1 he said he was "very happy and proud. A lot of Taiwan people are watching." 當問到他對於再第一場比賽就先發的這個榮耀時,他說"就很高興囉.很多台灣人會看." Asked if he was nervous, Wang transcended the language barrier with this gem: "On the field, no. In here, yes." 問他是否會緊張,小王在這時超越了語言的障礙用最堅定的話說"在場上的話不會,在這邊 ,會." The opening game can be an isolated event in a series or it can set a tone. Nate Robertson and Chien-Ming Wang have been given a considerable honor getting starts in this game, but they have also been handed a weighty responsibility. The one who better handles the spotlight, the pressure and the obligation can set his team on the road to victory. 季後賽第一場比賽是被隔離於接下的系列賽因為它太重要了.Nate Robertson和王建民對於 再第一場比賽就先發有著非常大的榮耀,但是他們也負擔著無法想像的壓力和責任. 他們兩位中誰能在比賽中較能處理鎂光燈,壓力和義務.誰就能帶領他的球隊獲的勝利. 翻的很爛,請多包含 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原本以為這篇會有小王較多的談話,但是重點是小王說過的話一定比記者少N個字阿..XD 接下來就期待小王完美的比現啦.. "打虎英雄展神力,洋基打線太暴力"....哈哈哈哈哈 Let's go Yankee Let's go Chien-Ming Wang....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
karlch999:看完推 10/03 09:43
fiftyyuan:"On the field, no. In here, yes."~~真是太靦腆了~~ 10/03 09:46
magicwei:push! 10/03 09:49
kevev:推推 10/03 09:55
richertkk:不好意思.可以幫轉洋基板嗎?..因為不夠資深 10/03 10:01
hosong:那是台語用法吧,"第球場麥,第加A"... 10/03 10:01
alicese:推 10/03 10:04
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
holymars:"understating" 不是 understanding 10/03 11:26
tsorng:所以應該是說.."Robertson沒有太過保守,也沒有太過誇大"? 10/03 20:09