精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
10/07/2006 1:57 AM ET 'We can't worry about losing' It's win or go home for Yankees in Game 4 against Tigers By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com DETROIT -- 環顧洋基球員休息室裡 會看到一些熟面孔以前曾到過這兒 面對季後賽被淘汰出局 從來就不是一件舒服的事 如果有任何一隊有老將可以處理這樣的景況 那就是洋基隊 洋基隊即將面臨星期六美聯分區系列賽Game 4 老虎隊試著把他們送回家 大門說"我們只要記住我們是誰 還有一切關於我們這個球隊 我們必須朝著同一個方向 這是我們一整年來所努力的目標 但明天是關鍵 我們不能擔心輸球 那甚至不是選項" "We have to just remember who we are and what we're about as a team," Johnny Damon said. "We have to pull in the same direction. We've been doing it all year, but tomorrow is key. We can't worry about losing. That's not even an option." 如果有任何人可以了解淘汰的壓力 那就是大門 兩年前的十月 他還在紅襪隊 在美聯冠軍系列賽中 三連敗後四連勝最後贏得86年來第一座世界大賽冠軍 大門說 "我真的很有自信 我們必須上場 不畏懼 揮動棒子 這是季後賽 我們是支勁旅 只為了一個理由 所以我們必須展現出來" "I feel real confident," Damon said. "We have to go in, not be scared and swing the bats. This is the playoffs. We're a good team for a reason, so we have to show it." A-Rod說"我在2004那個贏三場輸四場的球隊中 任何事都有可能發生 他們也知道 我們要做的 就是在這樣緊急的狀況下 上場打球 就像我們今年所經歷的" "I was on a team that won three and lost four in 2004," Alex Rodriguez said. "Anything is possible, and they know that over there. The thing we have to do is play with the most urgency we've had all year." Derek Jeter 也曾多次處於這樣的狀況 而結果不一定都是差的 儘管洋基隊在2002 2005年輸掉第三場後被淘汰 但他們也曾經在2001 0-2之後逆轉擊敗運動家隊 Jeter說"我確定他們不想來紐約 我們的工作是 讓這個系列賽延續到那兒 明天我們必須找個方法來完成" "I'm sure they don't want to go to New York," Jeter said. "Our job is to get the series back there. We have to find a way to get it done tomorrow." Jason Giambi非常清楚記得 2001的洋基隊逆轉的那個系列賽 當時他在運動家隊 他說 "不能讓那變化進入你的心中 你不能開始展望未來 我們明天必須贏球 然後再考慮接下來 我們必須要打讓我們來到這兒的那種球賽(**是指小球嗎?**) 這個球隊 已經經歷各種難關 所以我們可以反彈回去的" "You can't let that creep into your mind; you can't start looking to the future," Giambi said. "We have to win tomorrow and then the day after that. We have to play the baseball that got us here. We've been through a lot of adversity with this ballclub, so we have a lot to fall back on." 難關指的是大半季失去 Gary Sheffield和松井秀喜 像Melky Cabrera這樣的球員幫助洋基隊克服傷兵問題 八月在波士頓橫掃紅襪隊 取得連續第九屆的分區冠軍頭銜 A-Rod說 "我認為這個球隊面對難關處理得非常好 而現在顯然是我們這一年要面臨的最大難關" "I think this team responds really well to adversity," Rodriguez said. "Obviously, this is the most adverse situation we've been in all year." 星期六 這挑戰比這整季的任何時刻都要重要 贏球 將回家打Game 5 輸球 就回家放假 老威說"我們以前也曾面臨這樣的狀況 我們必須要拉長戰線 明天把我們所有的本事都拿出來 在比賽開始定調 讓他們知道將面對奮戰 然後 讓其他一切自己決定" "We've been in this situation before," Bernie Williams said. "We have to just dig down deep and play with whatever we have tomorrow. We have to set the tone early in the game, let them know that they're in for a fight. Then we have to just let everything else take over." New York's powerful lineup hasn't scored a run in the last 14 innings. While all eyes will surely be on Jaret Wright on Saturday, the offense needs to snap that streak or Wright's performance may not matter much. 洋基的強力打線在過去14局沒有得到任何一分 星期六所有的眼光肯定盯緊Jaret Wright 打線必須發揮或者Wright的表現不會造成太大影響 The Yankees have responded well to lopsided losses this season. After being blasted, 19-1, on July 4 in Cleveland, New York rattled off wins in nine of its next 10 games. Following a 12-2 beating at home against the Orioles on Aug. 17, the Yankees went to Boston and turned their season around with the five-game sweep of the Red Sox. 洋基隊本季面對低潮反彈表現良好 在七月四日被印地安人以19-1打敗後 在接下來的10場比賽贏了9場 八月十七日 洋基隊在主場被金鶯以12-2打敗 接下來到波士頓橫掃紅襪隊 Friday's 6-0 loss may not have been as one-sided in terms of the final score, but Kenny Rogers' domination of the Yankees' lineup made a 3-0 lead feel like 30-0. 星期五6-0的比數看起來像一面倒的比數 但Kenny Rogers對洋基的壓制力讓三比零的領先 像30比0 A-Rod說 "一場比賽代表整個球季 而現在就是這樣的時刻 我認為我們要做的就是在高張力下上場比賽 和他們比拼能量" "One game is the season," Rodriguez said. "There's no doubt they have the momentum right now. I think the thing we have to do is come out and play with a lot of intensity and match their energy because they definitely took it to us." 大門說"我們絕對是背水一戰 現在優勢在他們那兒 所以明天我們要偷一點回來 我們必須要贏 我們需要回家在我們的球迷面前比賽的機會" "We definitely have our backs up against the wall," Damon said. "The momentum is all on their side right now, so it's up to us to steal some of it back early tomorrow. We have to win. We need that opportunity to go play in front of our fans in New York." 現在全部決定在一場比賽中 27個出局數 要就是延續季後賽 或是延續洋基隊無緣冠軍到第六年 A-Rod說 我們現在唯一的目標就是贏一場比賽 明天我們要努力避免被淘汰回家 "Our only goal right now is to win one game; to have a one-game winning streak," A-Rod said. "We've worked too hard to go home tomorrow." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
seawolfssn: Let's Go Yankees! Let's Go A-ROD!Let's Go Everyone 10/07 16:28
Zoomyoyo:他就是話太多 少說話多做事 10/07 16:31
srmember:我滿樂觀的.... 10/07 16:33
Icapri:我也要樂觀一點! Let's Go Yankees!! 10/07 16:38
loloool:小王:Sad... 10/07 16:51
vincealan:現在連回答記者問題都會被酸了 唉 10/07 16:53
chsyuan:他連說些鼓勵的話都不可以了嗎 10/07 16:55
Seapoint:A-Rod講了那麼多,真讓人期待他下一場的表現^^ 10/07 17:07
jimcarry1125:還真的到處有人酸..到處有人護航..真好玩 10/07 17:24
sean302:我總覺得明天洋基會爆發..XD 10/07 17:59
mayday896614:衝吧 順便把怨氣吐出來 讓他們見識一下瘋狂打線 10/07 18:51
Devilskiss:噗 大家都悶了吧 今晚Let's Go Yankees!! 10/07 19:54