精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.yesnetwork.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20061008&content_id=1410989&oid=36019&vkey=4 "I am deeply disappointed by our elimination so early in the playoffs. This result is absolutely not acceptable to me, nor to our great and loyal Yankee fans. I want to congratulate the Detroit Tigers organization and wish them well. Rest assured we will go back to work immediately and try to right this sad failure, and provide a championship for the Yankees, as is our goal every year." >< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lovebp 來自: (10/09 13:14) ※ 編輯: lovebp 來自: (10/09 13:14)
richertkk:大老闆..好像還沒有太激烈的發言... 10/09 13:15
a1b2c3:洋基加油! 10/09 13:15
TurtleTail:看起來還蠻冷靜的@@ 10/09 13:16
upscom:Boss:我習慣了 (拭淚) 10/09 13:17
shangsheeper:暴風雨前的寧靜...? 10/09 13:18
chrisdo:冬季看看大老闆和現金人會怎麼做了,嘖嘖~ 10/09 13:19
m654:希望老闆能真的放權給現金人做事... 10/09 13:20
abbcccdddeee:聲明稿通常都還算平靜 他有名的飆人放話常常是直接 10/09 13:22
abbcccdddeee:訪問時冒出的 全權交給現金人的話 真的比較好 10/09 13:22
wizer:幫縮 http://0rz.tw/b81Vs 10/09 13:30
settier:真的有種暴風雨前的寧靜 10/09 14:07
redsaizu:要監聽大老闆電話比較準..他都是直接拿起電話訐譙... 10/09 14:43
OceanX:聲明稿說不定是秘書擬的 10/09 15:35