精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
from MLB官網 http://myurl.com.tw/2h5o Torre will continue as Yanks manager Steinbrenner informs skipper he'll return for 2007 By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com NEW YORK -- Joe Torre will continue to be manager of the New York Yankees. "I just got off the phone with George Steinbrenner and he told me I'll be the manager next year," Torre said Tuesday during a gathering with reporters at Yankee Stadium. Thus apparently ends three days of speculation about the future of Torre, who has managed the Yankees to four World Series titles and six American League pennants in 11 seasons. "I'm very excited about it," Torre said. "This has been the best job of my life." It appeared that Torre might take the fall for a second consecutive early exit from the playoffs, which occcurred when the Yankees were beaten three games to one by the Detroit Tigers in the Division Series. Steinbrenner, the Yankees' principal owner, spent the past two days in a Manhattan hotel, listening to several of his baseball people weigh in on Torre's future. General manager Brian Cashman, who has not commented publicly since Saturday night, is believed to have lobbied on Torre's behalf, and the New York Daily News reported Tuesday that captain Derek Jeter is believed to have called Steinbrenner to support Torre as well. The New York Post reported that Torre and Steinbrenner may have spoken on Monday, too. "I haven't made up my mind yet," Steinbrenner told reporters on Monday as he departed his hotel and headed back to Tampa. The Daily News also reported Tuesday that Steinbrenner's son-in-law, Steve Swindal, who is a Yankees general partner and Steinbrenner's appointed successor, is expected to arrive in New York on Tuesday to begin brainstorming with team officials about changes that need to be made this winter. -- Today, I consider myself, the luckiest man on the face of the earth. --Lou Gehrig, the Iron Horse -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dreamkid:哈...我慢了一步...^^...不過很高興聽到這消息 10/11 01:53
dreamkid:明年又可以聽到...這孩子......:P 10/11 01:54
Arton0306:突然想到...Torre的年薪是多少啊?? 10/11 01:58
barkleywang:印象中700萬吧~~不確定 10/11 01:59
pathfinder:05/6.1M 06/6.1M 07/7M 10/11 02:01
chitz:我的MSN已經改成"I can hear "this kid" from this elder 10/11 02:02
chitz:next year". "Happy"!! 10/11 02:03
bertrend:真高興聽到這個消息 :P 10/11 02:04
CCfss: 幫配個照片 http://tinyurl.com/j6b8j 10/11 03:01
fizeau::D 10/11 03:17
renmin:Torre留下的確是好消息,但球員恐怕就沒這種好事了... 10/11 04:07
cgjoseph:好消息一則!!^^ 10/11 07:09
binge:我猜會走的球員也不多,至少不到先發的 一半 10/11 08:43
abbcccdddeee:A-ROD我猜留下機會很大 雨刷應該很危險 10/11 09:02
kim:Yeah~~~~~~ 10/11 10:29