精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Torre staying with Yanks By Jim Baumbach Newsday Staff Writer October 10, 2006, 9:49 PM EDT from newsday.com Joe Torre learned Tuesday that he will be back as Yankees manager -- which he called "the best job of my life" -- because George Steinbrenner chose to follow the advice of his braintrust. But Torre also got a stern warning from The Boss. About an hour after Steinbrenner told Torre over the phone that he's welcomed back for next season, Steinbrenner issued a strongly worded statement that all but demanded a championship. "I deeply want a championship," he said. "It's about time." Also in the statement released by publicist Howard Rubenstein, Steinbrenner said he told Torre, "I expect a great deal from you and the entire team. I have high expectations and I want to see enthusiasm, a fighting spirit and a team that works together." As the Yankees went down quietly to the Tigers in Games 3 and 4 of the Division Series last week, they were not enthusiastic, they did not show a fighting spirit and they did not play as a team. Those were believed to be the reasons Steinbrenner instantly wanted to replace Torre with Lou Piniella, whose fiery temperament better fits the qualities he has always admired in a manager. At the behest of his top officials, Steinbrenner did not immediately fire Torre, instead opting to spend Monday on the phone with his son-in-law Steve Swindal, general manager Brian Cashman and team president Randy Levine, among other officials. They urged Steinbrenner to bring Torre back, believing he is still the right man to manage the Yankees despite the postseason meltdown. "We all felt it was the right thing to do," Swindal said. Before Steinbrenner checked out of his uptown hotel Monday to fly home to Tampa, he also spoke with Torre, a conversation Torre said lasted between 15 and 20 minutes. Regarding the speculation that Torre was about to be fired, Torre said he told Steinbrenner, "If you feel [that way] in your heart, go ahead and do it. I certainly enjoy this job and want to go ahead and do it, but I understand if you need to make changes." Torre refused to say what Steinbrenner told him, but it had to be encouraging, because Torre said he came away from the chat confident that he was going to be coming back for a 12th season. By then Steinbrenner already had listened to Swindal, Cashman and Levine voice their reasons why Torre should not lose his job. "The Boss learned how everyone felt, had a chance to digest, step back, not make an emotional decision and then make the choice he felt was right for the organization," Cashman said. Swindal added, "I can go on and on about all of his qualities as a manager ... I would describe it as a discussion. The best way I can say it is we took a look at everything from A to Z." Swindal also pointed out that Torre is under contract for next season for $7 million, which was part of the discussion with Steinbrenner. But if the Yankees start slowly next season, there is no guarantee that The Boss will stick with Torre. But as much as Steinbrenner is putting pressure on to win, Torre quickly defused the situation, as he has done so many times. He said being a lame-duck manager next season doesn't faze him. "I have never been one to concern myself with what might happen," Torre said. "And I have been in situations with far less security and far less tenure than I have here ... And when you work here, you have to understand every year may be your last." Although Torre had a sense he was not going to be fired, he said he did not officially know Steinbrenner wanted him back until about 15 minutes before he addressed reporters at 1 p.m. Tuesday. While Torre was in his office at Yankee Stadium accompanied by his wife, Ali, and his longtime friend Arthur Sando, Steinbrenner placed a call to Cashman's cell phone and requested to speak with his manager. Cashman walked from the coaches' room to Torre's office, handed his phone to Torre, and then Steinbrenner gave him the good news. He began by saying, "You're back for the year." Torre said he never allowed himself to think about getting fired, because he was never told by anyone that it was a possibility. Nevertheless, his wife and extended family and friends read the newspapers and kept him abreast of the news and commentary. He admitted he was hurt by the mentions that he may have run his course. "You're never ready for something like this," Torre said. " ... I can't say I was stunned. Knowing what this organization expects from its people, especially the manager." Although Torre understands the mandate to win another championship, he laughed at the mention that having gone six years without a World Series title is a long time in the Bronx. "I don't want this to sound badly," Torre said. "They say it's been six years. If I'm not mistaken, it was 18 years when I got here." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
leddy:Torre還真幽默 10/11 10:15
kyo06:最後一句是Torre內心深處的怒吼XD 10/11 10:25
leddy:1978-1996 Torre來前18年不知何謂世界冠軍 10/11 10:32
antoniolee:XD............... 10/11 10:33
kyo06:不過....把人家胃口養太大的也是Torre自己....囧 10/11 10:34
dreamysky:最後一句真的是狠到不行.. 10/11 12:50
windsor:厲害的一句話XD 10/11 13:58
danieljaw:最後一句應該是大家撕破臉才在講的話吧??:p 10/11 23:10