精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
10/10/2006 11:22 AM ET Torre to speak to media at 1 p.m. today Yankees manager expected to return for 12th season By Jon Lane / YESNetwork.com NEW YORK — Joe Torre was supposedly on the chopping block, but George Steinbrenner apparently had a change of heart. The New York Post reported Tuesday morning that Torre will be spared and return for his 12th season as Yankees manager. Torre will address the media this afternoon at 1, at Yankee Stadium. Other published reports indicated that Steve Swindal, Yankees general partner, Steinbrenner's son-in-law and his appointed successor, is also in New York and was scheduled to meet with Torre Tuesday morning. Steinbrenner, who called his team's Division Series loss to the Tigers "a sad failure" in a statement released on Sunday, left Manhattan for Tampa Monday afternoon without formally making a decision. But general manager Brian Cashman and others have reportedly lobbied on Torre's behalf. "It looks good for Joe," a source told the Post. Over the last two days, many Yankee players and coaches have also expressed their support for their manager. "Don't point the finger at him, point it at us," reliever Ron Villone said Monday. "He's a class act. He knows what he's doing. He's a great manager. Enough said." "I do not think that anybody in baseball would have done a better job than Joe did this year," first base coach Tony Pena said. The morning after the Yankees' season came to a stunning and humbling end, the New York Daily News reported that Steinbrenner would fire Torre and hire Lou Piniella. Steinbrenner spent the last two days in Manhattan getting feedback from his inner circle, but told reporters he had not made up his mind yet. Torre, 66, has one year and $7 million left on his contract following a successful yet challenging regular season. The Yankees won 97 games despite missing Gary Sheffield and Hideki Matsui for a combined 233 games, Randy Johnson breaking down due to bad back, and the Carl Pavano and Alex Rodriguez soap operas, before their flameout in the playoffs. Torre's strange decisions, namely batting A-Rod eighth in Game 4, came under fire, and the team's lifeless performance in Detroit infuriated Steinbrenner. Although Steinbrenner had left Torre in limbo, it now appears Torre is back in the fold. Later this week, Steinbrenner will meet with Yankee brass in Tampa to figure out how to fix their underachieving roster. Historically, Torre has never attended that meeting, but that could change. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESPN的SC現在正在報的breaking news,現在正在播Torre的記者會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ethernet 來自: (10/11 01:32)
chrisdo:現在ESPN(US)有拖瑞的記者會 老拖留下來真好 10/11 01:32
ethernet:剛剛修到推文,不好意思喔 10/11 01:33
lucifermoon:那再推一次 恭喜Torre XD 10/11 01:37
upscom:恭喜Torre 牛棚調度要適可而止啊 Orz 10/11 01:41
tertwo:^0^ 10/11 01:43
black910334:太棒了 ... 10/11 01:45
lucifermoon:天天P:看來明年我又開始忙了 XD 10/11 01:46
catcake:YA~ 10/11 01:47
chrisdo:拖瑞記者會結束,在討論洋基今年遇到困難的人物,如A-rod 10/11 01:51
bohemian4:good NEWS ^^ 10/11 01:52
chrisdo:關於A-rod的討論,目前沒有比較負面的講法,有興趣的人可 10/11 01:52
NTUST:終於有點好東西了... 10/11 01:53
chrisdo:以去聽聽看 希望明年A-rod能夠恢復往日身手 10/11 01:53
whgamicat:賀 10/11 01:57
asdfzx:明年別再天天系列了 10/11 02:07
hahadog:老"拖"...老托比較好....= = 10/11 14:38