精華區beta NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言: : 剛剛看到MLB-NYY的報導 : 說今年菜鳥日裝扮的對象是George Steinbrenner : 這.... : 還有今年總共有七個人裝扮!! : 新聞如下: : 09/18/2006 1:47 AM ET : Yankee rookies get Boss treatment : As part of hazing tradition, players dress like Steinbrenner : By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com : NEW YORK -- The Yankees are an organization steeped in tradition. From : their 26 World Series titles to the Hall of Famers who have called Yankee : Stadium their home, tradition is a big part of what makes the Yankees who : they are. 這邊大概是說洋基是個很有傳統的隊伍 所以這(指傳統)對於洋基隊員來說也很重要 (這段我翻不好 所以只取大概的意思) (這是我第一次翻譯的文章 若有疏漏的地方 請多多包涵) : With that in mind, the Yankees weren't about to let a doubleheader sweep : get in the way of a time-honored tradition: rookie hazing. 所以呢 今天雙重賽的結果 並沒有影響這個好幾年的傳統:菜鳥日 : Seven rookies took part in this year's festivities, as they returned : from the field to find their regular clothes gone, replaced by a : costume to wear on the trip to Toronto. 今年共有七個菜鳥參加活動 當他們從球場回到休息室 發現他們的衣服不見了 取而代之的是一套讓他們穿去多倫多的服裝 : In recent years, the costumes have ranged from Hooters girls : (Nick Johnson and Alfonso Soriano) to pimps (Jose Contreras and : Hideki Matsui) to Elvis Presley (Andy Phillips and Scott Proctor). 最近幾年 服裝從 Hooters女孩, Nick Johnson & Alfonso Soriano 皮條客, Jose Contreras & Hideki Matsui 到 貓王, Andy Phillips & Scott Proctor (哇~ Phillips 和 Proctor的貓王~~ 好想看照片~ 一定帥到爆 >////<) (註 Hooters girls 是美國一家連鎖餐廳的女服務生 會表演呼拉圈 附上連結 http://www.hooters.com 台北也有一家分店) : Last year, Chien-Ming Wang and Robinson Cano were outfitted in : cheerleader uniforms, complete with their names on the back of the shirt. : This year's winner? George Steinbrenner. 去年則是王建民和 Robinson Cano 穿著背後印有他們名字的啦啦隊制服 那今年要扮誰呢? 是大老闆 George Steinbrenner : "Dressing up in a costume may be embarrassing, but to be with the : New York Yankees, I'd do it every day if I had to," said T.J. Beam. : "I'd rather be wearing this than be sitting at home. I don't care if : I was wearing a bikini." T.J. Beam 說:穿上這樣的服裝是很讓人害羞的 但是為了成為紐約洋基的一份子 如果有必要的話 我願意每天都這樣穿 這至少比坐在家裡要來得好 我甚至不在意如果要我穿的是比基尼 (明年說不定就是bikini....@@~) : The seven players -- Beam, Melky Cabrera, Jose Veras, Sean Henn, : Andy Cannizaro, Jeff Karstens and Kevin Thompson -- were dressed in : blue blazers, white turtleneck shirts and gray dress slacks. The outfits : were topped off by gray-haired wigs and aviator sunglasses. 七名球員 Beam, Melky Cabrera, Jose Veras, Sean Henn, Andy Cannizaro, Jeff Karstens and Kevin Thompson 穿上藍色西裝外套 白色的高領上衣和 灰色的寬鬆長褲 加上灰色的假髮與飛行員用的太陽眼鏡 (冏rz 一整個很不搭的感覺 一定很funny XD) : "I'll take this over a dress any day," Karstens said. : The rookies posed for pictures in the clubhouse, eventually being joined : by manager Joe Torre for a few more shots. After the photo shoot was : complete, they headed to the stadium exit, where they signed autographs : for fans before boarding the bus for the airport. 這些菜鳥們在休息室裡擺POSE拍照 最後Joe Torre也與他們多拍了幾張 之後再到他們幫球迷簽名的球場出口 坐上前往機場的BUS : "I want to know where my golf cart is to take me to the bus," joked Beam. Beam開玩笑的說 我想知道來載我上BUS的golf cart在哪? (golf cart就是打高爾夫球時 在場內坐的那種小車車 中文不知道叫做什麼?) : Mark Feinsand is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject : to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. : http://0rz.net/7d1QY -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ecs:高爾夫球車? 09/19 01:03
cathdral:讓我想到 墾丁的Mini cart~~XD 09/19 01:11
peggie:阿……圖咧? 09/19 01:12
amberlee88:http://0rz.net/e51SE 看來今年對小卡布他們很好喔 XD 09/19 01:14
fclover:松井也太好笑了吧...XDXDXDXDXD 09/19 01:17
Quintina:最後圖是貓王嗎O_o 大松井是痞子皮條客O_O!! 09/19 01:19
peiyun:我差點笑倒在電腦前 XD 讓我想到"哈拉猛男" 09/19 01:21
painkiller:松井一整個傳神啊... 09/19 01:23
danieljaw:松井不需要換裝 他本來就很像了(逃啊!!) 09/19 01:42
cowboylie:blue blazer=>藍色西裝外套 09/19 01:42
感謝 已修改
upscom:明年會有魔斯拉嗎 XD 09/19 01:51
takarashi:我看電影Hooters大多翻成波霸餐廳 >//< 09/19 01:58
economist:Why was Matsui dressed up? He is not a rookie. 09/19 04:21
plutopolly:看到黑長襪 ... 09/19 05:18
yagray:松井很像港片常看到的"大傻”...(成奎安) 09/19 08:57
roger7313:去年是不是只有王跟cano而已??? 09/19 09:22
MarcLin:去年還有Vito 09/19 13:10
※ 編輯: peiyun 來自: (09/20 12:15)