精華區beta Nationals 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CMWang 看板 #1EVcgptY ] 作者: nowend (nowend) 看板: CMWang 標題: Re: [外電] Chien-Ming Wang finishes his season on a strong note 時間: Sun Sep 25 07:41:36 2011 ※ 引述《hereafter (Allons-y!)》之銘言: : Chien-Ming Wang finishes his season on a strong note : By Adam Kilgore : http://ppt.cc/CXtx (washington post blog) 小王以強力先發結束了這個球季 : In December, Nationals Manager Davey Johnson watched Chien-Ming : Wang pitch and held scant optimism he would pitch this season. : Wang used his right arm awkwardly, like a catapult, and pitches : left his hand with little power. Wang had been trying for more : than a year to return from a torn capsule in his right shoulder : and the major surgery it required. Johnson thought he may never : make it back. 去年十二月時,國民隊總教練Johnson看著小王練投的狀況, 心裡對小王這個球季是否能夠上場還只抱著一丁點的希望。 當時,小王右手的動作相當奇怪,甩臂的動作,看起來就像彈弓一樣。 他投出來的球,也沒有太大的威力。 自從小王的右肩出現肩關節囊磨損,接著又進行大手術治療後,他花了一年多的時間想要重返球場。 Johnson原本以為小王永遠不可能重現江湖了。 : After Wang’s 2011 season concluded Saturday, Johnson had changed : his mind. Wang has made a successful, unprecedented return from : his injury. Johnson has already decided, without any doubt, that : he wants the Nationals to sign Wang to a contract extension and : bring him back for next year‘s starting rotation. 不過,當小王今年(2011)的球季在星期六結束之後,Johnson的心裡已經不再有這種想法了。 過去從來都沒有人能從這種傷勢中復出,但小王卻成功地東山再起。 看到小王的表現,Johnson心裡再也沒有疑惑, 他早就已經決定要跟小王續約,把他留在國民隊,讓他成為球隊明年的先發大將之一。 : “Shoot,” Johnson said, “If I’m here, he can have my salary.” : Saturday, Wang allowed one run on four hits and no walks in six : innings, finishing his season with one of his strongest starts. He : struck out four and made only one mistake, a 3-2 sinker in the : fifth inning that Freddie Freeman drilled for a solo home run. For : the year, he finished with a 4.04 ERA, 25 strikeout and 13 walks : in 62 1/3 innings over 11 starts. Johnson說:「只要我繼續擔任教練,國民隊就一定會跟小王續約。」 小王在星期六的比賽裡一共投了六局,只讓勇士擊出四支零星安打。 雖然掉了一分,但是小王沒有投出保送,而且還三振了四名打者。 小王又一次的強勢先發,替這個球季畫下完美的句點。 小王唯一犯下的錯誤,就是在第五局面對Freeman投出滿球數, Freeman接著逮到一顆失投的伸卡球,敲出一發陽春炮。 小王今年共先發十一場,投了六十二又三分之一局,投出二十五次三振與十三次的保送。 他今年的自責分率是4.04。 : “It was a remarkable season,” Johnson said. “He got better : every time out. What a great comeback. The best is yet to come.” : Wang improved both the strength of his shoulder and the quality of : his pitching until the injury had almost become an afterthought. : Between starts, Wang bench-pressed like he once did before his : shoulder injury. In his last four starts, Wang struck out 16 and : walked none in 23 2/3 innings, a span of 93 batters faced. Johnson說:「這是一個很讚的球季。小王每次先發的表現都是越來越好。他的復出真是太棒了。 不過,我知道他還沒恢復到最佳狀態。」 球季結束之後,小王必須讓肩傷成為過往雲煙。 他最重要的功課,就是要強化肩膀的力量,同時要讓自己投出更多好球。 小王在每次輪值之間,都跟受傷之前一樣,會做舉重練習,好強化自己的上身力量。 在今年最後四次先發裡,小王一共面對了九十三個打席, 他祭出了十六次三振,而且連續二十三又三分之二局沒有投出保送。 : “I wish I still could pitch a couple more games this season,” : Wang said. “Every outing I get, I feel my shoulder stronger and : my breaking ball is coming back. I’m looking forward to next : season.” 小王說:「我好希望今年我能多投幾場球。每次先發,我都覺得我的肩膀變得更強壯。 而且我的變化球也回來了。真希望下個球季趕快到來。」(劉德華:好朋友一個一個回來了) : Wang improved as he gained more confidence in his sinker, which : went hand in hand with the confidence he had in the structural : integrity of his right shoulder. As Wang felt more comfortable : with his shoulder, he could put more sink on his fastball. 隨著小王對自己的伸卡球越來越有信心,他的表現也越來越好。 當然,這和小王相信自己右肩傷勢完全恢復也有很大的關係。 當小王對右肩的健康不再有疑慮時,他就可以投出下沈幅度更大的快速球。 : Catcher Ivan Rodriguez said: “I’ll tell you this: Every start : that he’s throwing, he’s going to be better and better and : better. He’s going to be a guy that is going to do a good job in : this organization. 鐵補IROD說:「讓我這樣說,小王每次先發,他都會變得越來越好,越來越好。 小王肯定會成為國民隊陣中表現優異的球員之一。」 : “I faced him when he was in his prime. He was throwing : 97-mile-an-hour sinkers. I think that is going to come as time : goes by. But what he’s doing so far is pretty impressive. He’s : throws harder with the Yankees, but you don’t need to throw hard.” IROD說:「我曾與顛峰狀態的小王對決過。他可以投出時數達到九十七英里的伸卡球。 我想,小王的球速遲早都會恢復,但他現在的表現已經夠讓人印象深刻了。 雖然小王在洋基隊時可以投出更沈重的伸卡球,但那其實是沒必要的。」 : (Nick Wass - ASSOCIATED PRESS) Wang also contributed Saturday in a : surprising way – at the plate. In the fourth inning, the Braves : intentionally walked Rodriguez to face Wang with men on second and : first. It seemed a sound decision given Wang’s 0-for-32 history : at the plate. But he made it 1 for 33 by slicing a grounder down : the first base line, an RBI single. His teammates called for the : ball, and Wang planned to display it in his living room. 另一方面,小王星期六在打擊區還有令人意想不到的表現。 球賽進行到第四局時,國民隊球員分佔一、二壘,勇士隊故意保送了IROD,想要抓小王這個出局數。 因為小王過去三十二個打席從來都沒擊出過任何安打,所以這個決定似乎是正確的。 不過,在這第三十三個打席時,小王擊出了沿著一壘邊線的滾地安打,同時還帶有一分打點。 小王的隊友趕緊把這顆球要回來,小王也打算把這顆球放在他家客廳裡展示。 : In line with his incentive-laded contract, Wang made another : $100,000 for his start, and he will make another $500,000 simply : for remaining on the roster after Tuesday. The Nationals also paid : him a $1 million base salary this season, following the $2 : million they paid him in 2010 for not throwing a single pitch. 根據小王今年簽下的激勵型契約,這次先發讓小王又賺進十萬美金。 此外,只要小王在星期二之後仍然沒被踢出輪值之外,他還可以多拿五十萬美金。 國民隊今年付給小王的底薪是一百萬美金; 去年小王雖然一球都沒投,但是球隊還是付給小王兩百萬美金的底薪。 : For the Nationals, Wang may really be worth the investment. He : feels appreciative for and comfortable with the franchise. His : success down the stretch will earn Wang another contract, but how : far he came meant more than money to him. 對國民隊來說,小王的表現也許真的物有所值。 小王對國民隊給他的待遇相當感激且滿意,而他的成功復出,也必然能為他贏得新的契約。 雖然有高額的年薪與獎金是很不錯的事情,但是小王的成功復出與成長,卻是具有更大意義的。 : “I’m really happy I can still pitch,” Wang said. 小王說:「我真的很高興我還能投球。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JAYW:應該是勇士不是運動家 09/25 08:12