精華區beta Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Boki Rising By Brian Costello January 31, 2007 Bostjan Nachbar, Small Forward, New Jersey Nets Originally selected by the Rockets in the 2002 draft (15th overall), Nachbar spent two-plus seasons in Houston before moving on to New Orleans. After a year with the Hornets, he was traded to New Jersey for Marc Jackson at the deadline last season. He finished the season in a limited role, averaging only 8.8 minutes in 11 games. Nachbar 在 2002 年的選秀會上被火箭隊以第 15 順位選中,在休士頓打 了兩年球後,來到了紐奧良黃蜂隊。接著他在黃蜂隊又打了一年球,然後 在上個球季的交易截止日之前,籃網隊以 Marc Jackson 為籌碼將他交易 到了紐澤西。他在籃網隊的出場空間相當有限,只上了 11 場比賽,而每 場比賽也僅有 8.8 分鐘的上場時間。 While the Nets are blessed with a trio of superstars (Jason Kidd, Richard Jefferson, Vince Carter) few teams can match, the quandary is how to build depth behind them. With only so many minutes to fill, the tendency is to fill out the bench with either situational (i.e. role players) or "quick spurt" types. This approach works fine until one of the stars goes down, at which point the weaknesses of the bench players are exposed. 籃網隊在幾乎全聯盟無敵的黃金後場三劍客加持之下,剩下的問題就是如 何增加板凳的深度。在三劍客發揮的情況下,其實只有少數的時間需要板 凳球員出來填補,因此這些替補球員只要中規中矩地做好自己的任務,或 是在短時間內偶爾爆發一下就好。這樣的模式在三位巨星都保持健康的情 況下一直運作良好,但只要其中一個倒下了,板凳深度不足的問題馬上就 無所遁形了。 Luckily for the Nets, the bench has stepped forward in the face of injuries -- Mikki Moore for Nenad Krstic, and recently Nachbar. Since Jefferson went down on January 20, the Slovenian forward has filled in nicely (15.3 PPG, 5.8 RPG, 2.8 3PG, 48.9 FG%, 57.1 FT%), and appears to have carved out a 30-minute niche for himself. 然而很幸運地,雖然籃網隊一直面臨接踵而來的傷兵問題,但替補球員及 時跳了出來提供非常充足的火力支援,先是替補 Krstic 的 Moore,接著 是最近的 Nachbar。在一月二十號 RJ 離隊接受手術治療之後,到目前為 止這位斯諾維亞的前鋒表現得相當稱職,每場比賽有 15.3 分、5.8 籃板 、2.8 顆三分球以及 48.9 % 的命中率,並為自己爭取到了 30 分鐘的出 場時間。 With Jefferson out at least a month, Nachbar should have plenty of opportunity to contribute for the foreseeable future. (Note however: he missed Monday's game with the flu.) While his value relies heavily on his long-range shooting, the recent strong FG% and rebound totals bode well for continued success. 由於 RJ 至少會缺席一個月,Nachbar 將會擁有很多的上場機會,做為一 個以長距離投射為主要貢獻的球員,他最近的高命中率和籃板數將幫助他 持續地走在成功的路上。 Some time soon the Nets are bound to make a run (not unlike last year's 14 straight) to seize the lackluster Atlantic Division. To do so however, they'll need a different model, one that makes far better use of the team's depth. Along with Marcus Williams and Moore, look for Nachbar to capitalize on the opportunity. 相信籃網隊一定會很快地打出一波長紅(就像上季的十四連勝),征服積 弱不振的大西洋組。當然前提是他們必須改變現在的模式,好好善用球隊 的深度除了 Marcus Williams 和 Moore 之外,更要把握機會好好地利 用 Nachbar 這位優秀的球員。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chinlingts 來自: (02/02 16:46)
F7:黃字部分真是一針見血......恭喜奶爸嶄露頭角,不只是帥而已 02/02 16:57
chochoorz:說得太含蓄...直接說換教練 應該比較快.... 02/02 17:07
onetwo12:哈...對呀...快換教練吧...快快快快快~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 02/02 17:16
F7:其實去年的RJ,數據表現也不過是這幾場的奶爸而已,得分多了幾分 02/02 19:20
F7:說不定以外射的功能性來講,奶爸更適合NETS 02/02 19:22
F7:現在NETS的戰術已經不太像以快攻為主的了.....@@ 02/02 19:23
chochoorz:快攻打不起來,是缺少抓籃板的機器. 02/03 08:49
chochoorz:RJ的防守跟切入是比乃霸來的好.不過外線就差一點.以現在 02/03 08:50
chochoorz:法禿愛用的單打VC戰術,確實乃霸比較好用,但是不是長遠之 02/03 08:51
chochoorz:計阿~ 快攻打不起來,是欠缺一個抓籃板機器,這很可惜. 02/03 08:52