精華區beta Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
By FRED KERBER The Nets believe they can maintain Eastern elite-team status. The core of Jason Kidd, Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson is proven. Nenad Krstic is an emerging stud who is bulked up (260-plus pounds) and well-rested after skipping the World Championships. Jason Collins is defense-first starter. That means one of the bench kids must arise in GM Ed Stefanski's view. "There's no question our core players are very good," Stefanski said. "Now, can someone from that young core bench step up and bring energy?" One guy they won't count heavily on is Ilic, whose future makes them salivate. Ilic took his physical yesterday, impressed with 20 pounds of bulk - bringing him to 252. And Ilic, 22, he is considered more advanced offensively than Krstic was when he arrived at 20. ~~ Krstic 在暑假增重至260磅以上(原本240),而Ilic 完成體檢,體重也有252磅。 期待這兩位SCG球員捍衛籃網的前線。 http://www.nypost.com/sports/nets/nets_let_youth_be_served_nets_fred_kerber.htm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NetsFan 來自: (09/14 11:36) ※ 編輯: NetsFan 來自: (09/14 11:37)
anana:幹的好 Krstic 09/14 11:55
JFCC:希望 靈活性 不要消失XD 09/14 12:40
chocobos:籃網禁區靠你了 09/14 14:21
edison1003:主宰東區禁區吧!! 衝阿 09/14 20:32
NetsFan:變壯的Krstic 更健康更瘦的Collins 大叔 Ilic Boone Moore 09/14 20:33
elviscarter:重要的是靈活性別失去囉!!! 09/14 20:54
misakiling:應該會失去吧 增加太快了 09/15 11:32
misakiling:我認為有反效果... 09/15 11:32
CharltonX:轉型成肉柱也不見得不好@@ 禁區防守比較重要~~ 09/15 12:17
NetsFan:240 好像是新人時期的體重 260是最近量的 所以可能之前就 09/15 12:21
NetsFan:有增加了 09/15 12:22