精華區beta Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Thursday, June 30, 2005 BY DAVE D'ALESSANDRO Star-Ledger Staff Keeping with the long and honored tradition of out-of-state drivers, Antoine Wright's party got lost yesterday. The group of three, which included his agent and his AAU coach, ended up at Continental Airlines Arena instead of the Nets' practice facility, where his introductory news conference was to be held. Somehow, the 21-year-old swingman found that entirely appropriate. "Yeah," he said, applying his game face. "I'm ready to play, ready to go now -- I went straight to the arena." Ready for everything, prepared for anything. That could be the kid's mantra, having encountered a fair amount of adversity in his short life, which suddenly became very bright Tuesday night, when the Nets made him the 15th pick in the NBA Draft. The San Bernardino, Calif., native has always had talent -- he was once regarded as one of the top five high school players in the country -- but there have been a number of obstacles to overcome on the way to the $4.5 million payoff he'll soon receive. For starters, there's the family. His father hasn't been around for some time, and his role model -- 24-year-old brother Tony -- has been imprisoned in San Luis Obispo, Calif., for a burglary conviction three years ago. "My brother is just a really tough guy, always been hard on me, always wanted me to be better than him," Wright said. "I know he's excited for me right now, and I can't wait to talk to him. He's had a tremendous impact on my life." The basketball part has been relatively easy, but hardly perfect, despite Elvert Perry's best efforts. Perry, an AAU coaching legend in San Bernardino, has a pipeline to the prestigious Lawrence Academy in Groton, Mass., where he has sent numerous players -- Richard Roby of Colorado and Sylvester Seay of Arizona State among them. So in the fall of 2002, Wright was sent 3,000 miles away from his mom and 16-year-old sister. Naturally, like many city kids, he hated it. http://www.nj.com/nets/ledger/index.ssf?/base/sports-0/1120108380245840.xml&coll=1 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: netsfan 來自: (06/30 23:49)