精華區beta Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
December 20, 2004 FORT MILL, S.C. (AP) -- Vince Carter's strained left Achilles' tendon will keep him from playing Tuesday night when the New Jersey Nets face the Charlotte Bobcats.But Carter can't wait to play for his new team and prove he hasn't lost a step or an inch on his vertical jump. Carter 受傷的左腳阿基里斯腱讓他無法在星期二晚上對上山貓隊時出賽,不過Carter早 已等不及跟他的新隊友進行練習,證明他的傷勢對他完全沒有影響。 "I'm going to make a lot of people eat their words when it's time," the former Toronto Raptor said after his first practice with the Nets. Don't be my friend later. If you hate me now, hate me later. I don't mind." 這位"前"暴龍隊球員在第一次隨隊練球後說道: 「該是讓那些批評我的傢伙們把話吞回肚子裡的時候了。」 「不要現在才來PLP,如果你老早就討厭我了,那繼續討厭下去吧,我根本不會在意。」 ADVERTISEMENT Carter was traded from Toronto to New Jersey on Friday for Aaron Williams, Eric Williams, Alonzo Mourning and two conditional first-round picks. The deal was finalized Monday, when the players passed their physicals. The Raptors waived the physical for Mourning, who probably will be bought out of his contract. For the 27-year-old Carter, this is a new beginning after 6 1/2 seasons in Toronto, where he was the face of the franchise and the person who took the heat when the Raptors didn't play well or when he didn't carry them to victories. Carter在上週五暴龍與籃網的交易中,被籃網以A Train,Eric Williams,晨星, 以及兩枚未來受限制的第一輪選秀權(分別是七六人及金塊)換來。這筆交易在星期一 交易球員們做過體檢後正式確定 (Mourning: 誰要體檢阿 XD)。 Mourning也因為耍性子而可能面臨暴龍買斷的下場(Mourning: XD XD XD 太高興了) 至於這位27歲,當了暴龍隊扛壩子6又1/2球季卻又無法帶給他們勝利的看板球星Carter, 正準備迎接他的新人生 "My whole goal was to take the pressure off of everybody else," Carter said. "I could shoulder the blame." Carter 說「我只想要卸下這個人人都會想要逃避的壓力,但我可以承受他們的責怪。」 Carter's role with New Jersey will be much different. The Nets are Jason Kidd's team first, then Richard Jefferson's. That doesn't bother five-time All-Star Carter. Carter在籃網的腳色會非常不同,這是Kidd隊長的球隊,在來是Jefferson (Jefferson:以後你就叫poor RJ啦),不過這對五度入選明星賽的Carter來說 一點都不是問題。 "I'm happy with it," Carter said. "I'm just there to be that other guy, that third guy to help out. Now who are you going to worry about more? It's going to be fun." 「我很高興看到這樣的情況,在這裡我只是一個小腳色,一個幫助球隊獲勝的人,並不 需要去擔心什麼,這樣真是太有趣了。」 (Kidd: 再這樣講我就要走人了 = = ) For the time being, no one will be worrying about Carter. He also doesn't expect to play Wednesday against Cleveland. A more realistic date for his Nets' debut is Monday at Detroit. 沒有人會擔心Carter,預料星期三對上騎士隊時他依然會穿著西裝坐在旁邊幫Kidd倒水 ,Carter真正有第一次穿著藍網球衣亮相是在下週一對上活賽時 (Carter: 第一次出場可是要好好挑選,痛電個活賽搞不好SHB大大還會幫我寫文章(羞) ) "It's feeling good," Carter said of the injury. "But I'm not going to rush it." Carter談到他的傷勢「感覺還不錯,不過我不會倉促就上場。」 Carter was given opportunities to criticize the Raptors, but chose not to. He was the subject of countless trade rumors and was nearly dealt to the Blazers and Knicks. He was surprised when he found out it was the Nets, but wasn't upset. Carter有機會拿著麥克風開始批評暴龍隊,可是他並沒有這樣做,他是本季以來無數 筆交易的關鍵人物,好幾次拓荒者和尼克也都差點把他交易到手。 當他知道最後他是被交易到籃網時,他驚訝中...卻不帶著失望。(敢失望試試看!!!) "I was happy that a decision was made," Carter said. "Seven years, time to move on." Carter繼續他的碎碎念「我很高興球隊做了這個決定,七年了,也該是做點改變的時候。」 -- 妳說會不會有朝一日 『愛』也終將變成一項失傳的技藝 只在超級市場的貨價上真空包裝著出售.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Razgriz:好有趣的注解@@~ 12/22
chanme:感謝翻譯~ 12/22
CharltonX:期待Carter... 12/22
baof:翻得好讚喔,借轉回VC球星版 thx 12/22
anotherlevel:希望他能跟Kidd,RJ待著 再打入季後賽 12/22
shefiroth:加油啦 VC&Nets~ 12/22
vince730828:哈哈,翻的好好笑!!!VC gogogo!!! 12/22
cloudyday34:推翻譯~~~ 12/23
bluewalker:翻譯團人選有著落了啊。^^ 12/23