精華區beta Nets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
By Austin Burton http://dimemag.com/2008/05/29/the-vince-carter-apologist/ Public perception is a peculiar thing. In the annals of ballplayers who came into the NBA as highlight-makers who dunked on everyone in their path and lived in the lane, the inevitable point in their careers when they have to adjust and become jump-shooters is met with varying responses. 大眾的認知是一種奇妙的事情。在每一個高飛灌籃球員進入 NBA 後, 他們每一次在禁區大個子前或是擺脫防守好手來個大灌籃留下的記錄, 是很難讓球迷抹滅的。 不可避免的一點是,當他們的生涯要進行轉變成跳投手的時候,總是會遇見 不同的反應。 Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were universally praised for it. Dwyane Wade is currently being encouraged to diversify his game and prolong what has been an injury-riddled career, after which he’ll no doubt be praised. And eventually critics will look more toward LeBron James and \ Josh Smith to change it up from the constant attack mode. Michael Jordan 和 Kobe Bryant 是被大眾讚揚。 D-Wade 也正遭遇改變他球賽方式的時機,以延長那傷病困擾的生涯時期, 還無疑問的,他還是會被讚揚。當 LBJ 和 Josh Smith 改變目前的進攻模式時, 恐怕批評將會著眼在他們倆身上更多。 Vince Carter? He gets called “soft” and “fragile” (or worse) and is accused of “settling” for jumpers when all he’s done is make the same adjustment every wildly athletic wing player eventually makes. Personally, I don’t get it. At a time in his career when injuries started to become a problem and he was approaching 30, Vince naturally became less of a slasher and more of a shooter. And it’s not like he didn’t get good results: in the past three seasons he’s shot around 45% from the field (compared to about 46% his first few years in the League), plus he’s still good for at least 21 points per game, several trips to the free throw line, and those occasional 40-point explosions. 關於 VC ? 有些人說他軟弱或是易受傷(甚至更差), 而且因為同樣像每一個運動能力很好的搖擺球員最終需要改變自己的球賽時, 因為以跳投進行他的球賽而遭受批評。 在他生涯的一個時候,當傷病成為一個問題時,還有當他年紀接近 30, Vince 自然而然的成為一個較少灌籃、較多投籃的球員。 但這並不代表他沒有得到很好的結果,在過去三個球季,他以 45% 左右的 命中率在聯盟生存,他在聯盟初期也約 46% 。 而且他依舊每場可以拿下至少 21 分,七次上罰球線的機會,甚至偶爾的40分爆發。 Because he was such an amazing dunker in his younger days, it’s like people are mad at Vince because he doesn’t get 75 percent of his points above the rim. But who does that? Look at George Gervin; famous for the finger roll, but his game was really very dependent on his jumper. MJ became the game’s biggest endorser on a foundation of dunking and the whole “Air” persona, but his jumper was the foundation of his game. That’s just how elite two-guards operate. 只因為在他較年輕的日子裡,他是一名非常讓人驚訝的灌籃高手, 就像人們會開始感到生氣,當 Vince 的分數有百分之七十五不在籃框附近取得。 再看看還有誰也是如此,George Gervin,他的切入上籃是很著名的, 可是他的球賽依舊很仰賴跳投。 MJ 成為球賽當中“高空飛行”最大的背書者,但是他球賽的本質也是跳投, 這就是優秀的得分後衛如何在他的生涯當中進行的。 For someone who’s often called lazy and a one-dimensional scorer, Vince Carter is far from it — he’s actually one of the best all-around players in the sport. This season he put up 21 points, six boards and five assists per game, making him one of only a handful of guys (LeBron, Kobe and T-Mac were the only others) to average 20-5-5 across the board. 對於某些人被稱為懶惰或者是單方面的得分球員,Vince Carter 離那裡遠得很。 事實上,他可是眾多優秀全面球員之一,上一個球季,平均 21 分, 帶有 6 籃板,5助攻。 其餘可以辦到如此的球員,也只有這幾個 Kobe, LeBron, 和 T-Mac,可以平均 20 - 5 - 5。 The biggest knocks on Vince are that he isn’t aggressive enough, he’s always injured, and that he doesn’t play hard. To address all three: 對 Vince 的批評中最多的是他不夠積極,或是他總是受傷,或是不夠認真。 我們來看看這三點。 (1) Vince still dunks on cats regularly and attacks the basket often. You’d have to regularly watch Nets games to see it — which I’ve been able to do living in the NY/NJ area — but you can also look at his 429 free throw attempts this past season, which ranked 22nd in the League. Vince took more free throws (a good indication of attacking the basket) than notoriously aggressive scorers like Baron Davis, Monta Ellis, Deron Williams, Chris Paul, Brandon Roy and Tony Parker, among others. And according to CBS Sportsline’s unofficial “Dunk-O-Meter” ticker, Vince threw down 71 dunks this season, 38th-best in the League and higher than Gerald Wallace, Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, Tim Duncan and Jason Richardson. (1) 事實上, Vince 依舊經常灌籃和進攻籃框,你必須經常看籃網的球賽來 看到這事實,這也是住在 NY/NJ 區域的我常看到的,在上一個球季他有 429 次 上罰球線的機會,這在聯盟排行第 22 。 Vince 跟一些積極的進攻者比較起來還拿了更多的罰球機會,包含 Baron Davis, Monta Ellis, Deron Williams, CP3, Brandon Roy, Tony Parker 等。 CBS Sportsline 的非官方灌籃統計, VC 依舊灌了 71 次的籃,比 Gerald Wallace, Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, Tim Duncan, Jason Richardson 還多。 (2) Over the past four seasons, Vince has played in 314 of a possible 328 regular season games. In that same span, Kobe — who no one’s ever accused of being fragile — has played in 305 games. Kevin Garnett, another guy given all the warrior credit in the world, has played in 305. (2) 在過去四個球季,328個出場機會,他出場了314場。 以同樣的標準, Kobe - 從未被批評易受傷的,出場了 305 場。 KG,這位被世界公認為戰士的球員,也出場了 305 場。 (3) The perception that Vince consistently doesn’t play hard all stems from the infamous interview where he admitted he didn’t always give it his all in Toronto. If you really think Vince Carter is the only NBA player who has occasionally played at less than 100 percent, you’re kidding yourself. Watch a Clippers/Bobcats game in March and tell me everyone on the court is going all-out. And on a bigger stage — and I hate to keep bringing up Kobe, but he is the game’s most visible player and the standard by which active two-guards are judged — look at the two Game 7 losses Kobe suffered at the hands of the Suns in ‘06 and ‘07. In fact, in Game 1 of this year’s San Antonio series even Lakers fans were saying Kobe didn’t go all-out in the first half when he scored only two points. (3) 會有人說 VC 不夠努力,可能因為他接受的一次訪問中,說在Toronto 沒有付出 全力。 但如果你覺得 VC 是NBA 唯一這樣的球員,那你一定是在開玩笑。 看看在三月的比賽 快艇和山貓,並試著告訴我他們全部都是拼了老命在打。 在看看更高的階層,先說,我不喜歡把Kobe 的話題帶起來,但是他是一個 最容易注意到的球員,並且樹立了目前得分後位的標準。 在06,07 對上太陽的那兩個系列賽,甚至今年對馬刺的系列賽,一些球迷 也說Kobe 上半場不夠認真,因為只拿了兩分。 I’m not a huge Vince Carter fan, but I don’t think he deserves all the hate fans seem to have for him. If you’re in that group, what’s your reason for disliking VC so much? 我不是一個 VC 的狂熱球迷,但我不認為他必須承受這些憎恨者給他的東西。 如果你是那個團體的人,你討厭 VC 的原因究竟是什麼? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NetsFan 來自: (06/02 11:54)
eilgreen:只能給推了~~VC真的揹了許多莫名其妙的原罪 06/02 11:54
※ 編輯: NetsFan 來自: (06/02 11:56)
elviscarter:因為VC當初太紅了~~所以反迷找到機會一定要打壓他,另 06/02 11:58
elviscarter:一方面是,VC沒有達到當初大家對他的期待~MJ接班人or 06/02 11:59
elviscarter:聯盟新生代霸者...所以滿多人在與預期落差下而糗她 06/02 12:00
NetsFan:其實最能證明自己的時候 就是把球隊的戰績帶起來 06/02 12:00
elviscarter:希望下季能健健康康在次帶領籃網衝擊總冠軍啊! 06/02 12:01
BadJack:對 把戰績帶起來! 下季是VC證明自己的時機 06/02 12:02
BadJack:希望Kiki和Thorn能給他一個內線的好幫手 06/02 12:04
ChiangPing:Gerald Wallace因傷打太少場了。J-Rich則是變成跳投人 06/02 12:05
elviscarter:籃網板 最近難得人氣破10耶XD 可喜可賀 06/02 12:07
BadJack:J-Rich灌籃大賽很猛 但實戰有點虛 06/02 12:08
Reyyy:我還是每天日夜都會進來看看 對VC和籃網的感情太深厚了 06/02 12:12
NetsFan:大家努力貼些資訊 讓這邊不至於缺水吧 !!! 06/02 12:15
elviscarter:我也是~上班比較有空就偷看一下XD 晚上睡前上來晃晃 06/02 12:19
gf65:VC只能說運真的不順.....生涯第四年就進場 那時候正要起飛啊 06/02 12:48
anyweather:推呀~ VC超可憐 希望VC這次動完刀後 可以再造第二春 06/02 13:24
Duncan7406:VC最後在暴龍大概惹到不少球迷 有人罵他也不意外啦= = 06/02 14:08
a29657273:狂推這篇 06/02 14:08
badprince:真的很多人認為 VC = half-dunker half-nothing 啊 06/02 14:19
badprince:連摸速和八顆粒都這樣愣為 06/02 14:21
badprince:顯然的原因有二 他的灌籃風采讓他的其他才能相形失色 06/02 14:22
badprince:以至於被忽視?! 第二 在同位置上的球迷佔有率被有相對 06/02 14:23
badprince:身型 較 陰柔飄逸 的 柯比 踢妹佔走了 06/02 14:25
badprince:加上籃網又不是強隊 以致於大部分人都只看過VC的十大 06/02 14:26
scottham:half-dunker half-nothing .... 06/02 14:27
badprince:百灌之類的 很少注意它的比賽 湖人火箭受注目程度真 06/02 14:28
badprince:的大很多 06/02 14:28
badprince:看ptt一段時間下來真的覺得VC被評價遠不如KB TM等人 06/02 14:31
badprince:比之PP Ray之類的大概也會一堆人說VC敗 06/02 14:32
badprince:有時對於這樣的輕視真的會感到莫名的憤怒 06/02 14:32
badprince:╮(╯︿╰)╭不過習慣了 ( ′-`)y-~能看到VC健康好表現 06/02 14:35
badprince:就滿足了 不過還是是希望VC明年好表現拉起戰績到50勝up 06/02 14:37
badprince:或許能改變很多人的看法 06/02 14:37
sam105251:淚推 T.T 06/02 14:43
badprince:另外補充個VC新影片好了 不過沒啥特別的 想下就下吧 06/02 14:52
badprince:http://tinyurl.com/4tzm5m 06/02 14:53
VinceDunk:推好文 我的最愛還是Vince Carter!!! 06/02 15:53
OGoTTe:推B大 VC真的被其他人看的很扁 不過已經習慣了( ′-`)y-~ 06/02 17:07
OGoTTe:我只希望看到下季VC健康出賽正常發揮就很滿足了 06/02 17:08
Maxslack:這篇去挑Kobe的問題是很沒意義的 事實就是Kobe在總冠軍賽 06/02 18:10
Maxslack:了...VC的問題出在自己 重新當老大的感覺要自己抓回來 06/02 18:11
hotcom:(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 輸給自己? XD 06/02 18:18
BadJack:這篇有去挑Kobe的問題? 只是說到他的出賽場次 摳迷太敏感 06/02 18:25
BadJack:作者根本也沒拿他們兩個比較 只是拿KB說明VC出賽狀況正常 06/02 18:26
BadJack:而且作者也說了Kobe是得分後衛的典範 這樣還有問題?? 06/02 18:29
VCThree:@@? 太敏感了吧 沒說Kobe怎樣吧 06/02 19:38
VCThree:話說湖迷真是High~ 每個板都逛 真羨慕呀 06/02 19:42
mlcdkb:看到某人的推文我笑了,怎麼就自己拉椅子坐下來了 06/02 19:51
Maxslack:看NBA當然不只看自己的喜歡的球隊 Carter也是不錯的球員 06/02 20:25
Maxslack:最後硬要提Kobe出來一下的 好像是原作吧 推文不就表達一 06/02 20:26
Maxslack:下自己的看法而已? 06/02 20:26
Maxslack:這篇最後順便把山貓快艇坦克的事也酸一酸 我想提醒一下 06/02 20:29
Maxslack:山貓三月做掉過湖人... 06/02 20:30
NetsFan:原作的意思應該是 球員並非都能永遠付出他們的最多... 06/02 20:42
NetsFan:就像vc 在暴龍時期 依舊轟過51分 06/02 20:43
NetsFan:當然籃網版是任何人都能來看的 06/02 20:44
cancernan:好像也沒說KB怎樣吧~應該只是原作者想到題一下而已吧 06/02 22:11
date310164:VC加油..趕快健康起來.. 06/02 23:56
mysterio619:淚推壞王子的推文 06/03 12:31