精華區beta NewAge 關於我們 聯絡資訊
事實上我不喜歡知見心理學,但是它卻是當今心理學派別中最先進的思想 它認為你和你的思想是分開的,而不像傳統分析學派認為你有問題需要解決 它認為你可以簡單的透過〔換個的想法〕,來達到快樂和幸福 傳統心理學有一個致命的缺點導致他們無法治好他們的病患。那就是他們認為病患 潛意識有問題在那邊,需要挖出來解決它。但是就吸引力法則的觀點來說,這個 認為「它潛意識裡有問題」的觀點,正巧給了這個病患潛意識中的問題一個聚焦的能量, 於是,這次治好了,問題解決了,下次還會再來一次這個問題。 病患回去時看起來都ok,但是沒多久回來時,你會發現問題又出現了。 病患永遠都會回到你身邊讓你賺錢。永遠治不好。這對心理醫生來說是好事。 但是對諮商義工來說,是個頭大的東西。如果你是諮商義工,你可能會拼命的把病患 治好,給它許多自助的方法。所以我看很多諮商義工都用知見心理學。 同樣的,我不喜歡這個東西,為什麼?因為知道是知道,但是知道以後一點屁用也沒有 跟大部分新時代的書一樣,你絕對會喜歡他的理論,而且閱讀時你都很開心 但是看完以後,你卻不知道該幹麻,只能到處跟人家說這本書很好看,過了很久, 你的生活一點改變也沒有 這是我在網路上找到的,轉錄自 http://blog.roodo.com/ihere/archives/5981103.html 所以以下是本文作者翻譯的內容: =========================================================================== 知見心理學基本法則 底下是我翻譯自英文知見心理學基本的原則 附上中英文 知見心理學對我而言是非常啟發性的心理學派 對我影響深遠 希望有來我網站的朋友也能獲益 1) Whenever there is a problem or conflict, there has to be a better way. Even in the most difficult of situations, there is always a solution that would allow everyone to win.Love, joining, forgiveness, communication, cooperation, and choice will lead us through. 當有問題或衝突產生時,總是有更好的出路 即使在最艱難的情境中,還是有一個讓所有 人皆贏的完美解答。 愛,參與,寬恕,溝通,合作與選擇會引領我們度過 2) The world is our mirror. Anything we do to others we do to ourselves first. We can only accuse others of something that we believe we ourselves are doing. We make our own reality and write our own stories. Conflicts with others reflect conflicts within ourselves。 By resolving our inner issues, we automatically resolve the problems in our world. 世界是自身的鏡子任何我們對其他人做的事情我們也已經對自己做了。我們只能譴責別人 我們相信我們正在做的事情。我們創造自己的實相,編寫自己的劇本。與他人的衝突反應 了我們內在自身的衝突。藉由解決我們內在的議題,我們自動的解決了外在世界的議題。 3) Anything that happens to us serves our purpose. When painful events occur, we typically have hidden the awareness of the purpose of the events from ourselves. Through accountability, we gain the power to make another choice, and to change what we do not like in our world。 發生在我們身上的所有事件都是來服務我們的。當痛苦事件發生時通常也潛藏著自我覺醒 的契機。經由承擔起責任,我們得到做其他選擇得力量,去改變我們在世界裡不喜歡的部 份 4) No one can do anything to us that we are not already doing to ourselves.No one can do anything to us that we are not also, at some level, doing to others. 沒有人可以做任何我們沒對自己做的事情來對待我們。某程度而言,也沒有人會做那些 我們對別人做的事 (施與受的平衡法則) 5) As we change our beliefs, we change our patterns. Our direction in life comes from our attitude, which is the result of our continuous choices toward the same end. 當我們轉變我們的信仰,我們也改變了自己的模式。 我們人生的方向來自於我們的態度 ,這是不斷朝著同一目標後連續選擇的結果。 6) We are always in the perfect place to learn the lesson we most need to learn in order to heal and grow. Our most painful experiences, once they are healed, become the greatest gifts to ourselves and to others。 我們總是在最完美的地方為了學習我最被需要療癒和成長的課程。 我們最痛苦的經驗, 一旦被療癒。會成為對我們和對他人最棒的禮物。 7) We construct either heaven or hell on earth, depending on what we give to our relationships. They are the means to create transformation. To bond with others and heal relationships creates an accelerated path of growth, because healing the distance between ourselves and those around us heals problems. 我們不是創造天堂就是創造了地獄,端賴我們在關係中付出什麼。他們是創造轉化的工具 。與他人連結和療癒關係可以創造出加速的成長,因為療癒我們自己和週遭人的距離療癒 了問題。 8) Leadership lets nothing be more important than answering the calls for help around us. As we recognize that our best interests and the best interests of others are always the same, we move ourselves forward also. To have true success, everyone's interests must be served. If anyone is the "bad guy," everyone loses. It is essential to keep communicating until everyone wins. 領導力最重要的就是回應我們周遭人呼求幫忙。當我們認出我們最佳利益和週遭人的最佳 利益是一致的同時。我們也往前邁進。要有真實的成功。要服務每個人的利益。假設任何 人是”壞蛋”,那個每個人都輸了。最重要的是持續不斷的溝通直到每個人都贏。 9) Problems are opportunities to heal the pain of the past, disguised as the pain of the present. All healing is part of our general purpose; it leads us towards our personal purpose. It is never too late to have a happy childhood. This recognizes that all pain is a misunderstanding. As problems are solved, understanding is brought to past and present circumstances, and our history and our future change for the better. 問題就是治癒過去痛苦的機會,而以現在的痛苦偽裝出現。所有的療癒是我們共同目標 的的一部份。它領導我們邁進個人目標。擁有個快樂的童年永遠不會太遲。這會體認到所 有的痛苦都是誤解。當問題解決時,了解會被帶到過去和現在的情境,我們的歷史和未來 會變的更好。 10) The key to our fulfillment is to live our purpose. Embracing our destiny is the best gift we can give the world.Our personal destiny and purpose is to help the world in some way unique to us. 自我圓滿的鑰匙在於活出我們的使命與目的。擁抱我們的命運是我們可以給世界最好的禮 物。我們個人的命運和使命就是用我們非常獨特的方式在幫助這個世界。 11) All manner of pain and suffering are washed away by love,when empathic "joining" between two or more people occurs. By transcending personal barriers we can become "one" with others, and experience the higher states of consciousness in which pain can no longer exist. 各種形式的痛苦和受難都會經由愛洗淨,當經由兩個或是更多人同理心的”參與”發生時 ,在此我們會經驗到更高的意識狀態,痛苦將不再存在。 12) Relationships are the fundamental building blocks of life. Given that relationships are the fundamental building blocks of life, it would also hold that the path of relationships is an evolutionary path. From this it would also hold that every problem is a relationship problem at some root level. 各種形式的關係是生活的基石。因為關係是生命的基石,所以經由關係的路徑也是演化的 路徑。依此看來,關係的中的每個問題都是深刻的根源問題。 13) We are on an evolutionary path to realize that we are Spirit,on the way to Oneness. Receiving grace and miracles is the easiest way to move toward that aim. 我們是在一個演化的路徑中以體悟我們是靈性的存在體,在一個往合一的道路中邁進。接 受恩典和奇蹟是往目標邁進最輕鬆的道路。 14) Whatever our circumstances,however we see things, the answer always lies in healing. It is what we have come for. 無論我們的情境如何,不管我們如何看到事情。答案總是在療癒當中。這就是我們此生的 所為何來。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cozoo 來自: (06/11 10:43)
chaos0807:那可可亞大覺得有用的東西是什麼@@? 06/11 11:21