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http://www.ananova.com/sport/soccer/story/sm_806899.html?menu=sport.football Ajax's Norwegian defender Andre Bergdolmo has delivered a snub to Portsmouth after joining Borussia Dortmund. The player claimed he did not consider Portsmouth a serious proposition for honours. He told VG newspaper: "Playing for Dortmund is obviously great for me - and far more exciting than Portsmouth. "Dortmund are always fighting for honours in the Bundesliga and they are in the Champions League while Portsmouth will not be one of the six best teams in the Premier League. "I have never been in a team lower than sixth and that is a good tradition to keep." Story filed: 12:51 Thursday 7th August 2003 -- 有心 沒心 心在芬蘭 多情 薄情 情繫 Ajax -- ※ 編輯: JariLitmanen 來自: (08/07 23:39)