精華區beta Notebook 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我用的電腦是ASUS F9F 用了一年後 幾乎每個月電腦都會有新的問題 連著三個月都拿去送修 讓我覺得超生氣的 就寫信去asus抱怨一番 請看下文 這是我寫給他們的信 I just got my laptop back yesterday. Everything is fine so far. I just want to complain about your product quality. After using this laptop for one year, several functions couldn't work, such as USB port,and system freeze all the time. I sent the laptop to your repair center in Taipei and they gave me a new hard drive and one motherboard. However, things didn't improve at all.I have no choice but to send it to repair center in toronto where I live. What's weird is that they said I still needed to change hard drive and motherboard. But after got it back, here came new problem. My battery couldn't be charged. In the beginning, I thought it's battery's problem and thus I bought a new one. Then I realized that's the laptop's problem because even the new battery couldn't be charged. So again, I sent it to repair center again and they said it's motherboard's problem. Now it seems everything is repaired and hopefully I don't need to sent it to repair center anymore. Since August, I sent it to repair center every month. I have works to do and it's very inconvenient to have a laptop like this! 結果他們的回答是: We apologize for the inconvience but ASUS quality should be one of the best globally. If there are any issues or concern regarding the unit please let us know so we can provide you excellent customer or technical support. 總言之我覺得他們的回答很鬼打牆 我就已經跟你講了一堆說產品品質很差了 他們還硬要說ASUS quality should be one of the best globally-_-" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dolopa:華碩品質,以卵擊石!! 10/28 22:56
joexx12:他可能只是貼上一段 他們常用的官方回文XD (誤) 10/28 23:03
prince1981:我覺得蠻正常的呀 因為是客服收信嘛 就是制式回答囉 10/29 00:30
prince1981:除非是工程師回信 他才會問你遇到什麼問題 10/29 00:31
prince1981:先想一下你要什麼 再決定找誰處理 如果抱怨找客服 10/29 00:32
prince1981:是很正確的一件事= = 10/29 00:33
ZX7:不然他要承認 yes!ASUS should be one of the best globally 10/29 04:32
ZX7: bad 10/29 04:32
ZX7:你是客服你會這樣砸自己的腳嘛? 請他們轉工程師吧! 10/29 04:33
levin:我說真的 寫這種抱怨信 他也只能這樣回應你 10/29 16:31
levin:你可以寫信過去告訴他們真正問題所在並且要求改進 10/29 16:32
levin:或許這樣你比較能夠得到你要的答案或是回應 10/29 16:32
iewil:維修找工程師抱怨找客服只有維修工程師能真正幫你處理啦 10/29 21:54