精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"Live Forever"是"Definitely Maybe"的第三張單曲 當時曾爬升至單曲榜的第十名(I can't understand how come it wasn't No.1 !?) 也是oasis精神理念最極致的發揮和表徵 我個人非常喜歡它的歌詞 Noel在字裡行間表達出的不只是身為人最原始最誠懇的渴望-fly,live,breathe forever 也藉此鼓勵他的媽媽Peggy勇敢面對自可能面臨的生老病死 以及過去那段不愉快的婚姻 根據Paul在"Brothers"一書中提到 Peggy在他們兄弟的印象中向來是個投入,專注的園丁(gardener) 住家後的花園一直是她的驕傲和樂趣所在 當他們可怕的爸爸Tommy還和他們住在一起時 那個花園幾乎是Peggy除了他們三兄弟之外最大的安慰 Noel總是很想告訴Peggy堅強勇敢一點 把他們帶離Tommy這個不要也罷的失職父親... 而現在 "Live Forever"這首歌被賦予了更多的意義 因為它讓全世界的oasis迷擁有了無比偉大的夢想 和為自己的自由鬥爭的勇氣 Maybe I don't really want to know How your garden grows Cos I just want to fly Lately did you ever feel the pain In the morning rain As it soaks you to the bone Maybe I just want to fly I want to live don't want to die Maybe i just want to breathe Maybe I jsut don't believe Maybe you're the same as me We see things that they never see YOU AND I ARE GONNA LIVE FOREVER Patsy "Gallagher" -- 我是派西蓋勒格 暱稱是班森與哈吉斯 Patsy-Liam's beautiful wife Gallagher-Liam and Noel's last name benson&hedges-the brand of Noel's fav cigarettes and the nicknames of his two cats~ Cheers!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: