精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
from nme.com NOEL - "I'LL DO A SOLO ALBUM" NOEL GALLAGHER has broken his silence about his shock departure from OASIS on Tuesday, saying his relationship with his brother LIAM is irrevocably broken. In an interview in today's Sun newspaper Noel said: "We don't勧have a relationship outside the band. We are not good at playing happy families." He denied that Oasis will split, saying he will record a solo album but "that doesn't necessarily mean you are leaving the band. I intend to do both". He attacked Liam旧 claim that he was 蝽orn to be a star鈬 saying: "He's旧 just a normal kid with a good voice singing in a good band. It旧 as simple as that. He's a singer. Singers have massive egos. "All the things about stardom are just fucking bullshit. The more you believe it the more stupid and meaningless your actual life becomes." In an interview with new guitarist Matt Deighton he admitted that he旧 never even talked to Liam. -- 電腦有點兒問題,所以有些字出不來...... 但是Noel和Liam好像真的鬧到決裂了 唉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: