精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是由Music365網上雜誌讀者留言有關Noel歐洲巡迴演唱會落跑事件的感想: IT'S THE curse of Patsy. Big Audio Dynamite went down the (admittedly short) tube when she hooked up with Dan Donovan, but the demise of Simple Minds and Oasis can not be coincidental. Members of Travis and the Stereophonics would be advised to steer well clear. - Tony Willmott 這全都是Patsy Kensit(Liam的老婆,之前和Big Audio Dynamite的主唱Dan Donovan 以及Simple Minds的主唱都曾有過一段婚姻)這個女人惹的禍.想想她令幾個前夫主唱 的團走下坡的前例就可以知道,Oasis是躲避不了這個"搖滾剋星"的詛咒的.相信是時候 輪到新進的樂團像Travis和Stereophonics來掌舵主導了. I'VE HAD enough of the Gallagher brothers fighting. I have two tickets to see Oasis live at Murrayfield and the first person to ask me for them will get them! - Tony Donaldson 我已經受夠蓋勒格這倆兄弟之間的爭吵了.我這有兩張綠洲在Murrayfield演唱會的票, 先寫信向我要的人先贏! BEST thing he could do is to leave the band and go solo!!! He has more talent in his little finger than the rest of the band put together. His voice is a damn site better than his brothers is, as well!! - Roy A 現在對他(Noel)來說最好的決定就是離團單飛了!他擁有比剩下的整個團更多的創作才華. 他的歌聲也日趨成熟,甚至比起Liam有過之而無不及. NOEL should just go solo & leave Oasis to RIP... without Noel (or Liam) OASIS is NOTHING... - Damon Landry Noel應該去單飛讓Oasis就此分裂解散...沒有Noel,Oasis什麼也不是... WHO really cares? - Tim Wedlake 誰鳥這檔事啊? ALL Noel wants is a break. He deserves a break. The man is a living legend, like Paul Weller. Noel will be back with the band and all will be forgotten. You must remember that the reason Noel has left for now is because he is concerned about his brothers health. I believe that Liam will realise that he has done wrong and will come to his senses. Without Noel there is no Oasis and I feel that means too much to let go. - Kevin Riordan Noel只不過想暫停一下,這個"假期"是他應得的吧!這個男人就像Paul Weller一樣 是個"活生生的傳奇"...我想Noel終究會回到Oasis,一切誤會也都將冰釋. 我們必須了解他這個舉動是出於對Liam"自殘"(傳聞Liam又開始喝酒了...)的抗議 和不諒解.而相信Liam也會恢復理智,明白自己的不是.沒有Noel就沒有Oasis, 所以他不會輕言放棄的. I DON'T believe for a second that Oasis is 'over'. It is yet another publicity stunt and, as he did after all his previous arguements with the band, he'll RETURN! (perhaps not kiss and make up though!) - from Nicola age 13 我從來就不相信Oasis會就這樣完蛋.這次的事件只是另一次媒體的渲染和炒作, 如往常一樣.Noel會回來的!(雖然也許不是那種美好的大團圓結局!) WHEN is Noel Gallagher ever going to grow up? Liam Gallagher has not missed one gig on this tour so far. Whatever boozing or partying he has been involved in has NOT affected his on-stage performance. I saw OASIS in Atlanta and the band was great especially Liam. Give Liam a break! Noel, grow up! You are coming across as a "cry-baby". You are either in a rock band or not in a rock band. You cannot have it both ways. It's not fair on OASIS fans and it is not fair on your fellow band members. Have a nice creamy pint of Guinness in London, give Meg a hug, and Anais too, and then get back on the plane to France pronto!!! - Ray Kelly, Fort Lauderdale Noel都幾歲的人了還長不大? Liam Gallagher今次在巡迴的過程中可說是"全勤"出席. 縱使他又酗酒又搞狂歡,也沒影響到上台之後的演出啊!我參與了Oasis在亞特蘭大的 演唱會,整個團都很棒,尤其是Liam. 饒了Liam吧! Noel,拜託你成熟點!你的行為就像 受了委屈就找人哭訴的小孩.你要嘛就好好待在這個樂團要嘛就乾脆離開.別弄得大伙 兩邊不是人.這樣無論對支持你的歌迷或剩下的Oasis成員來說都不公平.你既然回了家 那就放寬心品嚐美酒,好好和Meg以及女兒Anais享享天倫之樂,然後趕快回到法國繼續巡迴! I AGREE that if Noel is quitting for good then, they are thru. They may just be a studio band... but no touring will kill them. - Emjones 我同意如果Noel永久離開Oasis,那這個團便完蛋了.他們或許可以考慮當個"錄音團"... 但缺少了巡迴演唱會他們也活不下去吧. I WOULD like to make the point that Oasis has as "fallen out" once before when Noel left after the 'Be Here Now' tour. Oasis will not die. - Carey 我必須提醒大家這樣的情況在Oasis的巡迴演唱的團史中已經不是第一次了(Liam和Noel 都有落跑的記錄...)但Oasis還是存活了下來,他們不會輕易消逝的. OASIS should give up touring and concentrate on making their next album their greatest. It never did The Beatles any harm. If there is tension between Noel and Liam then touring would certainly accentuate this, whereas if they gave up touring, all the band members would have time to do their own thing. Maybe the atmosphere would be more conducive to creativity. Oasis need to live up to their potential on their next album, and I think that giving up touring will help them achieve this. - Philip Mosley Oasis真應該放棄巡迴然後致力於下張專輯的製作.披頭四就是個不巡迴 也很成功的例子啊.如果Noel和Liam之間真有什麼緊繃的關係,那持續不斷的 巡迴勢必會加速惡化的情形.相反的,如果沒有了密集的巡迴演唱行程,全部的 團員都可以好好發展自己的生活,而團員之間的氣氛也會在良性互動的基礎下 發揮更棒的創作力.Oasis必須在下張專輯使出他們新陣容的潛力,而我想取消巡迴 會幫助成就這一點. Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Liam only drinks twice a week now, which is Monday-to- Thursday and Friday- to-Sunday. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: stmail.fju.edu.tw