精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這次的落跑事件也帶給Noel很大的衝擊 他似乎開始認真考慮自己未來的動向了... 除了先前提到勢在必行的單飛專輯(已經寫好三首歌...)的計畫之外 Noel也表示他大概會在五年後 也就是37歲左右"退休" 不再參與Oasis這個團 "如果五年後我們還一起待在Oasis裡,那就表示我已經待在同一個團15年了, 這對我來說太長了..." "我的理想是轉戰錄音室當個日漸發胖的製作人(哈~)專心製作著全英最棒最酷 的新樂團,無論那將會是哪個幸運兒..." Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" Noel to retire in five years time The songwriter, who is due to link up with Oasis again for their UK dates, pledged his immediate future to the band, but his masterplan was to be retired in five years time. He said: "If we are still together, that means I'll have been in this band for 15 years. That's too long. "Hopefully I'll be in a studio being a fat producer producing the coolest new band in England, whoever that might be. I might do an Oasis reunion tour for the money." The falling out is the latest in a series of bust-ups between the brothers. In 1996, Noel returned early from Oasis' US tour, after admitting the band was in a "drug-fuelled haze" and Liam, 27, later missed an MTV recording following another row, leaving Noel to fill in on vocals. Last year, both bass player Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan and guitarist Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs quit to spend more time with their families, plunging the group's future into doubt. ments, but with the last album receiving moderate reviews and Noel and Liam now both fathers themselves, many pundits now feel it would come as no great shock if they finally decided enough was enough. They recruited Gem Archer and Andy Bell as replace -- There's no way Meg's moving up north. Fuck that! Not enough Gucci shops up north. --Noel Gallagher on the reason why he "can't" stay in Manchester -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: stmail.fju.edu.tw