精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Noel打破沉默 為解散的流言澄清 解釋和Liam之間的不快之外 也吐露一些和Liam不同的人生觀: "I don't consider myself a star. I don't think I was born a star. I was born left-handed, working class, no money, no future, no job. That's what I was born," he told the paper. "我並不認為自己是明星.我也不相信什麼生來就是明星的屁話.我只是個生來左撇子, 出身勞工階段,原本沒錢沒工作沒未來的人而已.這就是我." 他這麼告訴記者. "I was born a human being. Stars are not human beings. If he considers himself to be above a human being then that's very sad." "我生來是個'人'.所謂'星'已經不是人類了吧.如果他(Liam)真的認為自己高於人類 那太可悲了." "I'm just like you. You are good at what you do and I'm good at what I do..." "我就像你們任何一個人一樣.你有你擅長的事,我也做著我拿手的東西..." Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- The best thing is being recognised in record shops. You sell 10 Oasis albums in a minute. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: stmail.fju.edu.tw