精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
直接翻譯囉... ASHCROFT - I'M BACKING OASIS! Ashcroft - 我仍然支持綠洲! Richard Ashcroft - Sticking up for his pals Richard Ashcroft- 聲援他的好友 RICHARD ASHCROFT has defended OASIS, saying they could be "the last of a kind". Richard Ashcroft為綠洲辯護,表示他們很可能是"此類最後的偉大搖滾樂團". Speaking exclusively to NME for a Fan-ish Inquisition, he said: "Their best albums are to come, if they want it. They may not want to. But they've got the chance to be the last of a kind..." 當接受NME獨家"答客問"的時候Richard說,"他們最棒的專輯將會產生,如果他們夠想要 的話.或許他們並不想要...但無可否認的,他們已經把握了機會成為此類最後的偉大 搖滾樂團." He also said: "People will go see Oasis play for 25 years because they caught people's attention at such a point. We have'nt got another band like that, apart from The Rolling Stones, and I think they should seize that opportunity and enjoy it. They could be the greatest touring band in the world if they wanted." 他同時也說到: "人們即使在25年後還是會去聽Oasis的演唱會,因為他們是如此地抓住 吸引了大家的視線.除了以前的Rolling Stone之外,目前還沒有新進的樂團能做到這種 程度.我想他們應該要好好把握這個機會並享受過程中的一切.他們可以成為世界上最偉大 的巡迴團如果他們想要的話." He also said the band could improve if Noel Gallagher allowed the other band members to help in songwriting duties. 他也談到讓其他團員加入創作不僅可以幫Noel分擔寫歌的重任,也會讓整個團的音樂 更加進步. He said: "I think they could do something special next album if they open up the songwriting and let Liam write some songs, maybe let all the rest of the members express themselves." 他說,"我想他們可以在下張專輯嘗試一些"不一樣"的東西,開放創作的空間,像是讓Liam 多寫幾首歌,或是允許其他團員透過Oasis的音樂表達他們自己." well,下半段報導是Richard回應Noel對於他即將新專輯製作人的批評.他說僅管之前沒和 這位製作人Pino Pallidino合作過,但他相信等新專輯一出來,大家聽過後自會明白,毋須 多說.而Noel在聽過後也會"頓悟"地認同他.他更反幽Noel一默說這次Oasis的新專輯不也 換了新製作人Mark Spike嘛?Noel倒是很信任他,沒放什麼瘋言瘋語嘛... During the interview Ashcroft also responded to Noel's criticism in a recent Oasis Fan-ish Inquisition of the former Verve singera??s decision to recruit session musicians for his backing band. Ashcroft said: "He said something like as if you're reading this Richard, don't do it? (about recruiting Pino Pallidino, who has worked with Paul Young and Eric Clapton). I found that highly patronising. And very narrow-minded from someone who hasn't heard the album. He'll be enlightened when he hears what I've done. Everyone has a history who we work with unless they're founder members but even founder members were in some shitehawk band before someone steered them away to their destiny." "Chris Potter, my producer, has a history, Spike Stent, his producer, has a history. The two new guys (Gem Archer and Andy Bell) in Oasis certainly have got a history (laughs). If you judge people by what they've done in the past you're wrong. The proof is in the pudding." See next week's NME for the full Ashcroft Fan-Ish Inquisition. NME.COM Cheers! Pasty "Gallagher" -- Liam only drinks twice a week now, which is Monday-to- Thursday and Friday- to-Sunday. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: stmail.fju.edu.tw