精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Primal Scream back Oasis "原始吶喊"支持綠洲 Primal Scream frontman Bobby Gillespie has backed Noel Gallagher after the Oasis songwriter walked-out on the band's world tour. "原始吶喊"主唱 Bobby Gillespie在綠洲主腦Noel Gallagher出走巡迴演唱會後 發表了支持的言論. Gillespie, speaking in an exclusive interview with dotmusic from Chicago, USA, said Gallagher had taken a 'f***ing heavy decision'. 他在Dotmusic於美國芝加哥的獨家專訪中說,Noel這樣做是"下了他媽的大的決心." But he wished Oasis well, as they seek to bring the band back together for the forthcoming UK dates, where Noel will appear. 但他祈願綠洲能繼續走下去,在將要來臨的UK巡迴行程前夕好好地重整旗鼓, Noel也適時返團. He stated: 'I really respect him as a man for doing that. It's hard to walk away from such a big band. It's hard to walk away from your brother 他表示,"我真的尊重他做了這樣一個決定.要知道從這麼個大團毅然決然出走 是多麼掙扎.要丟下你的兄弟離去又是多麼困難." 'It's f***ing heavy for the guy. It's heavy for everyone involved. I've got a lot of love and respect for Noel and Liam so I hope everything works out well for them. "對他來說真是他媽的不容易.對所有牽涉在內的人也不容易.我對Noel和Liam 有著很多的愛和尊重,所以我希望綠洲一切順利圓滿." 'I think emotionally it must be pretty tough for both of them just now, so I hope it works out well for them, because they're great people,' said Bobby. "我想目前對於他們兩個來說,特別是在情感上,這個情況一定都很不好受,因此我 真的祝福他們能克服困境,苦盡甘來,他們真是很棒的人." Bobby說道. DOTMUSIC Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- Liam only drinks twice a week now, which is Monday-to- Thursday and Friday- to-Sunday. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: stmail.fju.edu.tw