精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
well,這篇是比較"正面"的軼事吧^-^~ 前The Smiths吉他手Johnny Marr真是Noel的好朋友呢 在Oasis還沒出道前 Noel藉由自己的創作demo錄音帶 和Johnny搭起了友誼的橋樑 兩個吉他狂和常相約去逛樂器行哩;) 只不過古早以前大都是Noel在一旁流口水 看著Johnny一次砸下個數千英磅買吉他 不過這也多少激發Noel"看齊"的進取心吧;) Noel心裡暗幹"他媽的,這應該是我在做的事吧..." (以上資訊是由Daysleeper提供的Getting High雙CD中聽來的) 至今兩人也會不時互贈吉他切磋 Johnny還在訪談中模仿Noel的口音 說了一段Noel令他印象非常深刻的話: "Course it were great for you, you were fookin' Johnny Marr! Meanwhile I were ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stuck there buying your bleedin' records, and just living off them a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ few months until the next one came out. That were my life. That's all ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^哇~The Smiths真是Noel當時的精神食糧呢... there fookin' were in the 80s!" 而今年Oasis巡迴的暖場團之一 便是Johnny的團The Healer Johnny也提到Oasis目前不穩定的合作情形 和當年的The Smiths或Stone Roses所面臨到的危機有些類似 不過他相信Noel已經意識到這些問題 必須自己去解決囉 Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" Close friendship of Johnny Marr and Noel Johnny Marr is best known as the Smiths' guitarist and half of the songwriting team Morrissey (words) and Marr. He's given us three albums of melancholy guitar-dance as Electronic with New Order's Bernard Sumner, and gave Noel Gallagher his first serious guitar. But Marr still needs something more. Marr visibly brightens when asked about a more current friendship, with fellow Irish Mancunian Noel Gallagher. The pair are very close (Noel not only owns two of Marr's guitars, but recently purchased his old house), although Marr insists rumours that he was asked to join the re-jigged Oasis are 'rubbish'. 'Nice press story, though.' Marr admits he sees echoes of his own relationship with Morrissey in Noel's explosive bond with brother Liam, although Marr wasn't moved to give Noel advice when, like the Smiths, Oasis seemed in danger of imploding: 'That guy doesn't need advising on how to run his band.' Noel's long-term future with Oasis is still unclear, but no doubt he's acutely aware of the fate suffered by the Smiths (and, indeed, the Stone Roses) when they attempted to stutter on without their guitarist-songwriter. Marr cites a recent incident when he was getting uncharacteristically nostalgic about the 80s: 'Noel just slaughtered me!' he says. 'He went [adopts an uncannily accurate irate Gallagher voice] 'Course it were great for you, you were fookin' Johnny Marr! Meanwhile I were stuck there buying your bleedin' records, and just living off them a few months until the next one came out. That were my life. That's all there fookin' were in the 80s!" THE GUARDIAN -- A long moment. Very long. Everyone waited for something to happen. Nothing did. --John Ridley. U-Turn -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: