精華區beta Oasis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
啊我怎麼覺得他去剪頭髮了 不會“囚犯頭”再現江湖吧>_<~ http://www.the-masterplan.com/tmp/content/news/latestnews.asp 頭兩則新聞都是相關的照片和報導 Noel on Chris Moyles' Show December 24 - posted by RG Noel will be a guest in Chris Moyles' show on BBC Radio 1 in the next 3 hours maybe announcing details of the album. Chris Moyles is a massive Oasis Fan. Here you can hear it on the net : http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/webcam/ Enjoy!!! :) So far the new news is : Noel will be hanging out with Gem tonight. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 唉呦平安夜要和 Gem 一起過哦^-^~感情這麼好.... Noel will be going to Liam's house for Christmas. (Nicky's cooking) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 哦好棒哦聖誕節當天會去 Liam 家作客,小妮還要親自下廚哦;) Stills from the webcam : (Cheers Axel/xander) Source: TMP (thanks to stockport lad and rollinice) Cheers! 我也是和家人一起過的 Patsy "Gallagher" -- 至於偉大的詩人,那就是讓你在他的詩裡,讀到一種堅決、 強韌甚至霸道的風格自信與自主,宣告著不管海枯石爛、 世界毀了、時間停滯了,他都不會放棄,炫耀他的風格。 --楊照/“存在的最底層是風格” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: